mysql > select concat('rename table ', table_name, ' to ' , lower(table_name) , ';')
from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'your_schema_name';

rename table ofExtComponentConf to ofextcomponentconf;

rename table ofGroup to ofgroup;

rename table ofGroupProp to ofgroupprop;

rename table ofGroupUser to ofgroupuser;

rename table ofID to ofid;

rename table ofMucAffiliation to ofmucaffiliation;

rename table ofMucConversationLog to ofmucconversationlog;

rename table ofMucMember to ofmucmember;

rename table ofMucRoom to ofmucroom;

rename table ofMucRoomProp to ofmucroomprop;

rename table ofMucService to ofmucservice;

rename table ofMucServiceProp to ofmucserviceprop;

rename table ofOffline to ofoffline;

rename table ofPresence to ofpresence;

rename table ofPrivacyList to ofprivacylist;

rename table ofPrivate to ofprivate;

rename table ofProperty to ofproperty;

rename table ofPubsubAffiliation to ofpubsubaffiliation;

rename table ofPubsubDefaultConf to ofpubsubdefaultconf;

rename table ofPubsubItem to ofpubsubitem;

rename table ofPubsubNode to ofpubsubnode;

rename table ofPubsubNodeGroups to ofpubsubnodegroups;

rename table ofPubsubNodeJIDs to ofpubsubnodejids;

rename table ofPubsubSubscription to ofpubsubsubscription;

rename table ofRemoteServerConf to ofremoteserverconf;

rename table ofRoster to ofroster;

rename table ofRosterGroups to ofrostergroups;

rename table ofSASLAuthorized to ofsaslauthorized;

rename table ofSecurityAuditLog to ofsecurityauditlog;

rename table ofUser to ofuser;

rename table ofUserFlag to ofuserflag;

rename table ofUserProp to ofuserprop;

rename table ofVCard to ofvcard;

rename table ofVersion to ofversion;

이 처럼 만들어 준다.

Posted by [czar]