function showConfirm(message, callback, buttonLabels, title){
//Set default values if not specified by the user.
buttonLabels = buttonLabels || 'OK,Cancel';
title = title || "default title";
//Use Cordova version of the confirm box if possible.
if(navigator.notification && navigator.notification.confirm){
var _callback = function(index){
callback(index == 1);
message, // message
_callback, // callback
title, // title
buttonLabels // buttonName
//Default to the usual JS confirm method.
invoke(callback, confirm(message));
And here is how you would use it:
var message = "Would you like to proceed?";
var title = "Important Question";
//The first element of this list is the label for positive
//confirmation i.e. Yes, OK, Proceed.
var buttonLabels = "Yes,No";
var callback = function(yes){
alert('Do Not Proceed');
showConfirm(message, callback, buttonLabels, title);