행아웃 실행 시
Google에 연결할 수 없기 때문에 로그인 할 수 없습니다. 다시 시도하세요.해결 방법
- Use some app to take backup of Google Play Services (ES File Explorer can do it for you) and save the apk locally. This is recommended because after the next step you may not be able to connect and re-download the update over Mobile Data. It would work on WiFi however.
- Go to Manage Apps > Google Play Services
- Do "Uninstall" / "Uninstall Updates" for Google Play Services
- Google Hangout will automatically ask you to Install or Update Google Play Services.
- If you "Uninstalled Updates", then the app would update over Mobile Data when you click on update in Google Play. After this go to Step #8
- If you "Uninstalled" the app completely, you wouldn't find it in Google Play. So install it from the backup created in Step #1.
- Now go to Google Play and install any updates for Google Play Services.
- Now open Google Hangout. It may still show you a connection issue for a couple for times.
- Don't lose your heart. It should work after you try for a maximum of 1-2 times.
- Thank me and go ahead to chat with your girlfriend
1. 설정> 앱 > google play service 업데이트 제거
2. hangout 업데이트 제거
3. google play 실행 하여 hangout 업데이트
4. hangout 실행하면 google play service 업데이트 하라고 나오는데 이때 업데이트
5. hangout 정상 실행......