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[czar] 2015. 10. 5. 11:34

Master Level One

The basic outline of what is here was provided by Alcara Argenta, and then I have filled in a lot from other people and myself.

Running the Raid
To begin the trials, you must first speak with the Arbiter in the Hall of Heroes before you port through the blue portal.  The Arbiter is standing right next to the portal.
1 - Survivor
2 - Retrieval‍
3 - Greater Good
4 - Barrier
5 - Conflict
6 - Curses
7 - The Monument
8 - The Ruby
9 - The Crown
10 - Conquering the Sea

Running the Raid

Map - These trials are labeled on this Map
Three Zone Overview map for ML 1   Nov 26    - Svendig Rockbottom

Entire Master Level 1 completed in 3-4 hours (2 groups til Cetus, then approximately 3-4 groups on Cetus)  - Nicholaa

What You Need Done Before Coming on an ML Raid/Recommended Raid Order

Most raids: Do the solo trials and the group trials, namely:
1.1 Fire, Survivor
1.2 Thieves, Retrieval‍
1.4 Barrier
1.5 Lord Krojer, Conflict (solo)
1.6 Kirk, Curses (since it requires parts from 1.1 and 1.4, I'd recommend doing this with your group after doing those).   

This way you can easily get credit for an ML1 raid that does these steps in this order (all battlegroup):
Rally Volcanus Haven
1.7 Rassa, The Monument (Save the mirror from this)
Port to Aerus
1.9 Harpies, The Crown
1.8 Azures and Rubies, The Ruby
Port to Stygia
Shark to Meso, jump off after zoning into meso
1.3 Chiefs, the Greater Good (due west of where you jumped off)
1.10 Cetus, Conquering the Sea (swim back east)

If the ML1 raid you hear about is advertised as just a "Cetus raid" then you'll need 1.1-1.9 done.  That's standard for all the master levels, you need .1.-.9 done to get credit for .10.   Jan 24
Alcara Argenta

Suggested order would take approximately 2 hours to 3 hours with 2 FG.  Leave from Aerus in a COG and do Step 8, 9. Travel to Meso and do 1st Group Thieves, than go to the Barrier in the Hespo Map, than back and do the Thieves for the 2nd Group. Than do the Chiefs as a BG And than back to the Barrier for the 2nd Group to finish. Go NW in your cog to the island and port to Volcanus. Go to 
Fire Islands and do 6, 7. And last step is 1 for the 2 Groups. 

Step 1 you can do with as many people on the island you want, yes, you can have assistance. Just the group that needs the step HAS TO get the last hit in to get credit.   Jan 20
- Jingle

1.1 -- Survivor

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done with 4 people, they used the kill order S Z A.  You can only do this with one group at the most.  This does not work for battlegroups.  This has also been done with 2 people by a minstrel with a cleric-buffed pet.


Improved and Easy to Use Guide to Firestorm Island
Diagram of Firestorm Island and Strategy

Location: 40k 22k Anatole
Get a well balanced group and talk to Ianetor who is located on the bridge connecting the center island to the outer ones.  After you have talked to him you have 1 minute to take a maximum of 8 people on to the center island.  After the minute timer, 3 giant fire elementals will appear named Sunkaio, Aithos, and Zopuero.  

Your first target is Sunkaio.  Have a tank run and melee pull him (do not use range or he will unleash a massive AE damage spell on your group.  This tank will agro him and run circles around the island, having Sunkaio chase him.  Anyone that gets agro should run away from the mob while the rest of the group attacks from behind.  When he dies, move on to Zopuero.   Picture of battle   - Thethird

Zop has 3 flames that appear near him.  You should never actually attack Zop, only his flames.  Stunning them with slam works best, as they disappear almost immediately after taking damage, only to repsawn a few moments later.  After you have caused enough damage to the flames, Zopuero will die.  

Move on to Aithos, he is just straight melee fight, nothing special about him.

*Once you have begun the encounter, only 8 people can be on or near the island.  Anyone too close to the center island while standing on the bridge will be killed by lesser fire elementals, and anyone attempting to gain access to the island from the water will be killed by fire traps.  
Mar 20 2004

At the end of this trial, you receive a gem that stops the Needfall Traps on Trial 6.


I have solo’d this and duo’d this encounter many times, I prolly did it 20times one day.  This is soloable with a minstrel with a buffed salamander pet, takes a little long so if u have The bot or a friend healer bring him with, there is no real strategy just send the pet in on the mobs And let it kill them one at a time, better to bring a cleric to heal it up between fights to save time… Almost every time I get some random staff drops, some actually very nice, also drops a cloak and braces That are not rog drops and are pretty nice.  Mar 25 2004

My group just did ML 1.5 and when a thuegist was casting pet spam on A the guards at bridges aggro'd us for being a "large group" just thought I would pass along a warning about pet spam.
Basically too much will get ya killed.   Jan 21

Another hint: Stay off the steps and away from the water. The guards will kill anyone that touches the steps. The Wall of Fire will kill anyone that even thinks of getting close to the water.
Zynge, 50 Enchanter, Gwaine

1.2 -- Retrieval‍

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done solo, a lvl 47 was able to solo it.   This does not work for battlegroups.


Picture of conversation with Lornas.

Location: Begins at 27k 25k in Meso
Speak to the NPC named Lornas, she gives you a story about a thief you need to kill and his general area.  His name is Borjan and he can spawn at 3 different locations.    
Mar 20 2004

When Lornas says Borjan can be found

  • "south and west of Mesothalassa", try at 24k, 44k Meso on a big rock.  If you don't see them at first, wait and they will appear.   Jan 7  - Searix Sionnach
  • "west in the Skylok terrority", try  5k, 20k Meso on top of a rock
  • "north, near Kitra Sanctuary" try 27k, 6.5k Meso   Feb 20
  • "east in the Naxos territory" try 54k, 24k Meso near the large rock.    Mar 7 2004  - Elsurion and Khromnir Wyrmhunter


As a courtesy, if you have a Tank, /engage him when you find him, then /broadcast for others in the zone/alliance/etc. to come get him (who need quest). Let everybody who needs to kill him get a hit in. I engaged him for 5 mins while my guildies and local people in the zone came over. He just happily whacked away at my shield while I bought time. You only have to kill one of these mobs. I hope this additional info helps =)

If Lornas tells you he is busy, that means one of the thieves is currently in battle, just wait a few more minutes and talk to Lornas again.

1.3 -- Greater Good

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done with 2 people.
No problems with being battlegrouped, both groups got credit for one kill.


Location: 46k 58k Boreal
A blue con chief that has a ton of green adds.  They mez you, so be ready.  Just kill him and BG gets credit.  
Mar 20 2004


You only have to kill one of them.   Go to Mesthalassa 42k, 2.6k.  We sunk down to the top of a large rock below.  One Chief was there.  We didn't kill him, we wanted to locate the other one first.

Swim over to 46.4k, 58.5k and find Kynhroe Chief Oxomis.  We killed him, and both groups in the battlegroup got credit.  I saw a message that said:
You have finished the Greater Good Quest.

I did ML1.3 with myself (Zoil 50 savage) and my bot.  All I did was AE disease the chief on my bot and swam off into the distance, meanwhile on my savage, i was beating on the chief.  A few of his friends stuck around to heal him, but my procs went off on my greaves a few times so it wasn't too bad.    
Mar 1 2004

I went to the Cheif is Meso, yellow con, pulled him (this is with my 50 champ), and like 15 of his green con buddies immediately attacked me.
Rysyl Kelmarr

1.4 -- Barrier

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
Battlegroups do not work for this quest.  Only one group gets the credit.  You can do this with a group of 4.


Location: 27k 31k Hesperos
In the sea weed on the ocean floor there is a mob named Fadrin surrounded by a barrier.  Attack the barrier and once it has been destroyed, you will have to kill the mob inside.  He is red con.

*After completing this trial a belt will be placed in the inventory of one of your group members.  It is used to neutralize the traps on trial 1.6.  
Mar 20 2004


Respawn time:  20 - 45 minutes

Please note: Battlegroups do not work for this quest, only one group (probably that which does the most damage) will recieve the belt and credit. 
Suggestion is a fg with some tanks for the barrier, he doesn't hit especially hard even on a wizard. 
Respawn time seems to be random, I was there for 2 pops, first was under 10 mins, next like 45 mins.  3rd pop was 20 mins. 
If you have more than 1 group waiting, suggest that when he does spawn, any waiting group kills any aggro while a group kills him. No major aggro, just the odd blue that swims nearby, but they are annoying.

We found Barrier at 28.8k, 31.3k.  He spawns on a rock in the weeds.
Lucifa's description was exactly our experience, our attempt didn't work with the battlegroup either, only one group finished the trial.  We waited 20 minutes for the next pop.

Barrier is immune to magic and yellow con but with lots of hp. Also lots of blue con will be around it, so bring a pbaoer to keep that away. Once the barrier goes down, a red con mob pops out. Pretty easy to kill. Keep track of who gets the Belt drop from this mob, as it is used in Trial 6.
One red mob surrounded by a yellow barrier. 
You must kill the barrier first, melee only. 
Once it's down kill the named mob, magic can be used. 
Upon death a random person will recieve the belt. 

1.5 - Conflict

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
You must solo this trial. You cannot be grouped.   Someone else has said you can do this while grouped, see Tips below for how.
A guild named Ice and Fire has figured out that the duelist meets your level.  If you are 40 then they are 41-2, and so on.   Their suggestion is that as soon as you level to 40 come and do this.   Nov 9


Location: 50k 36k Anatole (underwater in the bay next to Valcanus Haven)

Swim down until you see a cluster of mobs near the ocean floor.  Off to the side is a mob named Lady Farahnaz.  Speak to her and get the quest.  Then talk to Lord Krojer and challenge one of his minions, it does not matter which, each of them has some unique ability when you fight them.  

After you have challenged them, they will swim out into the open area.  Have only the person who issued the challenge follow, and speak to the NPC after he stops moving.  At that point you have 10 seconds to prepare for a fight.  If you kill one, you need only to speak to Lady Farahnaz again to get credit for the trial.  If you take the time to kill all the champions, you will receive a ring.  
Mar 20 2004


You can be grouped for Lord Krojer but the group members must be outside of the arena.
Tip:  Paladins running chants will help the person fighting in the arena.   Feb 4

Champ 1 (Agnon): Agnon is a hunter. He has a spear, but is pretty easy. Agnon also has a pet crocodile,
which cons blue/yellow (forgot).

Champ 2 (Sethrender): I'm not really sure of the class this one is, but it does use a staff. this one is also very easy, it just does a lot of combat speed debuffs.  Sethrender is an eldritch. He'll start by teleporting and then he'll start nuking you. Tanks just hit him and you'll chaininterrupt him never get anything off besides the first nuke.

Champ 3 (Xalarian): this one is one of the toughest in my opinion. It uses a lot of dex buffs and aoe mezzes, which is a bonedancers only weakness, because i don't have the healers to heal me then. This champion can also teleport from one place to another inside of the arena.

Champ 4 (Jilena): this is the only champ i lost to.  she has a 1 handed axe and a shield. Jilena's combat speed is very high, and it also has an instant dot.

Champ 5 (Malison): Malison is a cleric. I never saw it heal itself, but it was very easy. It had a shield, buffs sometimes, and does very good stuns.

Champ 6: (Regent): He has a 2 handed sword and some debuffs. I wrote down the #s of the debuffs at level 40, not sure if they are higher at a higher level (probably are). Str/con debuff 73, Dex/quick 70,
combat speed 1 min.   Dec 3
Ironknuckles and Khalua

I was able to help using my Bonedancer. I summoned a commander, and two guardians and told them to stay somewhere inside the arena. When the person who needed assistance started the trial, I had them run back to my commander. When the Champion was in range, I told the Commander to attack the Champion. It's very important that you let the person performing the trial get in the final blow by putting your pets on Passive before the Champion is dead. This way, your pets will also get agro from any pets the Champion may summon. I would assume that this method would work with any pet class. It works great to help out Healing classes that don't have much in the way of offense.  
Mar 12 2004

1.6 -- Curses

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done with 2 people, they had the belt and the gem.  This works for battlegroups. 


Location: 41k 24k Anatole
You should have collected a belt and a gem from doing the previous trials of ML1.  These items prevent the traps from being triggered, as well as guard against Kirk’s AE spell.  After you have these items, just rush Kirk, he is not very difficult.  
Mar 20 2004


1) Don't let pet get Killing blow. 
2) Make sure the killing blow isn't made by someone NOT in the BG.   Dec 11

On the Kirk step (Trial 6 of ML1) you need the gem and belt from the previous trials if you want the encounter to be less painful. The gem has a radius effect on its holder, anyone within that radius won't trip the traps that now are all over the island and spawn multiple blue and yellow mobs. For our encounter we used 2 gems, 1 for the melee on Kirk and 1 for the healers on the outside. The belt disarms Kirk's ae in the temple. With no traps and no ae the encounter was extremely easy. I barely had to heal at all. Just some updates since they enabled the traps. (nov 6)
- Venita - Hib Palo

Did this solo with my Minstrel with a charmed and buffed salamander, have to have the belt and gem, don’t know if 1 gem is enough but I had like 10, (had been farming fire island earlier), was a straight up and easy fight. I had try’d it the day before with no belt and I died from nukes, but after I died the salamander continued fighting kirkleis and killed him, was quite funny actually…  
Mar 25 2004

Did this step with 4 Albs. Group consisted of: 2 50 Pallies, 1 50 Friar, 1 48 Ice wiz.
Our group farmed the SZA mobs in trial 1 until we had 3 gems. We then went and did barrier once and got the belt. 
We then went to step 6 for Kirk, pallies guarded each other and protected the friar and the wizzie.
Pallies whack on the mob, Friar would attack with non-taunt style (defenders fury) and drop out to heal as needed (which was not often).
Wizzie cast what ever spell she wanted (PBAoE and nukes). 
Took some time to drop the mob, but with the gems there were no adds and the belt neutralized Kirk's AoE.
At the end, we had  1 Gem left, so possible to do with 2 gems, but get 3 to be safe.  
Mar 7 2004

1.7 -- The Monument

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done with 6 people.  This works with battlegroups.


Location: 35.5k 12k Anatole
When you get to the location, there is a structure with several small circle pads on the perimeter.  Have a person stand on each one of these pads and the encounter will begin.  As long as people are standing on the pads, statues which becoming increasingly difficult and numerous spawn in the center (it is bugged as of 1.68 and has been since ToA release, you will receive a message that the pads have become vacant even when they have not).  Eventually the final statue (Rassa) will pop and once you have killed it, you receive credit for the encounter.  
Mar 20 2004
 Sash and Thethird


1 CC method:
Have a sorcorrer/bard/healer (pac) stand on a pad that gives them view of the center dome area. Once the statues spawn they simply AS Mez the lot and the center group picks each statue apart 1 by 1.

2. PBAE method:
The easiest method by far. Using a couple differnt methods from AE stun, MoC, or a tank that can generate AE agro like a Pally or thane. Simply pound the statues into dust. Will need a healing class to keep an eye on the PBAER of course.

3. Tank Method:
Simply put 2-4 tanks in the center of the dome. Have the healers on the outside pads with one cleric roaming. Once they spawn proceed to take the statues apart. In this setup its good to have a roaming CC class that can stun, root, or mezz any statues that go after people on pads. 

Good people to have on the pads:
Bards, Minstrels, Any casting class that is not PBAE, Healers. Necro's make exceptionally god pad people as they can usually pull a statue out and handle for a while if not solo it themselves.
People that should be in the middle:  Tanks of any type.
Good people to have roaming around:
1 Healer, any CC class, Stealther characters who can use the boundary of the circle to escape agro, any heavy nuking class as they can step on and step off.

Additional notes:
Any class with AE STR/CON debuffs are great to have on the pads that afford a clear view of the center. They can make the encounter go by much quicker.
Never leave the pads at any point during the encounter unless someone is taking your place.
Tanks should never be on the pads unless you have no choice. They simply go to waste there.
Spread heals can work wonders in this encounter because of the LoS issues that can come up.
You do not need to stand on the structure to get credit. However, you may have to be standing on the island.

I have noticed that the statues are easily CCed and they do not like Body based attacks. My lifetap (baseline 50 Sorc 0 in body) was hitting them for all most 500 on the up side.     Nov 25

The mobs do not move off the structure. 
You can not cast nukes etc if you are not on the structure. 
Suggestions for casters:  Stand on structure, nuke away aoe/pbaoe etc, when you get aggro quickly move off it. Repeat, rinse as necessary. 

We did this with 6 people + 1 bot. so it can be done with a tight force. Have the roamer tanks drag the mobs into pbaoe's and have the pad people be healers/casters/ranged. We had two mana chanters and had them swap with eachother on 'pad duty' when one tapped out his mana bar. As long as the total people on the pad is at least 1 at all times, it doesn't have to be the same person. So the out-of-power mage would sit on the pad while the other kicked butt. He's on the island north of the fire island. Go to the dome building.
- Abriella

1.8 -- The Ruby

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done with 5 people.


Location: 15k 50k Notos
This trial is a pain.  At the ocean floor are two different shark factions, hammerhead and azure.  Azure sharks will spawn and rush to the ocean floor to pick up a ruby (you will receive the message if you are close (about 2000 units) that says something to the effect that all the sharks in the area rush to grab the glowing ruby).  When they are done fighting, one will have the ruby in its mouth (it is very difficult to see, but it will sparkle pink every once in a while).  Pull that shark and it drops the ruby, pick it up and receive credit.

*These rubies are the only thing you MUST have to complete trial 1.10.  The fewer people you have, the more you need.  You may not need these exact numbers, but with 1g I would use 4 rubies, 2g I would use 3 rubies, 3-5g I would use 2 rubies, any more than that 1 will be fine.  
Mar 20 2004


Make sure that nobody has camped this spot for about 30 minutes or so, to restart the encounter
Go to the Deep Sands Zone. It's located at 15k, 50k Notos, deep down.  You can have the battlegroup stay at the surface and only send one person down to get the target.
The event will not happen unless there are 4-6 hammerheads around the area. Then, you will see a broadcast message indicating you that the sharks go into a frenzy, and one dives down to the sand to pick up the gem. 
We sent a nightshade down to watch for the shark with the glow in his mouth, he had the shark targetted, and a ranger assisted the nightshade.   The rest of the battlegroup stayed at the surface.  There were a few broadcast messages before the ranger pulled, because we were waiting for people to show up, but the ranger pulled the one the NS had gotten for her.  We killed the shark, and the ruby dropped.
- Bravest, Mura

We've done sharks and Cetus with 5 - Druid, Mentalist (HOT and mana regen), Bard, Hero, Ranger.  For sharks, this was done many times mainly to farm extra rubies in preparation for an upcoming ML1 raid.   Dec 23

shark attack also makes target bleed. so better pull the shark away some. From a nice pull spot its possible to use bleed attacks without the other sharks gettin invloved.   Feb 24

1.9 -- The Crown

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
Some say you need a group.  This has been done with 4 people  This trial does work when battlegrouped.


Location: Starts at 33k 47k in Notos
When you reach this loc, you will be in a sub zone called Desmona’s 
Island.  There is a beach here, have everyone in the raid type /dig in the general area.  You will be attacked by invisible forces here, which is why you need to /dig quickly.  Eventually a person will dig up a token.  When that happens, the invisible forces appear.  Kill all the harpies and keep digging until you have a few tokens.  After several people have them, head West to the ruins on the island.  There you will see a giant harpy named Desmona.  Kill her and get credit.  Mar 20 2004
 Sash and Thethird

 - Upon Desmona's death, all harpies on the island will not spawn for a period of 30 seconds. If you are holding a Revelation Token, at that time you will be informed of its destruction and the time limit imposed.  (from Nov 24 hot fix patch)


Desmona (1.9) is magic immune.  Apr 19 2004

Just did with 4 people, 2 warriors, 2 shamans ... Owned it too, twice in a row   Jan 5  

If you are on the island, and she dies, but you do NOT get credit, you now have to completely leave the island.  Seeing the message "You leave Desmona's 
Island" is NOT far enough.  Everyone has to leave the zone to get rid of all of the revelation tokens.  Even if you see broadcast messages that some people's tokens have disappeared, that is not enough.  Leave the zone.

At the end of this trial, you will get a crown that you can use in Trial 10.

1.10 - Conquering the Sea

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done with 5 people.  This works for battlegroups.


Go to Cetus cave is located at 57k, 6k in Meso.  Swim in, you will see Cetus.

The items needed are one crown, one ring and about 2 or 3 rubies, and a mirror.  Only the ruby is critical.  The other items are nice to have.

Have the people with the mirrors and the rubies go into the big glowing sphere things, and swim just above the top of the pillar.    - Stokker XXXL

To use the ruby, you put it in your hotbar and use it like you would a water-breathing potion.  The mirror has two uses, have the people with the mirrors use it when Cetus is above 50% health, and it will summon orbs that attack Cetus.  The second use of the mirror is to deflect the spell that Cetus casts, that is passive, it just happens as long as you still have a mirror.  However, if you use the mirror to attack Cetus with the orbs, the mirror is used and will disappear from your pack.  So you use a single mirror for one thing or the other.  Would be cool (but not necessary) if your battlegroup had two mirrors.

Attack Cetus.

When a message says "cetus readies to go heal" or something of the sort, have the person use the ruby.  You might have to do this more than once.  We only had to do it once.

Kill Cetus

Cetus' respawn time:  I had to wait about 90 mins once, and its been 15 mins about every other time.    Nov 24

Another Strategy, for smaller groups:

We did Cetus with 5 people and a bot. Two warriors, one zerker, one shaman, one healer... and one shaman bot. 

Warrior swims in closely followed by zerker and other warrior, zerker goes to side or back while other warrior /guards the first. 

The tanking warrior has the mirror and taunts while the zerk and guard warrior smack Cetus. Healer used two rubies, shaman and shaman bot healed. 

He was a pushover since the first time we did him, we were helping guildies zip through ML1 today. Everything seems much much easier than it was at release. 

Keep small heals going on the tank, ensure he keeps aggro, and you win.   Nov 23
-  Fafyrd Girundirangil

We've done sharks and Cetus with 5 - Druid, Mentalist (HOT and mana regen), Bard, Hero, Ranger.   Only did Cetus once with this group. Was a long fight and required about 4 rubies.  Dec 23

I was the healer in the above group with Fafyrd and Gardiig. Cetus was a bit cranky when I tried to get in a bubble before the encounter. We tried it in the manner Fafyrd outlined and I just scooted into the bubble after Gardiig engaged. I never ran out of power or had to use any power pots.   Nov 23
Hellga Brickhaus


Warning, the items needed for this quest are not reuseable once used.  If you do this trial and fail, but had already used the items during your attempt, you will have to go get those items again.

He lifetaps and heals off of them.  Jan 14
Alcara Argenta

If you are a ruby bearer, remember you cannot use a ruby for 90 secs after you use any other item. Water potions, charged items, etc.   We had 4 rubies. I held 3, gave a spare to another player in case I went linkdead during the fight. Cetus was at about 50% and I (a cleric) was low on power. So I fired a charge on my Krojer's ring for power regen 3. About 10 seconds later Cetus broadcast his "I'm gonna go heal" message. I waited 3-4 seconds then attempted to use a ruby.
It told me I needed to wait 79 more seconds to use another item!. I immediately asked the 2nd bearer
to fire his ruby. He managed to get to a glowing sphere and use it in time. I was able to use one of my
rubies later in the fight. Teamwork for teh win!    Jan 8

Casters can remain within the focus globes (the glowing orbs on the pedestals).  From there, actual magic damage can be done to Cetus.  My attacks are energy based.
Casters should not melee Cetus with their staffs. 
An easy way to remove aggro if Cetus insists on continually attacking a support class is to use the ring.   Jan 9

I am a level 50 Fire Wizard and heard that if you stand inside the glowing spheres while fighting Cetus, you can actually deal out damage. I found this not be true as none of my spells did anything to him. After wasting nearly my entire bar, I had to resort to diving in and melee'ing.   Jan 31

First attempt we straight rush him, he nukes twice and kills all the tanks but mirror bearer. We wipe and have to get rezzed. Second attempt we send the warrior with the mirror in solo and the rest of the tanks circle around and attack Cetus from behind. I don't believe anyone got hit with a nuke and we won easily.   Nov 19
Danee Dreadhammer

In regards to the blue spheres on top of the pillars, u must be swimming just above the top of the pillar, i used it when i was dead center of the orb and it didn't work, i only waited about 3s to use it after the spam tho, my guildmates waited 6full seconds and it both worked for them and they were closer to the top of the pillar than me, we had to use 3 rubies only 2 of them were used successfully so bring 3 if you're serious about it.   Nov 18
Stokker XXXL

 If you use the Ruby too fast after hearing the message about him teleporting away to heal, it doesn’t appear to work.  Luckily my group brought 3 rubies, but it was only the third and final one that I used (about 4-5 seconds after the warning) that kept him from warping back, making it so that we had to effectively kill the mofo like 3 times.  Thought it might be helpful to those reading this to know that they may wish to wait a few seconds before using the Ruby, especially if they don’t have many.     11/11

Crown teleports you to the dungeon entrance.. useful for a rezzer quick getaway if you are all about to die. Not really needed most of the time. 

Ring wipes Cetus' agro list. Can be useful to share the agro around and more reliabel than trying to land an amnesia spell! 

Mirror reflects Cetus's nasty death-ray 

Ruby is the ONLY cvritical one you need and you should have at least one preferably 2 avaialable, with the people who have them as close to the tops of the pillars as they can be and still take part in combat if required. 

The Ruby prevents Cetus from teleporting back to his lair to heal up. Pure and simple but totally necessary. When he spams his warning, yu need a ruby use on top of the pillar and he uses the ruby. Cetus is unabel to teleport and you proceed to beat the snot out of him...
-  Kallisti CollidesWithTrees

Mirror: Another item that must be used from a pedestal. This item may only be used when Cetus is above 50% health. It generates flying orbs that will attack Cetus for 30 seconds helping to kill him.
-  Kubar Taug
If you use the mirror to generate the orbs, the mirror is used and will disappear from your pack.

A couple of people have confirmed this, so the mirror appears to have two uses.   You can only use it for one or the other, because once you use the mirror to attack Cetus, it disappears from your pack.  Might be nice to have two mirrors.

Lotto the KEYS. 
Once you right-click on a chest with a key in your inventory, you get a class specific thing. 
Have all keys goto a lotto person, and whoever wins a key opens a chest. We found out the hardway today when 3 items for one class showed up, ie: 3 heroes.
It is now good to know for future reference, that KEYS should be used as a lotto item, and not post chest open item, since the person that opens a chest up w/ a key they get a class specific ITEM

Master Level Two

This outline provided by Alacra Argenta, and filled in with comments from myself and others
This all happens in the Temple of Sobekite Eternal at 15.7 15.4 Boreal.
Running the Raid
1 - Death from Shadow
2 - Stalking Terror
3 - Triton Hoards
4 - Rrionne's Reflection
5 - Chath's Test of Strategy
6 - Kanahkt Test of Tactics
7 - Pick Your Poison
8 - Stand Fast
9 - Battle Masters
10 - Immortal Imposter
11 - Killing for XP

Running the Raid

Maps of Sobekite Eternal, look at them all, see which one gives you the information you wanted.
Map of Temple Level      - Svendig Rockbottom
Map of Dungeon Entrance and Water/Tunnel Level     - Svendig Rockbottom

Map of Temple Level   - Parma
Map of Tunnel Level, Underwater Sobekite Eternal    -  Matipzieu

Entire Master Level 2 completed in ~3 hours if all goes well (3 groups)    - Nicholaa

The Stone Key from Trial 3 leads to Trial 9
The Cracked Key (aka Ampitheater key) from Trial 3 leads to Trial 6
The Cellar Kay from Trial 3 leads to Trial 7
The North Gate Key from Trial 4 leads to Trial 5

What You Need Done Before Coming on an ML Raid/Recommended Raid Order

ML2 is located in Sobekite Eternal, which has its entrance at 16k 16k Oceanus Boreal.

This raid is pretty self-contained, but still you can save time by swimming into the dungeon and doing these steps beforehand solo or with a small group:
2.8 Stand Fast (solo, no key required)
Map to help you get to 2.8 solo   - Aydsneth Fishmonger
Enter the dungeon at 16k 16k.  Swim in, and angle left after you left tunnel.  Swim northwestish and look up.  You'll see a hole in the ceiling.  Go up.  When up, angle east and look up again.  You'll see another hole.  Go up this hole.  It's a LONG tunnel.  You'll pass by some rocks that seem like they block it, but you can squeeze by.  Finally you'll reach the surface.  Go right and aside from some orange/red aggro at the gate, you can go in, talk to the mob inside and do the solo trial.

If you can find a north gate key somewhere, also wise to do:
2.5 Test of Strategy

A word of warning: stick to the WALLS -- otherwise you'll get nasty purple croc aggro through the floor.

If you and your group get 2.5 and 2.8 done ahead of time, this'll make a raid leader doing these steps and ML2 have a much easier and faster job:
2.3 Triton Hoards
2.1 Death from Shadow
2.2 Stalking Terror
2.4 Rrionne's Reflection
2.7 Pick Your Posion
2.9 Battle Masters
2.6 Kanahkt Test
2.5 Test of Strategy (optional, since some groups will have done it)
2.10 Immortal Imposter       Jan 24
Alcara Argenta

2.1 - Death from Shadow

1)  Death stalks you from the shadows in the Temple of the Sobekite Eternal!  This is a battlegroup encounter.  

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
Don't know what the minimum number of people you want is.  This has worked for battlegroups.


Location:  Go to Alcove at Loc 18k 19k in Sobekite Eternal.  You might try a few alcoves, see Tips.

Have one person disband from the group.  He does not have to be wearing the crown, some have said that it helps.  He needs to go sit in an alcove with his back to the wall, while everyone else waits in the main hallway.  You can still see the guy that is ungrouped, so you will see when the wall opens.

When the tunnel opens, have everyone run in.  It is not easy to get the door open again, so try to not leave anyone outside.  Sometimes it seems the door opens because you are there on the inside, and sometimes it just doesn't open.   Maybe it only opens when a mob is there, whether you are inside or outside.

Our guy was sitting at 17.8k, 14.9k, when the wall opened, and a mob was there.  We ran into the tunnel, and killed the mob.  Another alcove that worked again later on was 31.0k, 19.6k.  When that tunnel opened, at first we didn't see a mob.  After a few moments, we saw Ata and killed him.  

Kill him to complete Step 1.


Kaa is in a random alcove, check these /locs 
30k 20k 
31k 15k 
26k 10k 
22k 10k 
18k 15k 
18k 20k 
took us about 1 hour of roaming to get the spawn

Our person with the crown SAT down, as if to med... 
It spawned and tried to perf her. 
We got 1.
Alcara Argenta

2.2 - Stalking Terror

2)  The imposter's assasins are slaying the keepers of the Temple of the Sobekite Eternal!  This is a battlegroup encounter. 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
Don't know what the minimum number of people you want is.  This works for battlegroups.


Location:  Go to Alcove at 29k 19k or 19k 20k  in Sobekite Eternal

You do the same with this one as you did for Trial 1.  

Have one person disband from the group.  He does not have to be wearing the crown, some have said that it helps.  He needs to go sit in an alcove with his back to the wall, while everyone else waits in the main hallway.  You can still see the guy that is ungrouped, so you will see when the wall opens.

When the tunnel opens, have everyone run in.  It is not easy to get the door open again, so try to not leave anyone outside.  Sometimes it seems the door opens because you are there on the inside, and sometimes it just doesn't open.  Maybe it only opens when a mob is there, whether you are inside or outside.

Our guy was sitting at 17.8k, 14.9k, when the wall opened, and the Shadow Reaver was there.  (Screenshot from Donn)We ran into the tunnel, and killed the mob.  Another alcove that worked again later on was 31.0k, 19.6k.  When that tunnel opened, at first we didn't see a mob.  After a few moments, we saw Ata and killed him.  Then after a few more moments of us just running around the tunnels, we saw Shadow Reaver again.

Kill him to complete Trial 2


Named assassin opens door, You can push door open by running into it. Run at edge of door and hit "open" button (space by default) its a spinning door. Reaver in one of the camps 3 camps behind the walls.  Hib/Kay just did it, and got 2.1, 2.2 credit easily. 
The above tip doesn't seem to work every time, but it's worth a try.

That tunnel goes to locs 31, 19; 31, 15; and 26, 10. We found Ata in the tunnels roaming around... well he actually found us.

Always found Shadow Reaver at the alcove at 29k, 12k. 

2.3 - Triton Hoards

3)  The triton chiefs and their followers in the flooded depths of the Temple of the Sobekite Eternal hoard stolen goods!  This is a battlegroup encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
You want at least a full group. 


Location:  Chieftans:  Antron is at 13k 32k, Speos is at 26k 34k  in Sobekite Eternal

 Enter the temple of the Sobekite Eternal in Oceanus Boreal. 

Entrance is located at 15.7 x 15.4, underwater. 

After you zone in, go to loc 19.2k, 33.4k and swim straight up that hole.  Then go east to the Speos room.  The Antron room is to the west.  You are going to do a few things here in these two areas.  Mostly farm.

1) You are going to farm for the items that are needed for trial 9 (Kaletor's Staff, Buliss's Sheild, Dimitri's sword, Thao's Staff).  

2) You are going to be farming for keys to the gates.  From these two areas, Speos and Antron, you need the Cracked Key (aka Ampitheater Key), Stone Key, and Cellar Key.  The assasins from Trial 1 and 2 also drop keys, so don't despair if you can't find all of them here.

3) You are going to kill a Chieftan to get credit for Trial 3.

You will do this here for a while, and swim over to the west to get the Antron section.  You can farm both areas for drops and keys.  Either chief will work to get credit for Trial 3.  You do not have to kill both to get the credit.
You do not have to kill both Antron and Speos chieftains.  PiaoSB said they killed the Antron, he was easier than Speos.


Do it first, its easy, kill a chief, Antron is at 13k 32k, Speos is at 26k 34k. Also kill any named mob such as Arch Mage, Treasure Hunter, etc as they drop the relics needed for #9. Once you kill a chief you get credit for the trial. You also get a crown and normally a key. 

Where is Antron?
Antron chief is at the top.. 
If you clear the entrance to the room, our bard was able to swim all the way to the roof and pull him with a shout. 
He came with about 12 adds. It;s much easier to pull the chief and the adds into the hallway leading into the room than fight inside the room...you have more space to mez the adds.

Able to kill Speos at 26K 32K but he didn't drop any keys. 
Well we killed Speos. He didn't drop any keys but a crown. We used the crown at one of the alcoves and named mob Bisseum appeared. Bisseum dropped a stone key. We were able to speak to Onuris and he speaks about the Imposter for ML2.2

Killed Speos with 1 fg... 
We had 2 sorcs, 1 cab, 1 cleric, 1 arms, 1 merc, 1 reaver, 1 infiltrator 
Got Rusted Crown and Cellar Key. 
So confirm‍ that this is where Cellar Key drops. 
Note: You have to pick up the loot by hand before you die to the rest of the adds. Loot does not automatically go into your inventory like some of the important items in ML1 did (e.g. Desmona's Crown, Rubies). 
Note 2: Everyone in your group must be alive when Chieftain does or else the dead don't get the advance. 
Alcara Argenta

I'm pretty sure you have to kill Speos for the stone door key and to get Trial 2. 
The way I see it: 
Antron (3) unlocks -> 6, 1 unlocks 8 
Speos (3) unlocks -> 7, 2 unlocks 9 
Alcara Argenta

2.4 - Rrionne's Reflection

4)  Rrionnes' reflection holds the key to her invulerability!  This is a battlegroup encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
Easily doable with one group.  This works for battlegroups.


Location:  Rrionnes' reflection was spawned at 29k 19k out of the water  in Sobekite Eternal

Rrionnes' reflection was spawned at 29k 19k out of the water in a nook is Rrionne and Rrionne's Reflection. Rrionne is impervious to attacks until her reflection is killed. Pretty straight forward, easily doable with one group. Rrionne pbaes, so keep your healers back. 

Kill the Reflection first.  Then kill Rrionne.

When you are wandering the halls looking for Rrionne, be careful of Armsmaster Chenzira.  You can kill him, but he is dangerous.

Rrionne drops the Key to the North Gate.


Rrionne, the mob for step 4 tends to roam around the whole level. We've found her lots of times in the area around the cracked gate, however (loc 25.4k, 20.1k). She is good for item farming too, btw.

Rrionnes' reflection was spawned at 29k 19k out of the water. It was grape, but it died easy. Being a savage I held aggro like a champ and everyone else beat on it.

we had Rrionon pop on us 3 times.
/loc 30k 20k each time we were standing in the crack in the wall, one person was bored and soloing the wizards, while we were all in the cave.
She spawned behind the south gate and we had to open it to attack her. The reflection actually ran into the alligator pit.

Just another word of advice, when about to Rrianne, you must be quick about it, there is a purple name mob, Armsmaster Chenzira, that roams and has 4-5 orange mobs with it. My grp wipe to him+Rrianne.

Rrrione likes to wander INTO walls and disappear in there. If you don't see her, she may be hiding in a wall.
Waiting for her to decide to wander out of the wall so we can kill her right now...
Alcara Argenta

2.5 - Chath's Test of Strategy

5)  You have not beaten Chaths' Test of Strategy!  This is a group encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This is soloable.  The most people that can do it at once is 8.


Location:  The North Gate door is at about 24k 9k  in Sobekite Eternal

I used to require this step be done before the raid, and I urge people to do it if possible still, but with the near insta repop time of the chess pieces, that is not so necessary anymore, as it wont slow down the raid too much if you have to do it for several groups.  Anyone who has not yet completed the trial can walk up to a chess piece and choose to associate themselves with it.  Each piece can be set to have different abilities.  Generally I have the set up like this: Pawn - stun, Bishop - heal, King - command, Queen - drain, Knight - weaken, Rook - defend.  Once all pieces have been given an ability, talk to Chath at the other end of the room.  The pieces then duke it out using the abilities you gave them, when either king dies, the battle is over, if your king lives, you win.  
Mar 20 2004

Chath's Test of Tactics - Reduced the respawn timer on the encounter when players fail/succeed from 10-minutes. It should now take less than one minute for the chess encounter to reset itself.  (from Jan 6 hot fix)

How to do this solo:

*This trial can be done with even 1 person, if you don’t have a full group.  Just associate yourself with a piece and give it an ability, then disassociate yourself.  The piece will retain the ability you gave it. Associate yourself with the next piece and give it it’s ability.  Do this until all pieces are taken care of, then talk to Chath.  Mar 20 2004


This is Random, you may have to try it a few different times or ways.  The commands listed here have worked for people, several times, but might not work for you the first time.

Anywhere from 1 to 8 people can do this.  Just make sure each chess piece gets set, and that each person playing the game has associated him/herself to a piece.

Do not /whisper the commands to the chess pieces!  Even if the piece says it will do what you say, if you whisper, he won't actually do it.  

These commands seem to work pretty often.  But the end result is a bit random.  You may have to do this a few times.
Set the KING to COMMAND, set the QUEEN to DRAIN, set the ROOK to DEFEND, set the BISHOP to HEAL, set the KNIGHT to WEAKEN, set the PAWNS to STUN.

Another setting to try:
Watched it work x2 that way   Dec 21

Have King go Defense, everyone else goes Offense. Keep Queen alive, or at least kill their Queen first. 
...done with one person before. It's a cinch.  Dec 22
- Asakura Yoh

2.6 - Kanakht Test of Tactics

6)  Kanahkt's test seems to be too difficult for you!  This is a battlegroup encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
Possible with one full group.  Others have said you need 2 - 3 full groups.
Kanakht's Test of Tactics should now award credit to battlegroups correctly.  (from Jan 21 hot fix)


Location:  The cracked ampitheater door at loc 25.4k, 20.1k in the temple above the water tunnels  in Sobekite Eternal

Head into the amphitheater and speak to Kanakht.  He will bring to life the 4 statues one at a time.  When each statue can be attacked, 20 or so orbs fly around the room.  They start very low con but quickly gain levels until they get so high they will beat pants off your entire raid.  Usually though, I just ignore them, as I have enough people to kill the statue before they become a threat.  If you have a small raid (less than 2g) you may consider killing the orbs as quickly as possible, then moving on to the statues.  Kill all 4 and get credit.  Mar 20 2004
- Sash (Screenshot from Piaos)

I would like to point out that the way to go with 2fg+ is to charge the statues with everything you got, they go down fast and the flyings "adds" wont even have time to turn bluecon!   
Mar 29 2004


We been doing some steps for ML 2 last night.
I instructed the raid to have 2 tanks focus on the statue, while all others would kill the blue wisps. We had a few (5) animists with us, so they created a nice shroom field. When the 1st stutue came down, the tanks were unable to keep aggro on him, as the statue was being nuked by masses of shroom. After the initial vision of several dead animists and dead healers, it appeared that wasn´t the case. The statue went down in 10 seconds. All the wisps despawned when the statue was killed. So the next few statues we didn´t even looked at the wisps, but had al attack the statue, and even the last, who showed to be several levels harder than the first when I did the encounter before went down in 5 seconds.

So if a raid has enough people, an alternative tactic for this encounter would be to have everyone focus on the statue. Also after the 15 pet limit, 2 animists should be enough to not worry about the wisps.  
Mar 25 2004

Just did this one about 30 seconds ago. 
Its through the Rusty Amphitheater Gate. 
You fight 4 statues with increasing difficulty. When each Statue spawned, little things called sobekite eidolons spawned and flew about the room. KILL THESE FIRST. They will gradually gain levels from Grey->Blue->
Orange->Purple. They cast AOE spells and make things pretty hairy. Once all these guys are down, take out the statue. Not a tough ML at all, just make sure you kill the floaters. 
Note: All doors (Mossy, Rusted, Encrusted, etc) all lead to this portion, so I don't think you need to get every single key to do this step.

It is doable with one *good* group. Have one tank engage the statue with taunts. There will be 5-10 smaller flying orbs that explode and deliver PBAE damage.  They are gray con at first and grow in power to purple. The rest of the group should focus on killing these before they turn purple. After the floating orbs are dead, have the rest of the group focus on the statue. Repeat the above steps for the next 3 statues and you are finished! 

2.7 - Pick Your Poison

7)  You mush face fear, terror, or horror!  This is a battlegroup encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This trial has 3 versions.  
Fear, you do solo.  
Terror is described as being for a single group, Terror has been done with 7 people.
Horror is for a battlegroup. 


Location:  Its in the cellar and requires the Cellar Key. From the temple level, at loc 30.0k, 15.0k, go down several flights of stairs to get there in Sobekite Eternal.

This trial could originally be done with a BG, but for some reason it got changed to a maximum of 2g at a time.  Head down to the cellar and speak to the NPC there.  You have 3 options.

Fear: a path in the next room is opened underwater.  If you can make it to the end (its filled with mobs) in the time limit, you get credit for the encounter.  With stealth this is a joke.  Anyone else will have to fight a lot of mobs on the way.

Terror: several red con croc-men spawn with smoke clouds in the room.  Just pull everything in there and you get credit.  This is the 1g step.

Horror: A high level NPC spawn, kill him.  This is the BG encounter.

*I can not figure out why this step was changed from BG to 2g max, but it was, so the way I handle it now is to do it right away once we enter the temple, then come back every few trials when it has repopped and do it again until everyone in BG has credit.  
Mar 20 2004


Djedkare told me it would be another 45 minutes before Horror could be tried again.

Fear sends you east of the NPC, down a water filled hole in the ground and along a tunnel, which is empty normally, but reportedly filled with agro mobs for the person doing the trial. Think of this like Yoda's cave test for Luke.  I didn't get to do this one myself, but it's reported to be not hard, and the instructions are quire clear. Reward is 26G, and 1.5Billion XP. 

Terror summons up a single purple mob to the east of the NPC. She's tough, and hits hard, plus casts mez, and has a few other less amazing tricks. A well balanced group shouldn't have any problems with her, but it's likely to be a long fight. Note, that the schpiel the NPC gives about this version of the test doesn’t really jive with the nature of the test itself, but oh well. 

2.8 - Stand Fast

8)  To prove victorious, you must face yourself!  This is a group encounter.
(This is what it says in the /master window, but you have to do this encounter solo.)

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has to be done solo.


Location:  The door to it is the South Gate at 19k 22k in Sobekite Eternal to enter the South Hall.
Map to help you get to 2.8 solo   - Aydsneth Fishmonger

I just  wanted to suggest adding in ML2.8 somewhere to bring a friend or two to help you get there if you are not a stealther. While the step itself is in fact solo, getting there is not so for all classes. 3 yellow to orange con (to level 50) mobs guard the door you need to go through. While they can be pulled single, there is no guarantee they will not respawn before you kill the 3rd one.  
Apr 7 2004

Stand Fast - The gate leading to the South Hall is no longer locked and no longer requires a key. The key will no longer drop.  (from Jan 6 hot fix)

To the right of the crack room is the South Hall Gate.  This gate has been set to permanently be open.  Walk into it and speak to Amenemhat.  Eventually he will fly up to the top of the room, and you have to run up the spiral ramp to reach him.  Stick against the wall on your way up or you will agro deep purple crocodiles.  Once up there, when you step onto the pad he will attack you.  This mob takes on the same characteristics of whatever class you are. If you are a healer class and you need to heal yourself, step off the pad and he will break combat.  Fix yourself up and then step back on.  
Mar 20 2004

This step requires each person to complete individually, much like Step 1 of the first ML.  It takes each person about 3 minutes to do this.  The next person does not have to wait until the last person is down at the bottom again.  The next person can go talk to Amenemhat the minute he shows up at his spot again.


Doing this with a level 41 bard (tried to do this solo but failed):  
....someone in my group from ML1 gave me the idea of having someone go up there with his pet and leave him on the pedestal. So I went up there with my poor little bard
(who has 0 music and no weapon skill since I'm on Gaheris), made sure I got the first hit, but then let the Spirit Master (Lunatick) set his pet to aggro. Shortly after he died and I was finally able to complete this!
Considering I had to solo a red mob I would recommend anyone that is either trying to do this at an early level or is just having difficulty to grab a pet class friend of yours and go up and do it.  
Apr 5 2004
 Galadrial Evenstar

I was able to do this solo the following way:
jump into the ring, qc dd/stun and then back up.  Wait 24 seconds for qc to reappear and repeat.  I did this over and over and when he was at 9% I got a message that I had complete the trial and got my money and
credit.  So I didn't actually kill him, just had him at 9% when the timer for the trial seemed to end.  
Mar 21 2004

please ne1 know how to reset the ml2 step 8 encounter?
Have a class with pets, such as Cabalist, Theurge, Enchanter, Druid, Bonedancer, or Spiritmaster run up somewhat near him, and have their pets kill him. Once he dies, it will reset it.

2.9 - Battle Masters

9)  Defeat the Battle Masters who once defeated the trial of the Sobekite Eternal!  This is a group encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
I do not know the minimum number of people you want.  Someone said it was incredibly easy for 2 groups.  As of Nov 16, this worked for battlegroups, but the people who were dead at the end of it did not get credit. 


Location:  Enter the Stone Gate at 25.3, 21.7 using the Stone Key.

There are four items required for this trial.  
Kaletor's Staff
Buliss's Sheild
Dimitri's sword
Thao's Staff
You should have gotten these when farming the Speos and Antron areas from Trial 3.

1 yellow, 2 red and 1 grape mob
Engage grape mob (heavy tank mob), ignore yellow mob ( light tank), assist
on the red mobs since they are pbaer and rooter.
Try kill pbaer first then rooter then light tank then last heavy tank.
keep healers aways from red mobs.   
Apr 15 2004

Conversation with Onuris picture 1picture 2

If you wipe out and have to do the trial over again, the person who activated it the first time could have just activated it again. You did not have to farm for the items over.    Nov 21


Walk down the hall straight ahead of the crack room, about halfway down there is a door on the south side you need a Stone Key to open.  Once you do, there will be an NPC inside named Onuris.  Wait 15 minutes for everyone in your raid to stop spamming the text screen by talking to him, then explain that 4 mobs will spawn when you hand him all 4 items you collected from trial 2.3. Once you do, a yellow, 2 red, and 1 purple mob will spawn and wait for you to attack.  Kill all 4 and you get credit.  Mar 20 2004

The sword came from an Antron Arch Mage this morning and the staff from some Speos that I don't recall the name of.

I've gotten the shield off of a wandering Diplomat twice. One of the staffs off a Treasure Hunter.
Danog McEbon

2.10 -Immortal Imposter

10)  An imposter has stolen the Ankh of Life, granting him immortality as long as he resides in the Temple of the Sobekite Eternal!  This is a battlegroup encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done with 6 people (Nov 9).  - Garhardt   This does work with battlegroups.


You need to be in the temple when Runihara dies to get credit.  3 methods are listed here to kill the guy.  
Method 1 |  Method 2 |  Method 3 |  Go to Drops section

You have to zone out of the temple to get to the site of Trial 10. When you are zoning out, it would be wise to not do it at a full run.  On the other side is a ledge , quite a few people in my raid lagged and fell off the ledge.   Nov 17

It is vital to have everyone space out as much as possible from each other.  You cannot have more than 3 people in a certain radius (probably about 200 to 350) or the named will constantly spam the big AE DD within the room.  The best thing to do if you have more than 2fgs is to just have only 2 fgs go in, do what the previous people stated about killing him with 2fgs, and when the monster is at 2%, have everyone rush in but make sure they do not attack the mob, but just stand still.  If they die, oh well, you still get credit.  For the person who unfortunately gets carried away by a harpy while the outside group is waiting, the groups will have to do it again.  The spawn should be fairly quick to do the step again.  Just have those who did not get it the first time to join the main groups inside.  
Mar 3 2004

Trial 2, Encounter 10 - The snakes outside of the temple will no longer spawn extra snakes after making a kill.  (1.69 patch, 
Apr 14 2004)

Method 1:

-= How to Utterly Destroy Runihara, Without Mercy or Regret =- 
a ML2.10 Guide by Abriella (of Gaheris)

So, you want to utterly destroy Runihara, without mercy or regret do ya? Well, let the pain an suffering of those who have gone before you light your path. This is not the only strategy, but it is one that will get people thru this horrible piece of punative game design, with minimal pain.

Part 1: What to bring 
(Like all good camping trips, pack light)

- Two full groups. No more, no less. It can be done with 1 group, or 3 groups or more...that doesn't mean it's a good idea. If you have too many, do it twice. The raid-force will complain, but like a good parent, you need to make a decision that's in their best interest. 
- 4 healer-types. Preferably one with a Heal-Over-Time spell (Mana Mentalists, Heal-spec Shammies...any others?). Also, 3 of them should have cure poison. 
- Mana regen of some form. 
- End-regen for the main group 
- Pulsing blade turn for the main group (6s pbt if possible) 
- Majestic Will caster for main group (optional, but helps). Most servers don't have Majestic Will due to its high cost, but with the sorry state of resists on epic mobs in DAoC, they're a real bonus to have around. 
- 2 High shield tanks (40+ shield with item bonuses maxed and MoBlocking 3+, if possible) 
- 2 other melees 
- A few ranged casters/archers

These people should be allocated into two groups:

Group 1 is the tanking group:

1. Paladin (if possible) shield tank running healchant. Get a damage shield on this tank to help secure aggro. 
2. Other shield tank (the wingman) /guarding the main tank 
3. MW caster (optional, can be non-MW caster-type). 
4. Healer type with cure poison 
5. Healer type with cure poison 
6. Pulsing Blade Turn type (warden, thuergy, runie) 
spots 7-8 can be whomever

Group 2 is the support group:

1. Some sort of melee type 
2. Healer type with cure poison 
3. Healer tyoe with Heal Over Time (if possible) otherwise any old healer will do. 
4. A ranged mage or archer 
spots 5-8 can be whomever

Part 2: Poor zone-in design and you 
how to drown to win

Before getting the pleasure of being ripped apart by snakes or spikes you have to get to the top of the temple.

When zoning out of the temple, make sure not to auto-run or /stick someone. If you do, you're likely to go flying off the temple rock into the water below. Mythic really should have designed the zone-out point to be less lag-error-prone, like putting some twists in the tunnel after the zone-in but before you stand the possibility of flying off into the water. Get right on that guys (to mythic art dept).

It inevitably happens that someone will fly off the cliff and take the plunge. Here's what to do if that happens.

1. Get them to swim within healing range (rezzing range), as close as they can. 
2. Have a rezzer up top target them. 
3. Tell the unfortunate lagger (now swimmer) to drown. Cancel any water breathing potion and dive just barely below the surface. 
4. Then have the rezzer re-target them post-drowning and rez them up. 
5. Send feedback to Mythic that this problem needs to be fixed so it doesn't happen in the first place. We shouldn't have to drown to win. 
*6. If for some unlucky reason the drowner wasn't close enough when they did themselves in, have a rezzer dive down and rez them, move to the right location, then both people now repeat from step 2 on. Send Mythic 2x the feedback if this happens.

Part 3: Fly the not-so-friendly skies 
Thank your for flying Harpy Airlines

Then you have to climb up to the top of the temple mountain. Those with laggy machines, take it slow and don't /stick anyone. Don't pet the snakes.

There are harpies flying around in a circuit who's job is to annoy players (who pay $13 a month for the priviledge) by picking them up and carry them back down to the zone-in point. The drop off takes half your life away, so lead a healer-type down here (one with speed of some sort if possible) to go up last.

One way to avoid a ride on Harpy Airlines is to follow a harpy up, but not too close.

Part 4: You gotta get your foot in the door, 
but don't get bit by a snake!

Getting past the snakes is the hardest part. Runihara's temple is patrolled by snakes. Don't #$!@ with them. Have everyone wait for a gap in the snake patrol to run-in. Those with laggy machines should shake-down the lag before attempting anything.

There's a trick to this though. As if the snake patrol wasn't bad enough, some clever designer decided that it would be even cooler if the snakes doubled-back once in a while.

**The Double-Back**

Every time I've seen someone aggro a snake, it was due to the double-back. The snake goes past the door, then behind the pillar, then it turns around comes back towards the door then turns around again resuming its original course.

This double-back tricks the player (who is paying $13 a month for the priviledge) into running in just as the snake has doubled-back into aggro range. Snake spits. People die. Frustration kicks in.

SO! Make sure everyone on the raid watches the pattern before even attempting to go in. Make sure they see the double-back happen a few times before trying to go in. They must understand what it is and how it affects their run-in, in order to minimize snake aggro.

A couple of rules for this section:

- Do not follow someone else in. Make your own decision. If you follow someone else in, you will aggro a snake. Snake spits. People die. Frustration kicks in. 
- Have someone in the group running a speed song/spell. Have this person run in last (for that group). 
- Do not run in if snakes are aggroed. Just don't. You'll make things worse. More snakes will spit. More people will die. More frustration kicks in. 
- Once you get inside the temple, log out, log in an alternate character, and rejoin the battlegroup. Wait for the raidleader's signal to relog your main. 
- The raidleader goes in last (so the /battlegroup stays active for people to rejoin when the log in alts). Once the raidleader is in, they'll signal everyone else to relog mains.

Someone usually will aggro a snake, even I have and I'm goooood. 

So here's what to do if a snake aggroes:

- Don't move. 
- Don't fight. 
- Don't heal. 
- Don't rez. 
- Put a paper bag over your head and lay down and die. 
- Everyone inside the temple log out (you should be logged out already if you followed the above instructions).

Disobeying any of the above instructions only makes a horrible piece of game design worse. Don't panic, just go into a zen-trance and die.

Then we wait, about 7 minutes, for the snakes to despawn (the ones that are running around killing people, not the patrollers). 

Don't get mad at the person who aggroes a snake!  We need to fight together people, if you're going to get mad, save it for your feedback form.

Once these snakes despawn, make sure they really did despawn, then have one (1) rezzer inside the temple relog their main to rez the sorry sap who aggroed the snake. then both of them log back out. Only then may people resume trying to get inside the temple.

Repeat this process, cursing snakes and harpies to the high heavens, until everyone short of the raidleader is inside the temple. Then the raidleader goes in. If the raidleader aggroes a snake, laugh at him/her, then have one (1) rezzer log in after snakes despawn, rez raidleader.

Once everyone is inside the temple, the leader gives the signal for everyone to relog their mains. Regroup, rebuff and don't forget to have every character (bots too, if any) rejoin the battlegroup; or no credit will be given.

Part 5: You mean there's more? 
We're not done yet?!?

Once inside the temple the worst part is over, but the second worst part is just beginning.

- Nobody attack/click-on/interact in any way with Runihara. 
- Nobody stand too close to the walls (or you will aggro a snake from the outside). 
- Spread out. I mean that spread out. Like gas molicules in a balloon (/waxing science on y'all) everyone be equadistant from the next person.

Once the raid-leader is satisfied with everyone's positions, then we begin the following sequence. But everyone must know their general role.

HEALERS: Cure poison, small heals. 
Keep the main tank alive at all costs. If the main tank drops, the secondary tank must catch aggro or all hell breaks loose. Best to just not let that happen.

HoT HEALERS: Cast Heal Over Time on the tank(s). Particularly at the beginning when aggro isn't firmly established.

REZZERS: Use smallest rez. Ghetto rez. unless you're being spiked. Move away from your rezzer as soon as you are rezzed.

MAGES/ARCHERS: Kill the blue-con snake adds at range.

EVERYBODY: Don't move. For no reason should you move. At all.  Never. Don't. Stop. Stop now! <ahem> Only move from your spot if the raidleader says to.

EVERYBODY: No unnecessary pets (ie necro pets only). No animist pets, no Thuergy petspam, nothing. Nada. Also, stay away from bomber pets (animists), I don't trust them. Keep the necro pet on a short leash.

EVERYBODY: Nothing fancy. No heal fields (ML ability). If you think to yourself "gee, whouldn't it be clever to use X?", then you know it's not a good idea. Don't use X. If your job is to stand around and watch, then spend your time formulating the feedback you will be sending Mythic about this encounter.

EVERYBODY BUT THE MAIN TANK: You do not want aggro. Do not do anything that would get aggro.

Ok, here's the Sequence:

1. Buff up the main tank. Select 3 other melee's. One of them will be the maintank's /guard wingman. Buff them all up. 
2. Get a damage shield on the maintank, highest one available, it will help secure aggro. 
3. Maintank guards the secondary tank, protect on the main healer intercept on the mage. 
4. Secondary tank (wingman) /guards the main tank, protect the 2nd main healer, intercept on the mage. 
5. Only the main tank approaches Runihara. The secondary tank should stand as far back from Runihara (while still facing him) as he/she can and still be within melee (/guard) range.

--- the fight begins ---

6. Then the maintank begins the fight. Attack with taunts, run healchant (if Paladin), and really try to make Runi mad *at you*. 
7. At this time, only the main healer (who has the maintank's protect) should heal the maintank, the other healers should take care of cure poison on the main tank. 
8. Also have the HoT Healer (if any) casting HoT's on the maintank, especially in the early stages, since HoT's generate zero aggro. 
9. Continue like this for a few minutes. Any blue con snake adds that go for melee's, let the melee's kill them (while standing still). Any that go for mages/healers/archers, the other mages and archers should nuke them at range. 
10. When the maintank gets low on HP, punch Ignore Pain, Faith Heal or any other *I want aggro* button you have in your arsenal.

--- the wingman joins the fray ---

11. Since shield tanks aren't great at damage-dealing, do this for a few minutes, then call in your wingman to help.
12. The wingman should move carefully to the right or left side of runihara. 
13. The wingman should then begin combat, detaunting only. 
14. Healers should now be healing and cure poison-ing on both tanks. make sure the maintank stays alive at all costs. the other melee's are disposible if need be, the maintank must not die.

--- the 3rd and 4th melee's join in ---

15. The raidleader will call in the 3rd melee at some point. 
16. 3rd melee should be a high damage melee class if possible. 
17. 3rd melee should move to be on the opposite side of Runihara from the wingman. 
18. 3rd melee will detaunt only. 
19. Then repeat for 4th melee after a minute or so. 4th melee gets runi's rear arc. Detaunts only. (high damage tank preferred) 
20. Healers will now be healing/cure poison-ing on all four melee's.  The main tank remains top priority, still.

--- Now we widdle (wittle? whittle? something like that) ---

21. Stay in this pattern until Runi is dead.

--- (optional) Punch the Majestic Will ---

21a. If you are lucky enough (<cough> Gaheris <cough>) to have a Majestic Will mage or similar artifact (Cloudsong, Trogdor's Oracle), then you can speed up step 21. 
21b. If point blank AOE spec, have the MW caster replace one of the tanks (not the wingman) right next to runi. Have the tank move back, and the mage move in, swapping positions. 
21c. If a range MW caster, don't bother getting closer =P 
21d. Have the maintank /guard the pbaoe mage, then if you have a cleric, have them punch Bunker of Faith right as the mage hits MW. 
21e. Nuke Runi into next week.

--- Finale ---

22. /spit on Runi's crumpled form, then collect your prizes. 
23. Lotto the keys off immediately. 
24. Use the keys on the chests. NOBODY should suicide out until the keys are used. 
25. Take care of the rest of the loot in Stygia Haven. 
26. Send mythic feedback about what a pearl of game design this is, and how dying horribly and repeatedly is just what you hoped to get from ToA. /sarcasm off

Follow this strategy, and you are nearly guaranteed a Flawless Victory. Unless Mythic Stealth-'fixes' it with even more little nuggets of goodness this strategy works splendidly.

Best wishes. ML4.2 and ML6.9 (there is no cow level) are a blast, so don't let Runihara stop you. Utterly destroy him without mercy or regret.

Special thanks to all of the people of Gaheris who endured the pain of Runihara while I figured out this strategy. May your sacrifice not go to waste and many more may benefit from it.  Extra special thanks to Gwydain upon whose strategy this one was built.   Dec 27

Method 2:

Step 10 is recommended to keep 2 clerics in the Chamber for emergency REZ.  The bottom line, the Snakes are on a 3 minute timer.  If you aggro them in, Do not REZ, do not move, Die if you get hit.  Wait 3 minutes to log back on.  the Snakes will dissapear.  Than get the people in the chamber again.  Stealth does not work to go in.  The snakes have true sight.  And lastly, UNGROUP so you dont wipe out your entire party as you enter the chamber.  

To fight the Boss, in each corner of the room have a mins, cleric, scout, tank, wizzy grouped.  Their job is to take out the ADDS adn to target one tank in the tank party to spam heals.  

Heals must be the small heals, not the power FuLL heals or you will aggro.

The Tank Group is the tank Group, Primary tank takes aggro, uses FH, spams tuant, and does the best to keep the aggro.  

All personnel in the Chamber do not move.  If you sit down, use the key board C command to stand up, not the arrows.  You wll cause traps to go off if you dont do it this way.  

If somone one is lagging a lot, even when standing, have them permentantly sit down for the BG Encounter.  

No one stands near the walls, or the snakes will aggro outside.   Jan 20

Method 3:

Having performed this step several times (learning something new each time), it now seems to be very easy.

Popular misconceptions about 2.10:
1.  Runihura spikes when aggro changes.  Not true.  It seems that Runi spikes when you have people gathered too close together.
2.  You can easily dispatch the spitting snakes inside of the temple with your tanks. True and False.  True in that you can dispatch the snakes without a total party wipeout, however, it seems that runi aggros whenever one of the snakes initiates an attack on someone in the temple.
3.  Runihura's level "scales up" to the number of attackers.  Unsure.  At first I thought this was true, however, lately, I think that his level is simply random within a specific set of levels.  When we did this with 4.5 groups (though half died within the first 30 secs), he seemed to be just as easy/hard as most of the other encounters with 2-2.5 groups.  
The most important rules that MUST be followed are: 
1.  Once everybody is inside, spread out throughout the room, do not have anyone standing very near or on top of each other.  If people stand on top of each other, Runihura will spike that area, and though you may survive, it can be a major pain in the neck.
2.  Once everyone is spread out, stay where you are.  Especially if you have more than 1-1.5 groups in the room (most we've done this successfully with was 3fgs), the chance of someone moving and lagging out into the spitting snakes is not worth the risk.  The only people who should move are the people who are in melee with Runihura.
3.  Stay away from the walls.  Once again, don't aggro the snakes from outside the room.
4.  Do not use large heals.  All healers should use the smallest heals possible.  HoT is your friend.  Use it.
5.  No Pets!!
6.  If things look bad, log a rezzer, do NOT run out of the temple.  If you run away, you are inviting the spitting vipers to come in and wipe out any other possibility of surviving.

Group Makeup: I generally prefer to have 2fgs of people, however, have usually done this with about 2-2.5fgs.  The heavy tank group is obviously the most important.
For this group, I try to get at least 2 wardens for synch pbt, 1 warden for dmg add/healing, 1 bard (end song), 1 druid (regrowth spec) and 3 tanks. 
One tank  (at least) should be s/s, and one a dual wielder.  The dual wielder will always be the main tanks with the s/s with guard on him.  The third tank can be either LW/2H, CD/DW or s/s.
If there are any rangers there, they go into the 2nd group, ensuring they have a bard for end song.  Usually, the bard in this group is designated to cure poison on the main tank.

Using the main group forming method of keeping the main tank alive without having to actually cast aggro generating heals seems to work the best.  Having verdant spec animist with AF/Ablative buffs and castable bt, combined with pbt (either single or synched) and a mentalist HoT worked wonders.
Rangers seem to cause the most damage using the immolated bow (even more than  LW),however, I've never seen a ranger pull aggro from the main tank due to the taunts.

1.  Get everyone safely inside of the temple.  To do this, you should have two or three assassin types set a distract GT just to the NW of the temple.  One assassin can do distract, however, the snakes easily "resist" the distract and get away within 10-20 secs.  With two or three assassins, it is much easier to get both of the snakes that patrol the north side to "stick" far away from the door.

Once the assassins have the snakes distracted, move the rest of the party up to about halfway up the mountain to just below where the harpies start to pick people up.  When the assassins confirm‍ that the snakes are clear, move everyone up to the North entrance and then move everyone to inside the temple.

If a snake gets free, have your tanks kill it.  We have been able to safely enter Runi's room the last 6 times with only getting snake aggro one time.
Once everyone is inside the room, have the assassins move into the room while  continuing to distract the snakes.
An alternative to this would be to have your heavy tanks aggro the snakes outside and kill them.

2.  Spread everyone out.  The largest amount of people we have gotten inside of Runi's temple without having spikes appear was about 2.5 groups of people.  We tried this last night with about 4.5 groups of people, and about half of us (all the casters and lower level peeps) died in the first 30 secs.  However, our tanks and most of our healers survived, and proceeded to kill Runi.  Easy way to get credit for a ton of peeps at one time   Dead bodies do NOT count towards the spread out theory 

The best way to spread out is to get an even number of healers into each corner, have casters/rangers stand a little bit nearer to the middle of the room, but outside of range of Runi's AE Dot.  Place your heavy tanks on all four sides of runi (Have tried max of four tanks).
Once everyone is spread out.  Don't Move!!!  Accidentally moving on top of  someone else and causing spikes or lagging outside of the temple and aggroing the snakes will surely not please the rest of the people who are with you.

3.  Initiate the Attack.  If you have a main attack tank with an anytime stun style, this should be the one to open up the battle.  When this tank attacks, all other peeps who will engage Runi in combat should commence as well.  The objective of the tank group is simple, hold aggro on the people actually attacking Runi.  The aggro can switch between the tanks, however, if a healer gains aggro on Runi, your survival chances drop significantly.
You should have at least one healer who starts out casting HoT on the main tank from the beginning as HoT draws no aggro.  This healer should keep the highest level HoT on whichever tank currently has aggro.  In addition, dedicate one healer to casting cure poison on the tanks as well.
Only ONE tank should /stick to Runi.  If more than one person is /stick to runi, if he moves, you automatically start stacking people up and invite Runi to start spiking the room.

Once the tanks have established aggro (Runi about 95%), any archer types should start to shoot runi.  

4.  Stay alive.  One factor which we overlooked in my first raid was the little bane vipers that runi spawns (damn blue/yellow mobs).  Though not dangerous by themselves, they do cause problems in that their attacks on any of the main tanks breaks the blade turn bubble on the tanks allowing Runi to hit.
All casters not otherwise engaged should immediately kill any bane viper that spawns.  Once runi has dropped below 90%, simply aoe Runi to hit/kill these small snakes.  That way if the VERY RARE cast is not fully resisted, the caster won't draw aggro while also doing major damage to the little snakes.

5.  Do the lottery.  Congratulations.  You just spent 5 hours getting ready to do 10 mins of work.   Nov 23


Use the keys to get loot right away after you have defeated the main guy, When he respwans there will be NO chance of using keys again. In our case he respwaned in less than 10 mins. more like 5.    Nov 18

We pulled it off this evening with only 9 and 2 bots out of group. Was pretty easy all in all. Had 3 tanks on him at all times (4 was triggering the spikes) and was just a matter of playing it safe and having the two tanks who weren't able to be beating on Runi to be clearing the blue/yellow snakes he was popping.  Nov 29

2.11 -Killing for XP

11)  Try searching deep in Darkness Falls, or kill some of the dragon's minions.  Perhaps the creatures of Atlantis could be useful as well.  

Patch notes from version 1.66j, Nov 20
Experienced Trials players who help less-experienced friends complete trials are now given Master Level Experience for providing this help. The system works as follows:

- Experienced players who have attained at least Master Level 1 are given Master Level experience if they are in a group with any other player who is granted credit for completing a Trial Step.

- In order to get ML experience for the kill, the experienced player must be grouped with at least one player receiving credit for completing the Trial step.

- The experienced player helping out will recieve Master Level experience for each less-experienced player that he helps per Trial step. If one less-experienced player gets credit for completing the encounter, Master Level experience is granted to the helper. If two get credit, then twice the ML experience is granted to the helper, and so forth.

- Master Level experience is given only on steps for which the experienced player has already completed.

- Please note that Trials designed to be completed by solo players will not grant ML experience for anyone helping out. 

Not all previously completed Master Level encounters grant shepherd experience. Sometimes it's not possible technically - for example, some encounters require that the person on the quest activate an item. We can't flag that step. In addition to the technical problems with some steps, some encounters are much simpler than others, and can be soloed - so there's no real reason to flag them for ML shepherd experience.

I am sorry that was not more clear. The vast majority of ML encounters do grant shepherd experience, but the exceptions are not generally speaking bugs.
Sanya Thomas

 - Master Level experience is given to the experienced player only on steps for which the experienced player has already completed, and when the experienced player has the previous Master Level completed. For example, if an experienced player has killed the Shadow Reaver (Trial 2, Encounter 2) and is Master Level 1, he can then bring a friend or friends who require that step to kill that monster again and receive
Master Level Experience. Should the experienced player kill the Shadow Reaver, but not yet have Master Level 1 status, he would not receive Master Level Experience by assisting others with this encounter.

Master Level Three

Outline from NavneimuFurystick, and then I have filled in a lot from other people.
Many of these are in the 
Temple of Twilight loc 15k 58k in Oceanus Notos.
Running the Raid
1 - Moirai's Destruction
2 - Kepa's Downfall and Cure for Kepa
3 - Casta's Annihilation
4 - Laodamedia's Furious End
5 - Antioos' Deceptive Death
6 - Glowing Barracuda's Fading
7 - Shraogh's Fear Removed
8 - Sting Ray's Power Absorbed
9 - Sinovia's Power Relinquished
10 - Conquering Twilight
11 - Killing for XP

Running the Raid

Three maps available, look at them all, see which one gives you the information you wanted.
1 - Map of the Temple of Twilight        - Balise
2 - Another Map of the Temple of Twilight    - Jozi Rawr
3 - Another Map of the Temple of Twilight     - Lathera

I ran an ML3 raid last night.  Completion time was 3 hours + 1 hour for loot lotto.  Making all farming AND Moughart a pre-requisite saves a lot of time.  
Apr 22 2004

What You Need Done Before Coming on an ML Raid/Recommended Raid Order

ML3 is located in Temple of Twilight, 15k 58k Oceanus Notos.
Bind in Aerus Haven and bring lots of underwater potions!

ML3 is by far the most time consuming master level, so here is what you can do to get the raid time down from 10-12 hours to 6-8 hours.

Before the Raid starts:
Before the raid even starts have one group go in and farm for an eel stomach (not everyone has to do this, it is not required to get trial credit, they just come in handy later).  This is very easy to do now after the 1.68 patch.
Everyone has to do this at some point:  Get a full group (the shaman has been killed with 4 people, but you probably want a full group) and go to 15k 58k Notos.  You'll find a triton treasure hunter there, right before the zone in point (don't kill him, just talk to him, you'll need the group you brought with you to kill a shaman).  To save time tell every to just /s kepa and /s antioos.  This will save time and by having people not actually click on the treasure hunter you have a better chance of not having someone kill it.  Talk to the treasure hunter and get both the Antioos and Kepa quest.  You can't complete them until you are with the raid, but you can do one step - kill a triton shaman.

Find and kill a purple triton shaman.  Get the necklace and be sure to bring it on the ML3 raid.
You need at least 3 people to kill a triton shaman, might want to bring a little more.  They have been reported at these locs:

  • ~35k 5k Meso   Nov 18  - Jozi Rawr
  •  5k 19k Meso    Dec 21  - Avirez

Doing the Raid:
Now use the eel stomach and kill Shraogh (3.7).
Kill Mourghart (subquest of 3.2).   See trial 2 for locs of Moughart sightings.  (You could also have people do this before the raid if you want to save even more time.)
Head back to ToT at 15k 58k Notos and zone in, the rest of the raid is all inside of the dungeon.
This raid can be done without any backtracking and with only crossing the Barraccuda room once.
(3.6) Glowing Barracuda
(3.8) Sting Rays
Farm for Cobra Eggs and Atlantean Swords in front of Moirai's Lair.
(3.1) Moirai (Farm for eggs/swords until everyone has them)
(3.5) Antioos
Cross Barracuda room (be very careful have seen this room wipe 6 FG, often best to send an IP tank through first on a suicide pull and have rest of the people follow)
(3.3) Casta
(3.9) Sinovia
(3.2) Kepa
(3.4) Laodamedia
(3.10) Medusa
Mar 8 2004

Its recommended to group all that you need in one group to get the EGG.  There is only one Pregnant Cobra and the Spawn time is from 5 minutes to 30 minutes.  Each group that needs it has to be the one to engage it and kill it .  Any outside help will cause the egg to not drop.  Raid leaders should adjust the killing accordingly.

The Sword off the Gorgans has a glitch, some members in a Group do not always get the sword as a Group even if the group does all the killing.  An easier way for that elusive sword, is the one having a problem getting it, does the initial pull and damage to the Gorgon.  This works about 60% of the time but is not a guarentee.  Just keep having that one group do group kills till the sword drops.  Jan 20

3.1 - Moirai's Destruction

1)Moirai still holds the runic power behind her magical shielding! 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This works for battlegroups.   - Pedus
This has been done with 1 group.


Moirai stands in a stone circle in her room, which she will not leave while her barrier is intact, nor will she be able to be hurt.  She has 3 minions around her.  Set up your raid in the room outside of Moirai’s and pull the minions. DO NOT KILL THEM.  When the minion is at 50% or so, it will give you a message about returning to Moirai to absorb some of her shield.  At that point break off combat and wait for it to head back to it’s master.  After several trips, Moirai’s shield will disappear and she will attack the raid.  Kill the minions, then move on to her.  Mar 20 2004


2 warriors 
1 skald 
1 savage 
1 zerker 
2 healers 
1 shammy bot 
wasnt too hard just took about 30mins to whack moirai down with that.   Nov 21

Well, we defeated the 3.1 encounter, Moirai. She has a runic shield around her, you can't damage her until it's down, she summons snakes(Cons from yellow to purple) and she has 3 minions(Purple). 

At first we killed the minions to see if they dropped her barrier, they didn't. So we waited a few minutes and she re-summoned the minions. What we did was we kept almost killing the minions, when they get damaged they absorb Moirai's Barrier to heal themselves. When her barrier starts to weaken it flashes colors more, then it decreases in size. 

Moirai hits for about 350 to 500. The Minions are weak and the snakes are normal con strength, no special poisons like for 2.10, but we had to kill about 300 snakes in the half hour the fight took. It took us about 20 mins to drop the barrier and 10 mins to kill Moirai, it's a very non-zerg fight in the way that you have to drop the barrier. Once Moirai is free you'll want a bit more help for her and the snakes at once. 

This was a very tough fight for one group, we used 2 BOFs, 3 IPs, a FH, all the instants on our 40+ rejuv clerics, many many power potions and Raging Power on the Theurgist to pet spam. At the end of the fight we were completely out of power and 3 of us died in the last 15 seconds. The snake agro got unbearable for our poor PBAEr by the end. The group was Paladin, Reaver, Theurgist, Wizard, Cleric, Cleric, Minstrel, Friar. 

If you stand on the inner part of the discus/platform where Moirai stands her fire AE will not hit you. Moirai uses a fire AE on the entire platform except the inner part, you'll see what I mean when you get there. 

DO NOT KILL THE MINIONS until the barrier is down. So, in closing, 2 groups would make this go very smoothly. I believe that covers just about everything, I would give directions if I had them. 

3.2 - Kepa's Downfall

2)Kepa has agreed to give you her runic power, will you help? 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
You need two groups for this.


This is one of the two trials with a sub quest.  Talk to the Triton Treasure Hunter at the entrance of ToT. (Each and every person has to talk to the Triton Treasure Hunter individually.)  For Kepa he will ask that you find a mob in Meso named Moughart.  The only two locations I have ever found him at (and I’ve found him at one of these two every time) are 45k 21k Meso and 2k 21k Meso.  Kill him first and ignore his adds, as they despawn when he dies and everyone in BG will get credit.

Kepa herself is inside the 
Temple.  When you reach her, as soon as the first person who is done with the sub quest speaks to her, everyone else has 1 minute to speak to her to receive credit for the encounter.  She sends little clouds that cause damage at players, but other than that it’s a straightforward fight.  Mar 20 2004

Moughart Sightings:

  • 2.6 21.4 Meso.  Mourghart was found on the side of a rock and he looked alot like seaweed.    Nov 11  - Thrennoadae
  • 4k 16k meso.  He respawned there with his buddies twice after that also.   Nov 9  - Seter
  • 37k, 49k  Another Moughart spawn location we found tonight.     Nov 24  - spydor
  • 44.5k 20.5k in mesothalassa  Dec 16  - Aphexplotz


Kepa's respawn is 2 hours.  Dec 29

<Kepa's Subquest:  Cure for Kepa> Kill Moughart. Spawns at ~5k 20k in Meso with 4 purple bodyguards. If you kill any of them they all die and you get quest credit.     Nov 18
Jozi Rawr

For the quest "Cure for Kepa" you no longer need to be alive when your BG kills Moughart, credit is granted for killing him reguardless.    Nov 26

3.3 - Casta's Annihilation

3)Casta still uses her artifacts to slay anyone who enters her lair! 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This will take almost 3 groups.   This works for battlegroups


Location:  Casta is around 46k 10k in ToT   Nov 8    - Balise

We had a main tank charge in first followed by all others and as soon as well got in the circle -BAM- PB AE lots of dead hibs. 

Then we tried moving ALL players into the circle and then we attacked -BAM- almost immidiatly after we attack get AE'd to death.

As a last ditch effort we pulled her out of her circle, healers and casters were spread out all over, melees all /stick to her and she went down. 

Based on our expierences I think being inside the circle is a bad thing and wanted to inform you of the descrepency. It was possibly changed in the patch.   
Apr 18 2004


Basic fight, she is immune to ranged attacks for the first minute or so until you get spam that her protective necklace breaks.     Nov 18
Jozi Rawr

Her range attack is a killer. We've done her pretty easily a few times by keeping everyone within melee range using 1.5-3fg. You still have to live through the occassional AE stun, but if the aggro group has PBT it shouldn't be too bad.    11/12

3.4 - Laodamedia's Furious End

4)Laodamedia still rigorously guards her lair! 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This encounter took 2 full groups 3 or 4 tries to complete.  This works for battlegroups. 

Strategy (2 methods):

Picture before battle

Method 1

The most important thing to understand about Laodameia is that you can kite her. She only moves at normal runspeed, so as long as your ressers know how to kite, there is no reason the raid should ever wipe on her. (The gorgons are a different matter, however.) 

Here's the tactic I used when I led an ML3 raid. We had about 20 people. 

Pick one slash, one crush, and one thrust tank. For us, this ended up being a slash paladin, a friar, and a thrust infiltrator. At least one of the tanks should be a shield tank for defense. Having more than three people meleeing makes the raging more difficult to manage, so only those three should attack her. You can have other people stand nearby to guard the three tanks, so long as the others don't fight. Archers should not attack her (their arrows count as melee damage). Casters can attack her, but it's generally a waste of time since they'll rarely land any spells. Melee pets are a no-no, and caster pets probably won't be able to land any spells (but might be useful to add to-hit bonus.) 

When you run into the room, the three tanks should pull her out of the center and close to a wall. Everyone else should go to the center of the room. 

During the fight, the three tanks should do whatever they can to balance out their weapon speeds. You want to have all three of them swinging at as close to the same speed as possible, to reduce the chance of the same person hitting several times in a row. Try cancelling haste buffs, cancelling dex/qui buffs, or switching to slower weapons. Dual wielders should unequip their offhands, because the offhand attacks count as separate strikes for raging. No matter what you do, she will still rage now and then, because one of the tanks will end up hitting several times in a row while the others are missing. If this is a serious problem, you could try having the tanks keep an eye on each other and go out of attack mode temporarily if they hit too many times in a row. (We didn't need to do this.) 

When she rages, the person with aggro should immediately disengage, sprint, and kite her in a circle around the edge of the room. Everyone else should get out of melee range, and stay out of melee range until she calms down. Like all monsters, if she cannot reach the person she is aggroed on, she will attack anyone who is in range. So everyone needs to stay well away from her, and make sure you don't run her through the center, because that's where all of the support classes are standing. Once she calms down from the rage, start fighting her again. 

At any point during the battle, if anyone besides the three tanks gets aggro (e.g. a healer), that person should run out of the center and kite around the edge of the room until the tanks can regain aggro. 

6 second PBT and lots of healers make it much easier (we had both), but you should be able to do it with pretty much any class and spec distribution, it'll just mean more deaths and more time. If any of the tanks get killed, kite her around the room while you rez and rebuff, and have an archer shoot her to keep her in combat so she won't regen health. 

Other notes: 

- She has a ranged instamez that she will sometimes use on a person she's chasing. If the mez lands, she'll start chasing someone else (because monsters are coded not to break mezzes). 

- Laodameia determines the type of weapon a person is using by looking at his mainhand weapon. This means that if a slash paladin is shield slamming, the game considers it to be a slashing attack, and NOT a crushing attack. 

- We didn't specifically test this, but it looks like the game uses the weapon's specline to determine what damage type it is. If someone is using a legendary matter dagger, for example, the game considers it to be a thrusting attack and not a matter attack, because a dagger uses the thrust specline. 

- Do not use healing fields. They make aggro too difficult to manage. This is true for most other parts of ML3 as well. Power fields are okay. 

My recommendations for the gorgon part are: 
- Kill the monsters in this order: Deidamia, casters on snakes and tanks on Prokne (when snakes die switch all to Prokne), then Ioclaste      - Deksar
- Prokne casts AE mez. Have an unmezzer hang back away from the battle to cure it when it happens. If your unmezzer is also a healer (e.g. Midgard), he should try to avoid casting heal spells so that he doesn't have aggro when he needs to unmez. 
I told the raid to ignore the summoned snakes, and we wiped on the third gorgon. Don't make my mistake. Kill the snakes or the healers won't be able to heal due to the interruptions.   Jan 5

A better way to kill the minions after Laodamedia: 

Method 2

Recently some people have had "issues" with Ladomeia, where during the encounter she stops taking damage. The following details how we completed this step on January 4th, 2004:

We came with 10 full groups. When we got to Ladomeia, we had a puller log and attempt to single pull the statues in the hall. His first pull got 2 of the statues. His second pull aggroed 4. But at the same time, someone lag-pulled the rest of the statues. We had no issue killing them all with 10 full groups. Single pulling the statues is difficult, because you can not target them untill you are approxmately in aggro range of the mob. It was and still is my belief that having these statues alive when the encounter takes place makes it more difficult. Although they did have a relatively fast re-spawn rate so I am willing to bet that some of them had re-spawned before the encounter was finished.

Our next issue was that Lado was sitting at the door waiting for us. So we charged in, and pulled her into the back chamber. At least 4-6 people died while she was kiting around. We killed her in 5-10 mins I believe. Here were the basic rules I set down for the acutal encounter:

-Small heals. 
-No heals when Lado was enraged (which happens when she is hit with the same damage type too many times in a row).
-10% rezzes to cut down on aggro.
-Bow users preferred for pierce, celtic dual styles not recommended.
-Bring as many different legendary weapons as possible in order to increase the damage types that hit Lado. 
-All pierce users cancel spec dex and attack speed in order to slow down thier swings.
-Void eldys to either bolt or gtaoe.
-NO STICKING TO LADO. We kept Ladomeia in the center of the room and did not stick to her. 
-Move out of the way if she enrages.
-MOST important point imho: Animist to cast blade turn pets and or spamm aoe blade turn bubble in the center of the room. Everyone who melees is to stay inside that center area.
-IF you are a healer and you gain aggro, you run to the center under the blade turn. Otherwise all healers stand on the outside of the circle.

Lado enraged about 6 times during the fight and I believe that there were only a few deaths besides the ones at the start. After we were done, we had to kill the 3 minions, we killed "D" first, then went on to "P" and then "I".   Jan 4 

Engage the 3 bodyguards as soon as possible.  It seems that if you take too long to engage them, then Laodamedia comes back to life. 


The Non Targetable Statues can now be Targeted and killed.  You no longer have to use a Cleric MIns combination to sucide in to the Chamber.  Jan 20

~ 3 fg of us wiped to Lao on 3.4 
Tip: Run away when she goes into a rage -- she starts one shotting people. Ow.   Nov 14
Alcara Argenta

By far the hardest fight we did in there. When she 'enrages' as too many hits by a specific weapon type, she is brutal. Best strategy seems to flat out avoid her at all cost when enraged. Sprint out of her way, don't even attack from behind as she has a large attack radius. We still lost many on this fight, lots of mid fight rezzing but we managed to take her down by avoiding her while enraged. 

Once dead, three other gorgons spawn at the doorway, exact names escape me but they start with D, P and I. D casts cobras, P is a caster. We took down D first to get rid of the cobra spawn, then P as she's a caster. Last was I and we finally managed to finish this encounter last night. Was our 3rd - 4th attempt for most and we had 2 very solid well built groups, with alot of tank power.     11/11

3.5 - Antioos' Deceptive Death

5)Antioos asks for your help in exchange for another runic power! 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped: 
This has been done with 1 group.


Get the subquests the easy way (for Trial 2 and Trial 5)!  Chat with the Triton Treasure Hunter at the entrance of the Temple of Twilight. The mob's loc is Notos, 17349 60663!   Jan 9

If you did not talk to the Triton Treasure Hunter, then talk to Antioos first to get the quest.  Each and every person has to talk to Antioos individually.  (You cannot just have one person in the battlegroup talk to Antioos, everyone has to talk to Antioos.)  Do the quest, then come back and hand her the stuff and kill her.  Two methods listed, one done with 3 groups, the other done with 1 group.  You're really better off just talking to the Triton Treasure Hunter outside the entrance first.

<Tasks for Antioos Subquest> You have to find a snake egg, sword, and a shaman necklace. 

Egg can be found from a pregnant cobra outside of Moirai's chamber  at loc 31k 19k.
Trick to make the pregnant cobra spawn:
The quickest way I have found is to kill everyhting except Snake Keepers and let them spawn 3 snakes. After the third snake is up if one isnt a pregnant cobra, pull the keeper and wait for a new pop. Sometimes snakes spawn before the keeper; if that happens, pull the snake quickly because when the keeper pops, that snake will account for one of the three place holders that keeper has. While we wait for pregnant cobras, i usualy keep a constant stream of the other gorgons incoming to the raid. Its good because by the time everyone has an egg, everyone should also have a sword. Also, pulling the non keepers will leave more open spawns for one to show up.   Jan 24

Sword from any of the grogans inside the dungeon.   ~35k 45k

Shaman necklace comes from triton shamen outside the dungeon at each of the 3 factions in Meso.  ~35k 5k    Nov 18
Jozi Rawr

You need at least 4 people to kill a triton shaman, might want to bring a little more.  Sounds like there are multiple places you can find shaman, they have been reported at three different locs:

  • ~35k 5k Meso   Nov 18  - Jozi Rawr
  • in the Skyros territory on the rock above Moughart (4,16 Meso).     Nov 11  - Seter
  •  5k 19k Meso    Dec 21  - Avirez

Method 1 - done with 3 groups

Focus on her snake first then Antioos, no special tactics necessary.   (screenshot from Speedos.  Notice in the screen shot, Antioos is charmed, this Minstrel made Antioos his pet!  However, the messages say that he resisted the charm.)

Method 2 - done with 1 group:

Cast of Characters:

Wubbits - old smite cleric turned enhance/rejuv for teh w1n
Rhelip - 6 second pbt god
Kevia - Minstrel that makes chain look good
Ansor - Minstrel that chain makes look good
Rigwyn - cleric with heal and power wards of goodness
K ragen - our tank for the evening and sexy paladin *raaawr*
Siobani - me! mostly rejuv for the massive heals
Waryk - Mercenary that we suspect fell asleep when we surfaced next to 345565 crocs heading to Antioos' lair

After finding the triton shaman and Mougart and his bodyguards we traveled by luxury skiff, the HMS Pink, owned and operated by Siobani Sailing, a subsidary of Siobani Industries, to the *plays dramatic music* Temple of Twilight.....

Our path through ToT

 First with our group of 8, (Waryk was still awake at that point) we bravely killed the evil octopi, skinned those crocs for shoes, and then found and killed a pregnant cobra and the dastardly gorgons guarding them. Everyone got the egg right away but we had to take down several gorgons before those that needed it got the sword.

After a brief rest we headed back out leaving a trail of carnage in our wake. And got some new shoes out of the deal.

Algae covered rays and sandrifters, not much to say about them cept I hate them. We killed them and moved on.

Crocs again. Do NOT ride the crocs.

Finally we surfaced and then Waryk went ld... He had mentioned earlier that it was very late where he was at. We waited through another spawn of crocs, moved up to kill the gorgons patrolling the entrance to Antioos' lair and still no Waryk. That left 7.

*plays a western theme* The Magnificent Seven.......

Gorgons. Only about a billion of them between us and our goal but never once did we fret or fear. Instead we took them down one at a time, sometimes more. They threw all they had at us and we gave it back to them tenfold.

Someone should give those gorgons an extreme makeover. No makeover was available, (they were deemed unworthy), so we put them out of their misery. Finally we make it inside the entrance only to find 8 more gorgons trying to look fierce. Once again we killed them. Halfway through killing them (as we were so slow at it with one tank) we had repops of those damn things. Literally an hour later and probably 16 gorgons with repops added in, we get through the gate and into Antioos' lair.

Round 1...... Us vs. Her

Round 1 Kevia did a beautiful job running Antioos around while the rest of us killed her snake. That snake fetish she has must go. One would think she is from the 
US deep south or something. Snake went down fairly easily.

Wards were planted for the next task..... Antioos herself. By now we were feeling pretty good. Made it through a fight with 5 gorgons on the 7 of us, killed the snake while Antioos herself was being led around by the nose. We take on snake head herself and then the first ominious sign..... I somehow get aggro and she seriously wanted a piece of me.

I was hurt baaaad. BUT.. we were doing okay. Then disaster.. our 6sec pbt and a cleric go LD. Down I go, then K ragen, then Kevia. Ansor takes off with Antioos chasing and leads it around till Wubbs and Rip get back. We did however, get her to 70% in about 20 mins....... /cry

Round 2......

Much better feeling about it. Rigwyn drops her power ward, damage adds are given out like candy, pbt was up...... we were ready to go. K ragen, Kevia and Ansor start again. This time I stand far far back. I still haven't looked at my armor to see the damage done to it. I'm afraid to. 

Damn we look good.

About 15 mins into it, Antioos is at 75% or so, Kevia stops styling and talking.... We suspect afkness but say nothing. K ragen decides it's time to put some chairs and a desk together we bought for the kids so he is mostly afkness until I poke him back to style a few times and then again off he goes... Ansor his doing his thing, Wubbs, Rig and I are all doing the healing which was a steady stream of the smallest heal to avoid any possibility of aggro. Those power wards are amazing. None of us with the exception of Rhelip, was ever out of power.

Rhelip chain casted earth pets the entire time. I don't think one of them even hit Antioos but it looked good.

Rigwyn had to get to bed so she gave Ansor the proper instructions on power ward placement and healing. About 30 mins into it I start doing the math on just how long it will take us to kill her. 45 mins later our suspicions are proven....

Kevia: "You guys are still at it? I've gone to dinner, showered, relaxed and just got back."

Grumbling from the non afkers could be heard miles/km's around that we weren't lucky enough to do that.

50 mins after our 2nd attempt on Medusa wanna be :  Down she goes!!!    Jan 5
- Siobani


Everyone still alive in the group gets one when you kill the shaman. 
No you can not farm it before hand. 
While I was able to aquire the necklace before the quest, you must have the subquest before you get the 
necklace for the aquisition to "count"    Nov 26

3.6 - Glowing Barracuda's Fading

6)A strange barracuda resides in the darkness, glowing with power! 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This works for battlegroups.   - Pedus
This was done with 1 group.


West of the hallway you find yourself in is a room with dozens of barracudas, as well as a giant glowing one.  Just kill the big guy and get credit, he comes with a lot of adds.  Mar 20 2004


Just kill the glowing cuda for step credit. You'll get zerged by ~10-15 orange-red adds, dogpile and pbae works fine.     Nov 18
Jozi Rawr

Like the rays, one big purple one will be glowy...Have one person drop group and drop /bg, drop all buffs ect... (maybe relog to make sure all association with your /bg is cleared) Have one person in the /bg target the glowing barracuda.  Have your disbaneded person do a suicide pull and  pull the reds aand clear them, pull the glowy one. Easy (very) for three groups. Just make sure you designate an MA, and everyone /assist.    11/13

Pretty straight forward, kill the big glowing one. Lots of small ones with alot of aggro. Pbaoe works great with assisting tanks on the main etc.     11/11

3.7 - Shraogh's Fear Removed

7)Shraogh still strikes fear into the heart of those who oppose him! 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
With the Eel stomach, you can do this with 1 group.
Without the eel stomachs, it has been done with 3.5 groups.  This works for battlegroups.


Shraogh is a giant shark that swims outside the entrance of ToT.  He has super high af and is very hard to kill if you do not have an eel stomach which you get from Darid Gho eels, which are located east of the entrance hallway, past the alligators.  “Use” one of them on the shark and his af is drastically lowered and he takes 50% damage.  Larger raids can do this without the stomach, though the fight takes a long time.  Mar 20 2004

With Eel Stomach:
Shark is extremely easy with the Eel stomach, took us about 20 seconds to kill the shark after using the stomach with 2.5 groups. This can be done with one group provided you have the stomach.   Nov 14

Darid gremna eel sightings:

  • at 37k 28k    Nov 14  - Felicitous
  • east of the entrance hallway, past the alligators.  Mar 20 2004  - Sash

Put the eel stomach on your quick bar and use it.
I don't even think you have to have him targetted. You just have to be near him.  Feb 6  - Shadeauxe


If you kill the Triton Treasure Hunter just inside the arch, Sharough will disappear until the Triton repops (about 20 min).  We found this the hard way, when our two animists set up mushrooms on the steps to the dungeon.  The Triton was hit and killed, and we had to wait until he repopped before Sharough showed up.  So have your animists set up far to the left of the arch on the steps of the temple.   Jan 25

Shraogh will swim towards ToT and sometimes will "zone in" and disappear. He doesn't actually zone in, I mean you can't find him inside, but he does despawn and that is the message you get. As my raid as zoning out to fight him he zones in, and it took approx. 15-20 mins for him to respawn. I would highly suggest moving the raid out front of ToT to fight him, and pull him before he enters the temple or he might despawn. Also, you can use multiple eel stomachs on him, making him pretty easy if you have them.  Jan 12

3.8 - Sting Ray's Power Absorbed

8)The sting ray swarm with an unnatural glowing power! 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done with 1 group.
This works for battlegroups.   - Pedus


South of the barracuda room is a room with 15 or so purple con stingrays.  Kill them all and get credit for the encounter.  Mar 20 2004


Pretty much same as barracuda except it's 10-15 purple adds that hit pretty hard. We had someone kite away all the adds and then piled everyone on the glowing one for step credit.    Nov 18
Jozi Rawr

Look at the rays. ONE will be glowing. Have one person drop group and drop /bg, drop all buffs ect... (maybe relog to make sure all association with your /bg is cleared) Have one person in the /bg target the glowing ray. Have your disbaneded person do a suicide pull and drag the rays as far out into the ent tunnel as possible. Have your designated puller shoot the glowy one... it will then come alone to your /bg. Easy kill. Repeat once more so your suicide person gets credit.    11/13

About the same as Barracudas, cept the rays transfer the 'runic' power between them. Just keep killing the glowing one till you 'catch' the power and you are done. Nice assisting tank train works.    11/11

3.9 - Sinovia's Power Relinquished

9)Sinovia the octopus devours those who come near! 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This works for battlegroups.   - Pedus
This has been done with 8 people.

Sinovia is located at around 50k 26k in ToT.     Nov 8


Past the room in the center of the dungeon with the wandering barracudas is an octopus named Sinovia.  Kill her, she summons a few pets to aid her, and get credit.  Mar 20 2004

Sinovia has been given a ranged Damage Over Time attack to combat targets out of melee combat.
(1.68 patch, 
Feb 19, 2004)


Sinovia spawns every 15 minutes or so... or less.    Nov 14
- Alcara Argenta

Sinovia is easily farmable, just a straightforward fight.     Nov 18
Jozi Rawr

Straight up fight killing an octopus. She summons occasionally an orange/red one to send after a healer that gains alot of aggro, and also does a life drain attack. Healers just need to pay attention and its easily countered.    Nov 11

3.10 - Conquering Twilight

10)Medusa still turns anyone who opposes her into stone! 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
You need 2 groups for this, minimum.    This works for battlegroups.


Pull the targettable statues in her room, theyre easy, theres some not targettable but they arent live, theyre just decorations. 

We ran the full ML3 yesterday post-patch (Feb 19) and there has been a change in the encounter.
Through the doors into the encounter, on the stairs leading down to the floor there are now Ice Traps, PBAE ice nukes centered on positions in the staircase. If you have people zerg in, lag, AF, etc. you will set them off one at a time.  Each seems to be triggered by extreme close proximity and the AE covers just about every inch of the stairs execpt for a spot right above the center of the rooms floor, against the half-circle wall.

If you have everyone slowly enter the room and as you enter hug the outer wall of the left staircase all the way around the 180 degree bend, then directly cross over to the semi-circular wall and go down hugging it you will have a good chance of avoiding all the traps. 

If the traps start going off, its best to get down the stairs as fast as possible and regrouping below, sending rezzers up the route indicated to get the dead.   Feb 20

Have everyone put /effects all so you can see the big pillars of green light coming out of the 4 dark squares in the middle of her room, if you walk on these squares, a trap goes off, and its really not dangerous traps...like spawn an orange/red con snake...or ae root...and thats it. 

After statues are clear, move to the right in the alcove, Medusa will aggro and come to ya, once in a while she does a weak PBAE for 250, very rarely though. every 20 seconds or so she makes a run in the middle, tell your raid to NOT EVER STICK HER. When she runs in the middle, just have your raid go AROUND the dark squares and keep her in combat, then she'll come back to where your raid is, OR, just have a caster nuke her to keep in combat while she comes back.   (screen shot from Landis)

first time we killed her there was no issues what-so-ever, no statues spawned. 

2nd time, 4 untargettable, undamageable statues spawned. We appealed, it was working as intended. That can scare your raid a bit but make it clear before you attack Medusa that if statues pop, WHOEVER HAS AGGRO MUST KITE AROUND THE ROOM. The statues dont lose aggro on whoever theyre chasing, they never switched aggro from the druid i was playing on 2nd comp for over 40 mins. Just kite the statues around the room, whoever has aggro. Rest of the raid kills Medusa, medusa dies, statues die, thats it. Move back to the stairs ASAP cause she popped in under a minute for us.   Dec 1

After Medusa is dead, the traps in the center of her room go off.


The untargettable, unkillable statues are found on both sides of Medusa’s room. When Medusa starts attacking, the statues come to life – but they do NOT attack unless provoked (they’re neutral). So any AOE or PBAOE that hits the statues will cause them to them to attack, which wiped my raid once (even though I specifically said no AOE or PBAOE about 7 times). Medusa will then even order the statues to kill only Healers to make it worse, so DO NOT USE ANY TYPE OF AOE.
Have the Healers back up a bit from Medusa to avoid her PBAOE stun, it has a very short range.  Apr 8 2004

In order to to get your BG through the statues guarding Medusas Lair, all it takes is a fully buffed Druid with both instas rdy. Have him ungroup an charge and open the door for the rest. Worked a couple times w/o problems. Also I managed it once (haven't tried again yet) to sneak past the statues and open the door for the druid. Others managed that one too, I tried the same at 3.4 but got unstealthed.
All sneakers can make it to 3.10 statues easily. Just swim stealthed to the point you come out of the water and usually you get unstealthed there, but can run up to the statues in front of 3.10. If you have a rezzer there, a BG won't have to go all the way to the entrance to pick you up. This works for all ML3 encounters inside the 
Temple!.   Mar 6 2004

The door locks when someone aggros Medusa. We've had this happen before if some people run too far into the room or if someone lags into Medusa's area. 
I would think the encounter eventually resets and the door should unlock. But I'm not sure how long it takes to reset. Once when we had a small group and Medusa summoned the statues, we logged a rezzer and most of the group died. Within 5-10 min of all being dead, the encounter reset and we were able to log rezzer and try again.  Jan 23

3.11 - Killing for XP

11)Continue your search in Darkness Falls, or try looking in legendary dungeons in the shrouded isles.

Master Level Four

Outline from x-, and then filled in a lot from other people.
Running the Raid
1 - Sting
2 - Storms
3 - Roar
4 - Lost Goddess
5 - Masters of the Desert
6 - Ghillan
7 - Portal
8 - Blood
9 - Oasis
10 - The Rising Pyramid
11 - Killing for XP

Running the Raid

Map of Land of Atum and Stygia Delta  Dec 9  - Svendig Rockbottom
Map of the Pyramid  Dec 27  - MastaMappa

Entire Master Level 4 completed in 3 hours:  with 3 groups on ML 4 we rushed through all the steps but colossal and then met up with 4 more groups that needed 4.9 and 4.10, took 3 hours. (4.2 took an hour itself trying to target Seti and keeping the wrong mob from coming to us), but after that it breezed through.  - Kempel

What You Need Done Before Coming on an ML Raid/Recommended Raid Order

ML4 is located through out Stygian Delta and Land of Atum.

Do these trials before a raid:
4.1 Colossal
4.3 Eye of Ra, Roar
4.4 Valuable Stone (solo)

Save all the drops, namely the Bloodstone, Eye of Ra and Sunstone.

Then a raid can run:
4.2 Fortress of STorms
4.5 Jann
4.6 Oukesson
4.7 Iter Statues
4.8 Daehien
4.9 Gaurmaes
4.10 Matikhoras

ML4 is relatively straightforward and quick, especially compared to ML3.  The only hurdle is getting enough numbers for 4.2.     Jan 24
- Alcara Argenta

4.1 - Sting

1: Colossal has yet to be summoned from the scorpions of the Stygian Desert! 
This is a group encounter. 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
You can do this with 3 people.  
Colossal no longer requires players to be level 50 in order to receive credit for successful completion of the encounter.
(1.68 patch, 
Feb 19, 2004)


For this step you need to kill a Colossal, which is a scorpion that has a chance to evolve from any Large Scorpion in the desert.  There are usually several of them up at the camp directly north of the Haven.  Mar 20 2004
- Sash

Apparently, at (3000, 17000 Stygian Delta), there is a camp where MULTIPLE Colossal may be; we're unsure whether or not camping/killing scavenger scorpions/giant scorpions/etc has to do with this, but when we arrived there were without doubt at least two of these big ol' Colossals running aroud town.
Go figure, not gonna complain.
Statistics on Colossal: (Comparisons via DF mobs)
-Defense of a high Umbral Hulk
    -3000-4500 hit points
    -AF moderately high; Amethyst will miss, but not impossible
-Offense of a high mahr (relatively weak offense for it's level)
    -Hitting 50 scale/chain tank for ~200-300
-Bafs, but only 1-3 nearby scorpions

Done with five (5), but realistically we only needed two (2).   Jan 3
 - Matipzieu/Gaheris, /loc compliments of Bert/Gaheris

A Bloodstone drops, which you need for Trial 7.


No guarantees on how to make Colossal spawn 
According to Mythic, killing LARGE SCORPIONS creates a CHANCE that Colossal will spawn. From what everyone is saying, and my own experience, once the three adult scorpions spawn, there is a 100% chance that Colossal will spawn, so the trick to this trial is making the adult scorpion to spawn.
On hib/tristan, we have been getting the adult scorpions to spawn at 5/25 
Land of Atum by killing young scorpions at either 28/7 SD or in the scorpion pit at 38/45 SD. The large scorpions then spawn at EITHER of those locations, not necessarily the one at which we killed the young scorpions. Immediately thereafter, the adult scorpions spawned at the 5/25 LoA location. Kill the adults and Colossal would spawn.
Some people report that they have killed Scavenger scorpions at 39/56 LoA causing the adult scorpions to spawn at 5/25.
Other possible spawn points of Colossal are 37/45 SD, 36/24 SD, 7/11 SD, and 26/26 SD. I have seen the named scorpion Terkari at the first two of these locations, and no scorpion named at the last two, so... I cannot confirm‍ or deny this.   Dec 9

Look UP if you can't find him...
We didn't see Colossal at all and were thinking about moving to a new camp when I looked up, and there he was.  He was perched way up on top on of the big rocks, peeking over the edge at us.  Jan 20

Fangtooth's December 9 info is excellent info on making Colossal spawn. After 2 weeks trying various suggestions, here is how we finally did it on Guinevere last night:
1. Kill the 3 scavenger scorpions at 39k 56k Atum
2. Placed a bot at 5k 25k Atum, to watch the arch where supposedly the scorpions that morph into Colossal like to spawn. This also calmed down group members who were insisting we camp that arch.
3. Our group then ran to the various locations listed in Fangtooth's post and cleared scorpions like there was no tomarrow, keeping an eye on 5k 25k Atum via the bot. 
4. traveled first to the Scorpion Pit, location 38k 45k Stygia. There were only a handful of baby scorps, Young scorps, and Adult scorps, which we promptly exterminated. Camped there for 5 minutes before moving to the next site.
5. traveled to 35k 24k Stygia. This location usually has only a few baby scorps, and occasionally the named artifact scorpion Tekari has been seen in the area. However this site was now teeming with about 40 scorpions of various sizes (baby, young, adult, mature). We killed every last one, but no Colossal, no signs of scorpions at the arch in atum.

Our friar ran up to the very last scorpion before we were going to leave, a young scorp at the northern edge of the large boulders, and suddenly he was being attacked by a gigantic purple scorp and about 5-6 other adult/young/baby scorpions. Colossal had morphed out of one of the scorpions (didn't see which) but had been hiding on the other side of a large boulder. 

Moral of the story? Thoroughly check the camp site, including INSIDE large boulders via gtaoe/pulses, in case the darned thing spawns inside a rock!!   Dec 12 

Location: 5k, 25k, Atum
Kill the adult scorpions (all of them), then 3 or so giant scorpions will spawn. Once you kill them, Colossal spawns. He drops a Bloodstone, which is needed for the Crocodile Statues.   Nov 27
Asakura Yoh

4.2 - Storms

2: The Fortress of Storms has not been taken! This is a battlegroup encounter. 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done with about 4 groups (after 1.68 patch)

Fortress of Storms has had its difficulty reduced. We have lowered the total amount of monsters across the board needed to be defeated to complete this encounter.
(1.68 patch, 
Feb 19, 2004)

Strategy:  (2 methods)

This gives you the Storm Crystal.   Nov 21   - Seter
Seti the Pharaoh in the Fortress of Storms     - Zinshakesh Suracai

Notes since 1.68 patch:

We had 1g per town while 2g raided the fort, and 1g was OVERKILL for the town protection, as long as you keep the tents around the towns burning. 
The most workers we ever got was 5, yellow con. 
Confusion also basically negates them, as they won't even try and repair while confused.   Feb 25

Just make sure after you take a town that you make a quick run to see that no laborers made it to the camps. if one made it eventually repair and overrun your single group in the town. my group was left in a town and one or 2 laborers were missed and we ended up with about 20 reds/oj's beating on us til we finally died and we had to get the main group to retake the town.  Feb 25

Method 1, done with 5 - 6 groups:

From what I've seen, if you take out the Towns in a wrong order, they instantly respawn on you when you work on the Fortress of Storms.  
I do the same order everytime I lead a ML 4 raid.  The order to do it in:  I did the one closest to Stygia first, then the one infront of FoS (or whatever), then the one by the zonewall last.  Jan 29 
Asakura Yoh

The Fortress of Storms is protected by 3 towns, which in turn are protected by 3 camps. When you attack the Fortress of Storms, all 3 towns and 9 camps attack you. If you attack a town, the 3 camps protecting the town come to help. 

So here is what you do: 

1. Pick a town(any town will do). Send 1 group to clear each of the three camps. When the camps begin to clear they will catch on fire and the town will send Setian Laborers to put out the fire. Killing the Laborers will keep the fires going, and when a camp is completely on fire, Setians will not spawn.

2. When you have the 3 camps on fire, leave the groups that took them to intercept the stream of laborers coming to put out the fire. The rest of the raid attacks the town. As you clear the town, it too will also start to burn. 

3. The Fortress will send waves of Laborers(like 20) to the town to try to put out the fires. Kill the laborers to keep the town on fire. When the town is completely on fire it will stop spawning. The groups keeping the outlying camps clear can leave them at that point. 

4. Leave 1-2 groups(depending how large your raid is) in the conquered town to keep it clear of Laborers. The rest of the raid heads to the next town. 

5. Repeat steps 1-4 for the other two towns. 

6. When you have conquered all three towns, you shoud have 2-3 groups free. With these groups, start clearing the fortress itself. I reccommend pulling to a safe distance to avoid CFH mishaps. Like the town, the Fortress will catch on fire, the fight will rage on until the Fortress is Completely on fire and does not spawn any longer. At this point, the 3-6 groups holding the outlying towns can come to the Fortress. 

7. Keep the Fortress clear with the raid and pick 2-3 groups to ascend to the 
Temple. Inside the temple is Seti the Pharoh and his personal guards. It is pretty straightforward from that point: kill Seti's guards, then kill Seti. 


A. Today we had an entire town and outlying camps suddenly repop for absolutley no reason at all. The town and outlying camps were all on fire, and laborers were under control. The groups guarding it died a pretty horrible death. 

B. On small servers, it is extremely difficult to get the number of people required to hold the towns and take the Fortress. We could only get 3.5 groups together today to do it, and this was an 
Alliance raid advertised in advance. 

When the encounter runs smoothly, it is a very epic and fun battle. I wish RvR seiges could run this way.    Nov 18
-  Gilean

Method 2, done with 6 groups:

We did this trial with 6fgs. As a brief overview, the Fortress of Storms is protected by 3 towns, each town in turn is protected by 3 camps. If you attack the fortress of storms without removing the towns/camps first, all the setians from those towns/camps come to help defend (not a good idea without 100+ 50s to play with).

To take each town, we zerged each camp to start for that town, then left one group to defend that camp while the main force took over the town. Once the town was secured, one group was assigned to defend the town, the camp defenders returned to the zerg, and we moved on to the next town, where the process was repeated.

On the last camp at the last town (of course couldn't be the first camp), we arrived to find NO SETIANS. I was about to /appeal this, when we noticed that setian laborers were inbound to the camp.  /effects all showed that indeed the camp had some fires in it even though no setians were killed. 

Once all towns were controlled, we moved to the Setian Fortress. After some time, we noticed that all laborers that were heading to the towns were moving through the gate, so we placed a group at the fortress gate to kill all laborers exiting and the town groups reported soon after that they were getting NO laborers to repair the camp. We recalled all town groups to the fortress, leaving only two people in each town to kill/report on any laborers that got through. Please note, the fortress continued to spawn their red/purp guards, so I believe our blockade at the front gate was effective. Once the other groups were in the fortress and helping to supress the guards, we moved two groups up into the main temple/palace, where we started to pull the guards from the middle of the room first, and soon we got Seti as well.   Dec 9 


When killing Seti, if he is in the wall, you MUST pull him out and no pets or dot's on him just in case.   Jan 30

To do it right you need at least 6 groups, and a good bit of organization. You need groups to be designated to stay in each town to keep it cleared, until the Boss mob shows in FoS, then everyone needs to run there for credit if they are not already there. 
This was a very fun encounter the first time we ran it properly, but the second time, just the other night, one village was bugged and we got plowed when we tried to take FoS. But everyone died laughing at the # of mobs we got zerged by.   Dec 4
Adeni Cariad

Mezzing laborers does not work but rooting does. Set up a root caster were the laborers come from the fort and he should be able to root every laborer before they reach the fires. Tested and proven. Dec 8 - Prophet

4.3 - Roar

3: The Mighty One, the Eye of Ra, is rumored to roam the desert Land of Atum still! This is a group encounter. 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done solo.


Location: wanders all over Atum on the south side of the river.
A named lion, Tutankhsekhmet, wanders around with several other yellow con lions.  Find him and kill him, picking up the stone he drops.  As soon as he dies, a massive AE spell will be set off, killing anyone in the area.  Make sure you get the stone, then run away as fast as you can.  
Mar 20 2004

An Eye of Ra drops, which you need for Trial 7.


Kill the Named lion Tutankhsekhmet.
T spawns (about a 1-hour spawn time I believe) near the blazing scarabs at 57/44 LoA. However, he then heads in a westerly direction wandering constantly. We have also found him near 38/44, 26/42, etc... To find him, I generally head to 57/44, then start a loop search pattern starting towards the SW, then up to the N at about 10/20 (estimated), then back to the East around 10/42. We found him one time fight a crazed lion, so we killed the crazed lion, then killed him.
T is a relatively easy kill solo or with two when he is alone, however, as he wanders, he sometimes picks up an entourage of 4-5 yellow-con sacred lions. If he has his entourage, you may need 4 or 5 peeps to kill him.
After he dies, one person will get his "Fires of Seth" spell on them, and without good healing, will die. Once the fire spell finished, the Eye of Ra will appear on the ground for one of the people in the group to pick up.  Dec 9 

This step can be soloed. As a bard I simply confused the yellow con sacred lions that are grouped with the named. Do this one at a time so you end up with a yellow that is near full health on the named at the end. Then set up your heal node and jump into the fight. The sacred lion will hold aggro till it dies and by then the named should be below 30% health. It is not exactly easy to do but defiantly can be done.  
Mar 3 2004

The Jeweled Khepri Scarab was received in Stygia.
I too recieved the Jeweled Khepri Scarab and upon further killing around Atun found out that it is used in the ML4.2? the one where you have to kill the lion and he roars and calls down a 'meteor' that is an item you need for a later part of ML4. If you do no have this gem then when he does this your hit witn a rather nasty AOE fire spell if you do have it you get a message about it eclisping the 'meteor' and it protects you from the AOE and is then used up.   Dec 24

4.4 -Lost Goddess

4: A valuable stone to some is but a bauble to a child! This is a battlegroup encounter. 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
You can do this solo or battlegrouped.  One person said if you do this with more than one person, you need to put everyone in the battlegroup or they won't get credit (even if there is less than a group of you).


Miw-Shesekhmet drop them:
We started pulling a camp and noticed some strangely placed green mobs. We found these mobs near the huge camps of Mauskhment Nomads where the priests are at that scream 'protect the caravan' in /b and send dozens of yellow Mauskhment Nomads after you. This is where you'll find the Radiant Sunstones. The mobs that my group killed (two came, +10-15 Nomads) that dropped it were Miw-Shesekhmet, they're green con to 50 and a little smaller than the regular than the nomads. They dropped both dropped a radiant sunstone, i recommend farming these and not Nomads.   
Jan 2 2004

We found the nomads with the Miw-Shesekhmet in 
Land of Atum 10k, 30k.  They roam, though, so who knows where you'll find them.   Feb 7 2004

People have reported that they get a whole host of yellow cons after them when they pick up the radiant sunstone, as did I <grins> Well insted of out running them or killing them all you can do the following.
Around 15 20 atum there is a Djnni stone, the camp where you find the green cons are at 10 30, start by activating the Djnni stone head back and kill the green con dude. Now pick up his stone, all the nice and friendly Mau's near by goes "lets kill that guy", now just head to the Djnni stone click it and pick you target and your home free of harm. Easy and fast and its saves you the walk home.  
Apr 14 2004

A Radiant Sunstone drops, which you need for Trial 7.


I took a group of 4 to do ML4.7 (wanted to get it in before the server reboot of 1.68 so the crocs would reset).  We were not in a battlegroup, only a normlal group.  I placed the stone in the croc statue, activated, and got credit for it.  However, my group didn't get credit.  I imagine that this being a BG encounter, if you aren't in a BG, you don't get credit.  Sent an appeal to Mythic and their responce was that the other members of my group must not have qualified for credit even though they had done the same ML4 steps as I did!  Feb 19

4.5 - Masters of the Desert

5: The Jann of the Land of Atum whirl among the dunes! This is a battlegroup encounter. 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done with 2 groups.


Located at 36/48 LoA. This one is relatively easy when you are prepared before hand for it. We set all tanks on Jamaluddin, and had PBAE focused on him as well. With several Healing spheres cast, we only had a couple of deaths of casters and of course, the healers.
Tanks should stay on the named mob, even when he transforms himself into a whirlwind, and all casters should focus on the other whirlwinds.    Dec 9 

We pulled him twice last night. The first time we cleared out a few of the PTM Whirlwinds around us and pulled him. At around 60%, he called for the Whirlwinds and we got around 20!!! Needless to say, we got wiped (about 3 groups but with a good number of bots) other than a lone Bard who escaped and was able to come back and rez.

Second time, we (now 2 groups) set up a good bit away from the area with the whirlwinds. I pulled him back to the group and we began meleeing him again. A couple of healers dropped healing fields and I think that was a big mistake. Even with double protect on our bard, the Jann still went straight after her and then the other healing field user. I noticed during the fight that more Whirlwinds appeared to be moving our way. He called out to them at about 15% and once again, we were in deep. Since most of the healers had gone down at least once, they were low on mana and unable to keep up with the healing. He wore us down by sheer attrition (he was at 6% when we died).

My plan for the next time is to use no healing fields and to fight him while retreating from his spawn area. This should keep the number of Whirlwinds who answer his call to a minimum. It won't allow us to take as much advantage out of an Animist, but we should be able to do it with less than 2 groups. The second strategy would have worked with our original number of groups, but we lost a few when we got wiped the first time.   Jan 7


The name of the mob is Jamaluddin at 36K, 48K Atun. Surrounded by whirlwind storms. We focused tanks on the mob and PBAoEed the swarm of storms. Then he summons tornadoes (which actted like a spell affect) and then more whirlwind storms. A caution, he will sometimes change form to a whirlwind storm during the fight. He will later change back. Did him with 16 and it was a close fight. Could have gone either way. Drops a Sandstone.   Nov 17
Milric Anadar

A Gem of Absorption (for Trial 6) and a Sandstone (for Trial 7) drop.


Respawn time seems to be random, we saw him repop after 20 minutes and also after 8 minutes.   Feb 15

4.6 - Ghillan

6: Oukesson the Ghillian is still multiplying when fought! This is a battlegroup encounter. 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done with 2.5 groups.  Battlegroups receive credit.

Location:  OtG is around ~16k 24k 
Land of Atum I believe.    - Alcara Argenta


The battlegroup received credit for this encounter, so it appears to be a battlegroup encounter, not just a
group encounter.

Oukesson now multiplies when damaged by arrows, any melee attack, damage shields, spells, and any other
form of damage we were able to dish out.  

To successfully complete this trial, at least one member of the battlegroup MUST have the Gem of Absorption received from Jamaluddin, on trial 4.5.  The person holding this Gem must equip it in their right hand weapon slot.  Once equipped, the Gem must be placed in the hotbar, where it can be used (like a potion, charged item, etc.).  The Gem can be used once every six seconds, and is not destroyed or removed from inventory once it has been used; it remains equipped and in inventory.

The person holding the Gem of Absorption should move close to Oukesson and repeatedly USE the Gem (I'm
talking SPAM that thing!) while everyone else in the battlegroup engages him.  So long as the Gem is used
every six seconds, Oukesson is unable to multiply when damaged.  As long as his multiplying ability is
disabled, he is a fairly easy fight, and can be damaged in ways most purple-con mobs are able to be damaged.

Attached is a screenshot showing the Gem of Absorption equipped in my right hand weapon slot, the mini and
full information/delve windows for the Gem, and the Gem icon in slot 10 of my hotbar.  As you can see from
the image, once equipped, the Gem looks like a loot bag that is held in the player's hand.  PHEAR THE
Mar 25 2004

A Crystalized Ghillian Eye drops, which you need for Trial 7.


We had 2.5 groups and 2 animists, we were able to zerg Oukesson.  We tried the hero/dmg add method, but the animist did have a tangler shroom up.  We're not sure if it was the shroom's fault, but Oukesson cloned anyway.  After we wiped out, we tried again, straight out zerged him with lots of shrooms.  We won.  Feb 7

Located NW of the pyramid just across the river is Oukesson the Ghillian. After having 4fgs wipe several times to Ghillian + 10 clones trying to use the dmg shield method and the zerg method advertised on VN boards we decided to go with the kite and arrow method. With 4fgs hitting OtG, we were able to get him to about 25% before the clones started to heal him. So I estimate that with 5fgs, you may be able to simply zerg him and win.

A bard with speed 6 (either twisting or 2 bards in group) drew aggro by closing in on OtG. After dragging OtG around towards the main group, all people with bows, whether short bows or Rangers, shot arrows at him. The bard would heal both himself and anyone else who drew aggro.  The kiting bard should also be the one to rez anyone who dies to OtG.

With 5 rangers and about 5 heros/BMs with short bows, it took about 10 mins to kill OtG with no clones spawned. Also obtained the Crystallized Ghillian Eye.    Dec 9 

Did this weekend and found out that Heal spheres make him duplicate. 
So if your going the dmg shield way.....you'll have to do it w/out the heal spheres. 
We had a very high Aug healer help us do this one. He pulls with Haste debuff, fires off a insta and then his 10 dps dmg shield does the rest of the work. 
Only took like 5-10 minutes but 3 healers and a shammy burned a LOT of mana keeping him up, lol.  Dec 1

4.7 -Portal

7: The guardians of the river Iter have yet to waken! This is a battlegroup encounter.  

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
Putting a single stone in a statue gets the entire battlegroup credit.


Putting a single stone in a statue will give your battlegroup creidit for Trial 7.  However, in order to get to Trial 8, all six heads have to be turned to the Pyramid, so you will need all 6 stones.

1) Radiant Sunstone - drops from mau nomads, the Miw-Shesekhmet   4.4
2) Eye of Ra - drops from named Lion   4.3
3) Bloodstone - drops from Colossal   4.1
4) Sandstone - drops from Jamaluddin (ML 4.5)    4.5
5) Crystalized Ghillian Eye - drops from Oukesson   4.6
6) Storm Crystal - drops from the Seti Pharoh  4.2
Halie Hee and Milric Anadar and Uladar

Which Stone goes with which Statue:

The six stones, in west-to-east order of corresponding statues, alternating north and south of the river: 
Crystalized Ghillian Eye - 4.6 
Sandstone - 4.5 
Radiant Sunstone - 4.4 
Eye of Ra - 4.3 
Storm Crystal - 4.2 
Bloodstone - 4.1       Dec 2
- Alcara Argenta

a.) Take the stone to the correct statue 
b.) Place the stone in the statue niche at which point you recieve "You unlock the statue" message. 
People do *not* yet get credit at this point. 
c.) Click the statue niche again. 
The *clicking* group recieves credit and the statue head turns. 
Note you must perform the final step to turn the croc head and recieve credit. 
I personally have never tried the "Use" key to be honest. 
Now if you perform only steps a.) and b.) I have verified the behaviour that you saw; no credit, next stone "locks" the statue, locking stone does not disappear. So be sure to verify the final "click"  Dec 12


Each group was provided a stone, then we simply went from statue to statue with each group trying their stone. Do NOT forget to DOUBLE-CLICK the area where you dropped the stone afterwards, or you will not get credit, the croc head will not turn, and the portal at the top of the pyramid will not open.   Dec 9 

4.8 - Blood

8: The blood of Daehien still flows in the Land of Atum! This is a battlegroup encounter.


Once you go through the portal (to see how to do this read Trial 7), you will be in a valley with snakes.

Location: Located on top of the pyramid after all statues from trial 7 are activated.
When all the statues have turned to face the pyramid, a portal will be opened on top of the pyramid.  Step inside and you will be taken to a valley otherwise unreachable in Stygian Delta.  Once you are there, you will see a ton of snakes guarding a path.  When you agro the snakes, they explode causing AE damage to anyone in the area.  Have a few tanks run down the center of the path clearing all the snakes until you see the big one namedDaehien.  Once you attack him any snakes you have not cleared will begin to move toward him.  If you do not kill him before they reach you, they explode.  Daehien drops a vial of blood which can be used in trial 4.9.  
Mar 20 2004
 Sash (screen shot from Landis)

The Blood of Daehien drops, which can be used for Trial 9.


Daehiem, the snake you want to kill, is in the far side of the valley. Problem: touching the snakes makes them explode and proc a painful fire AoE around the person who set them off. Note: this means if you set them off with a pet or decoy, the DD will proc around the caster/stealther NOT around the pet/decoy. Easiest way to do this is have a few single people suicide clear (or carefully clear if you have good healers and a patient group) some what of a path then just aggrododge your way to the main mob.  

Main mob: As soon as you attack him the other snakes start circling him, in circles that grow tighter and tighter. Get all your melee inside the circle before it closes, make sure all casters/healers are OUTSIDE the circle. Then just melee him down. Good luck landing spells on him. And don't touch the snakes that are circling because they go boom just like the other snakes. When he dies he drops 5 keys, Dust of Creation and all the snakes die. The keys go to the chests by the portals. If some in your raid can't use the portal back to the top of the Pyramid, have them relog and they should be able to. 

Unlike all the other chests I've seen so far, Deahiem's chests are actually pretty nice.    Dec 2
- Alcara Argenta

Location - Through the portal at the top of the pyramid.
The portal at the top of the pyramid sends you to a long narrow valley with two rows of pillars and a 
LOT of snakes. We had a Eldritch pull the snakes with ae disease (radius 400 so hits the most snakes), who would then die, and we would rez, then rinse and repeat.
Once we reached the large snake, we had EVERYONE get on top of him, melee tanked, casters cast, and healers healed. With 4 fgs, he dropped fairly fast. Looted up the keys, and back to open the treasure chest.  Fairly straight-forward encounter.    Dec 9 

4.9 -Oasis

9: The marid, Gaurmaes, is still safe behind tornados and dust! This is a battlegroup encounter. 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:  This has been done "easily enough" with 2.5 groups.


Location:  Gaurmaes is at ~22 32k Land of Atum.   - Alcara Argenta

Location: At the base of the pyramid
A giant djinn named Gaurmaes.  He randomly spawns for a set interval each day, though if he is not up, you can “use” the blood you received from 4.8 to force him to spawn.  During the fight, he will summon tornado pets which cause AE damage to the raid.  He also rarely uses a 2500 damage PBAE spell, so be prepared by having all the casters and healers stand along the water’s edge.  He drops a Marid Figurine which is used to open the door for 4.10.  (another picture)  
Mar 20 2004
 Sash and Ameilee

He drops a Marid Figurine which is used to open the door for 4.10.


West side of pyramid slightly up the steps is Gaurmaes spawn location. We tried unsuccessfully waiting for him to spawn several times. 
When we finally got the Blood of Daehien from step 4.8, and /used it at the bottom of the pyramid, Gaurmaes spawned almost instantly, and wiped about 20 tanks standing there waiting on him with an AE DD that hit me for 3064 dmg. So... If you use the blood to make him spawn, have only ONE PERSON standing at the bottom to use it, then once he dies to the AE DD, have everyone else gang up on G. Using the blood also caused him to spawn tornados on him rather quickly.
If you are lucky enough to have him spawn for you without using the blood, he is fairly easy as he does not spawn tornados instantly, nor cast an AE DD.   Dec 9 

We dropped him easily enough with 2.5 groups but probably could have done it with less. As a note of warning though we had a couple of heal fields up and a number of theurgs with us too.  Dec 14

There is a chance he no longer spawns without the blood, not sure yet:
I've seen him pop at 
10pm12am, and around 7am. Might just be random, but the 3 times we waited for him we've never had to wait more than a day. Might have been changed in the same stealth patch that "fixed" 4.4...   Dec 23
Olaf Stormseeker

4.10 -The Rising Pyramid

10: Martikhoras reigns in his pyramid still! This is a battlegroup encounter. 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done with 1 full group.


4.9 Drops a Marid Figurine. Go inside the Pyramid to the gates. When the person with the figurine in their inventory steps on the "pad" in front of the door, everyone will get a broadcast that there are "clicks" beneath that person. Have that person /use the figurine (which makes it disappear) and thus unlocking the pyramid doors and opening the way to Martikhoras.  (screen shot from Landis)
Another picture of Marikhoras  (screen shot from Drayk)

Inside: Have everyone buff up and clear the two purple sphinx like things near the entrance, then go inside. Do NOT charge the room. If you can, pull the small mobs and kill them first. Then pull Martikhoras to the center of the room and put shield tanks on him with pbt. Everyone else start hacking away at the pillars/obelisks. They start at 200% hp so if it doesn't go down immediately don't worry. Make sure Martikhoras is underneath the pillars when they fall, as this will weaken him. The first time we got all four pillars down on him and killed him in 15 seconds with 40 epople. The second time we only got 2 of 4 on him and it took about 20 minutes with 40 people. Moral of the story: important to get the pillars in the right place. 

Drops 5 keys to chests and Dust of Creation. 

Hib/Nimue's Retribution did this with 1 fg... took them 1.5 hours though, even after all four pillars.    Dec 2
- Alcara Argenta

Located through the door/portal at the bottom of the ramp inside the pyramid. Note: It seems that the door/portal at the bottom of the ramp REMAINS accessible until Martikhoras dies. If there is someone who does NOT make it through the zone portal before the door closes, simply double-click the door and it should open. Or, if your entire party wipes, you should be able to go back and enter 4.10 again (fortunately, we did not have to test this)

First try: Almost total party wipeout. We knocked down all four pillars, three hits out of four tries /cry. Our tanks kept beating on him, rather than letting our designated engage tank engage him, twas NOT a pretty sight. Also, when the engage tank died, aggro shifted, thus allowing martikhoras to move out and not be hit by the fourth pillar.

However, rams and ML2 Battlemaster ability work GREAT on the four pillars. The pillars dropped very quickly with rams on them.

The first step, going in, we cleared the two criosphinxes in the first room, then moved to the top of the ramp leading to Martikhoras' room. After pulling and killing the criosphinxes on the right side of the room, we finally got Martikhoras' when we pulled the last criosphinx.

We set up a ram on the first three pillars and were able to get Marty onto the "fall-line" in front of each pillar. With all tanks on him(despite repeated pleas to stop hitting him :( ), our engage tank (engage works only when NOBODY else is hitting the target), our engage tank died, and a healer got aggro, pulling Marty away just before the fourth pillar dropped. Please note, each pillar starts with significantly more than 100% hp, so it takes a lot of damage to the pillar before you start to see it's HP drop.

After Marty went around the room killing healers, everyone left alive backed out of the room, and one of our bots started to rez people.  Marty still occassionally aggroed the rezzers, so it took a bit to get everyone up.

So... we rethought strategy, and had our 5 ML 3 perfecters drop a healing sphere at the top of the ramp. We then pulled Marty to the top, and were able to have each perfecter keep 2 spheres up for about 1000-1100 hp healed every 5 secs. We then slowly walked the spheres down to the middle of Marty's room to make sure he wouldn't die inside the wall and lose the loot, or find out that he doesn't give credit outside the chamber.

It seemed that Marty would occassionally hit a series of people for 2500+ damage, for a one shot kill, however, we simply rezzed them, buffed them, and sent them back in to die (oops, meant fight). With about 3.5 groups fighting him, it took us about 40 minutes of beating to finally kill him (I think half our peeps were bots.   Dec 9 


The 4.9 encounter drops an item that opens the door at the bottom. /use the item like a potion then have everyone run and zone into the open door.

Kill all monsters in the room save for the big guy, get him into the middle of the room. Then hack away at the black oblisks untill they fall over and damage him. Make sure the Boss is in the middle of the area there because the oblisks can miss their target and if they miss the fight takes years to complete. Once all of the oblisks are broken, beat him down zerg style.   Dec 2

4.11 - Killing for XP

11: Summoner's Hall may be a good place to look, as well as the depths of the ocean. 

Help others on lower ML trials. I got about 60% MLxp for 4.11 just helping with two ML3 raids and one ML2.  Dec 12

Master Level Five

This outline provided by Alacra Argenta, and filled in with comments from myself and others
This all happens in Necropolis (Halls of Ma'ati) at loc 10k, 10k  in the Land of Atum
Running the Raid
1 - Ma'atis' Coil
2 - Ma'atis' Hunger
3 - Ma'atis' Breath
4 - Ma'atis' Blood
5 - Ma'atis' Reflection
6 - Ma'atis' Preservation
7 - Ma'atis' Mask
8 - Ma'atis' Wrap
9 - Token
10 - Ammut's Appetite
11 - Helping for XP

Running the Raid

Maps     These Trials are labeled on these Maps
Map of the west side dungeon entrance in Necropolis   Nov 14   - Aabra Cadabra
Map of the south side    Nov 14   - Aabra Cadabra

Map of all of Necropolis  Dec 27   - MastaMappa

Entire Master Level 5 completed in 3 hours:  if mobs are up and you take 2 groups down there for .1 through .9, and then .10 have a couple more groups come in, you can do that one in 3 hours.  - Kempel

What You Need Done Before Coming on an ML Raid/Recommended Raid Order

Minimum requirement: ML1 to zone in.

ML5 is mostly group encounters.   We got ML5.1-5.4 done in an hour with 1 full group.

Recommended order of doing this:
5.5 Gorgons of Aerus (not in Aerus, mind you, just the crocs outside the dungeon)
Go down the south part of dungeon (map)
5.1 Qebehsenuef
5.6 Resin
5.7 Mask
5.8 Wrap
5.3 Hapy
5.4 Imsety
5.2 Duamutef

Bring the Mask/Wrap/Resin to the ML5.9/5.10 raid.

Then that raid can just do

The dungeon can realistically support 4 groups going at once, 2 on each side.  Even with that many you'll be waiting on spawns a bit.  So it is really in your interest to get a group and do the trials beforehand if you can.

Also: You get magical XP for artifacts from all the aggro between the trials in the Necropolis.   Jan 24
Alcara Argenta

Necropolis has 2 halls that have the same mobs in them...what we've been doing is splitting our force in half, and doing as many loops on each side as is necessary to get everyone credit for steps 1-8. Once everyone is done, we meet in the middle and do steps 9 and 10 together. 
For a group to get credit, they need the kill shot on the mob (echo for 1-4, last bound mob alive for steps 6-8) so just have your force back off when said mob gets to 15% or so. Should go pretty smooth.  Dec 30
Thredh "Smaug" Giantphang

Note on Step 9:  Once you have completed this Step, you can enter step 10 at any time on the boat without bodily harm.  All you have to do is Talk to the NPC to be turned into a mummy again, you do not need a item from 6, 7 or 8.  So Raid leaders, dont be alarmed if they ride the boat while you go drink from the fountain.  The boat can only take 3 FG anyways at a time.  Jan 20

"The high-end ML 5 encounters don't reset until all of the related spawns are cleared.  You will want to go through the dungeon and kill all of the monsters not in the boss room.  The "Hall of..." mosnters will respawn shortly after you do this."
This straight from a csr when I asked why ml5.8 had yet to repop.  
Mar 12 2004

I talked to a CSR today about these encounters not spawning for us.  He said that they are infact Faction based and you need to talk to the NPC at the enterence.  Also the mobs for those encounters can path into the walls.  If even one of them for any of those encounters is stuck in the wall the encounter cant repop or reset.  He said everytime they try to reset those encounters that they get messed up even more.  Also Development at Mythic is supposidley working on fixing the pathing on these encounter.  So if you have this problem you need to AoE all the walls to try and kill the ones stuck in the walls.  That is the only way to kill the mobs in the walls.  I haven't tried this out, but it should work.  We have done many raids 5-8 hours to try and get them to pop so our next raid we will try this.  Mar 29 2004

I recently attended a two group ML5 raid, with one group on each side of the dungeon.  Both groups ran into a bit of a problem on the resin/mask/wrappings steps.  There was one encounter up on each side, so we each killed what we had.  Nothing repopped for the next hour.
Eventually the group on the other side of the dungeon found a mob stuck in a corner of one of the rooms.  They killed it, and a few minute later all three of their rooms repopped.  A couple minutes after that, ours did as well.
Seems to be that the two sides are linked, so if anything is not COMPLETELY cleared on one side, NEITHER side will respawn.  
Mar 28 2004

5.1 - Ma'atis' Coil

5.1 The Canopic Jar - Intestines must be stolen from the Echo of Qebehsenuef! 
This is a group encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
We got ML5.1-5.4 done in an hour with 1 full group.    - Alcara Argenta

Location:  Echo of Qebehsenuef @ 19.7 25.4 14.8 HoM   - Alcara Argenta


Qeb is by far the easiest of the Echos.  His special attack is an AOE heat based DD which he uses often.  As long as heat resist buffs are up then he really isn't much of a problem.   Nov 11
Aabra Cadabra

One drop is the Canopic Jar (Intestines), which can be used for Trial 10.


5.2 -Ma'atis' Hunger

5.2 Another Canopic Jar - Stomach must be stolen from the Echo of Duamutef! 
This is a group encounter. 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
We got ML5.1-5.4 done in an hour with 1 full group.    - Alcara Argenta

Location:  Echo of Duamtuef @ 32.6 36.1 13.3   - Alcara Argenta


 Post-patch... Did it twice using one ranger and 3 ments.
13 people total. Hero taunted 5 times, then engaged. Ranger started shooting (with no DA) and ments started dotting. At about 30% on the first one and 50% on the second the ranger grabbed the aggro. Druid rooted while ranger kited and shot.
No splits either times and both times credit for the encounter was recieved. Was a nice change from the scarab mess we usually face.   Feb 26

One drop is the Canopic Jar (Stomach), which can be used for Trial 10.


For the ML5 run - esp Trial 2 -Ma'atis' Hunger - use 2 or 3 archers up close, within melee range. Use thrust arrows, and you will be just fine. In our case, he never shrunk.  Apr 5 2004
 Talysin Tamberlae

After reports on vboards about Duamutef  regenerating a lot of health in between scarab spawns after the last patch, people posted strategies that minimized the scarab spawning.  Apparently Duamutef splits after a certain number of hits (not including arrows it seems) so one strategy posted is to just use arrows on him or to use pbaoe only.  Since we only had 1 group with a sm we tried the later method.  We set up fields on the ramp, had a warrior get aggro with 3 taunts, then let the sm pbaoe only.  First round got Duamutef got down to 30% before splitting, came back at 70%, pbaoe'd to about 15%, back at 25%, then we killed him.  This was not a fully supp specced sm so likely others will get better mileage.  All in all it was a lot easier than previous times I had done it the conventional way.   Apr 5 2004

When doing this step, instead of killing all the spawned yellow cons when the main mob shrinks, just run VERY fast out of the room before you get too many to aggro you and kill the 1-2 that follow you out, the main mob will then repop MUCH faster and will regen less health, allowing a much speedier dispatch.   
Mar 22 2004

5.3 - Ma'atis' Breath

5.3 Another Canopic Jar - Lungs must be stolen from the Echo of Hapy! This is a group encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done with 5 people.

Location:  Echo of Hapy @ 19.7 16.2 14.8 HoM   - Alcara Argenta


We came to Hapy after doing Duamutef with the pbaoe only method and decided to try it with Hapy.  It seems that Hapy must have a similar type trigger for splitting based on a certain number of hits.  We had a warrior taunt 3 times then had our sm pbaoe him exclusively.  Hapy did split about 3 times but overall the number of splits was greatly reduced using this method.   Apr 5 2004

One drop is the Canopic Jar (Lung), which can be used for Trial 10.


We did it with 1 healer, 1 zerker, 1 savage and one skald, shaman bot outside group.
Hapy will regen his life if u kite the copies waiting for them to disappear, so just have all the tanks kill the copies as fast as possible, Hapy won't regen his life and he will die quick.
U can also target and damage him when the copies are up, just look for a cracked tile with a fire spell effect on it, target the fire's center and hit the mob.  Dec 13

Hapy splits into like 10 other Hapys. Just kite them around and they'll fall over and die, then original Hapy will repop back up. 
Note. Its really easy to just fall off that small ledge. Hapy won't follow you, but take the long way around. Very easy to stay out of melee range like this. Careful not to pull aggro from the hallway too.   Nov 24

Hapy starts out pretty easy, pure mellee mob.  However after you have damaged him a bit, he splits into approximately 6-8 copies of himself.  Beware the lag when he does this.  You don't actually need to kill all of them - you only need to damage them a bit and their "energy will run out" or something to that extent and they will vanish.  Once they're all gone, the original Hapy will re-appear and you continue beating on him.  He will continue to split every so often - just rinse and repeat until the real Hapy is dead.   Nov 11
Aabra Cadabra

5.4 - Ma'atis' Blood

5.4 Another Canopic Jar - Liver must be stolen from the Echo of Imsety! 
This is a group encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
We got ML5.1-5.4 done in an hour with 1 full group.    - Alcara Argenta


Imsety himself is not difficult at all, he is a pure mellee mob with weak hitpoints.  (Compared to the other Echos)  He does however spawn lions every so often while fighting him, and the lions are DANGEROUS.  They like to DD you for 500 if you let them.  The key is to kill him FAST so not many lions spawn.  If you have a caster with the Majestic Will RA (Like everybody on Gaheris does, but nobody anywhere else) get him to use it and he'll drop in a few seconds.  If not you may want 2 groups for him with 1 group getting the lions as they spawn...  it's tough to say really as I havn't tried him without MW.   Nov 11
Aabra Cadabra

One drop is the Canopic Jar (Liver), which can be used for Trial 10.


5.5 - Ma'atis' Reflection

5.5 The gorgons of Aeurs [sic] still hold Cau Suraes mirror of Ra! This is a group encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
You can do this with 3 people.

Location:  They are crocs on the north and south of the entrance to the zone.   - Alcara Argenta


Was really easy, did it with 3 people. A friar (with healing field) a pally and a thurgist (10 sec pbt). pulled him out, no adds, no spells, nothing special. we've done it like half a dozen times already. no deaths.   Nov 29


5.6 -Ma'atis' Preservation

5.6 The bound ones hold the resin that preserves! This is a group encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
1 full group.    - Alcara Argenta


At the end of this trial, you will have Resin of the Ways, used in Trial 9.

Ma'ati's Preservation, Ma'ati's Mask, Ma'ati's Wrap 
- These three encounters will now give each group member the associated drop. (Resin, Mask, Wrap) 
(from Dec 1 patch notes)


5.7 -Ma'atis' Mask

5.7 The bound ones hold a mask still needed to face Ammut! This is a group encounter.  

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
1 full group.    - Alcara Argenta


At the end of this trial, you will have Mask of the Ways, used in Trial 9.

Ma'ati's Preservation, Ma'ati's Mask, Ma'ati's Wrap 
- These three encounters will now give each group member the associated drop. (Resin, Mask, Wrap) 
(from Dec 1 patch notes)


5.8 -Ma'atis' Wrap

5.8 Wrappings can be found amongst the bound ones. This is a group encounter.


At the end of this trial, you will have Wrap of the Ways, used in Trial 9.

Ma'ati's Preservation, Ma'ati's Mask, Ma'ati's Wrap 
- These three encounters will now give each group member the associated drop. (Resin, Mask, Wrap) 
(from Dec 1 patch notes)


5.9 - Token

5.9 You must drink the poisoned waters for the aid of Mahaf! This is a group encounter.  


       This is the trial where you become a mummy, drink from the poisoned river(not literally), and recieve your token "credit" for the boat ride to Ammut. It is very important that you do not stick at this point. Lagging off into the river can be fatal, and you run the risk of being out of LOS and not getting a rezz. So, be careful around the river.  (screen shot from Drayk)
Another mummy screen shot   - Eadoin

       First, gather your team at the entrance to the dungeon near the Wall of Fire and the Fire Guardian. Once you are ready, kill the guardian and enter the next room when the fire wall disappears. Inside, eternal lost continually spawn and are drawn towards the Fountain on the left wall, where they insta-die. They dot, mezz, and some other tricks but you can easily rid yourself of them by running to the fountain, where they follow and die. FYI, if you get one aggroed on you and running to the fountain does not kill it, run towards their spawn point, dragging the eternal lost, then run back to the Fountain. This will kill them. Remember this location as you will be returning to it. 

      Have everyone pass through the room, kill any eternal lost you may have dragged (good idea to drag them to the bridge if possible, away from further aggro). Once they are all dead, regroup at the bridge you first come to. Run across the bridge and drag the mobs guarding it east along the river to the door and kill them there. This prevents them from insta-popping on you. Once they are all dead, regroup at the tunnel entrance. 

       Here is the stairwell of summoned snakes. Make your way down slowly killing all the snakes, until you enter the room with the NPC who explains how to transform into a mummy. 

       Each person must run into an alcove, stand on the little bed and /USE either the Mask, Wrap, or Resin of the Ways.  This will start a little lightshow, and they will teleport to the room behind the NPC, in all their mummified glory.  The timer is VERY long so do not worry about rushing at this point. Once you are done playing in your new form, make your way back up the stairwell of summoned snakes, drag the jackals back across the bridge, kill them, and have everyone regroup. 

       Just east of you, you will see a small boat dock and 2 NPCs. Make sure you do not talk to the NPC standing on the dock!!!! You must speak to Mahaf ONLY. He will give you water from the river and disease you. DO NOT CURE THIS!  The Perfector ML1 ability will remove this effect, which you need.  Some notes about this disease: You DO NOT lose the effect from dieing or logging out and back in. If the Icon disappears while you are in the dungeon, you are STILL flagged as having it, so do not panic. However, if you zone, you will lose it and must restart. 

      Now, have everyone that is diseased run back along the river to the Fountain room.  (Do NOT get on the boat until you have drunk from the fountain, I recommend raid leaders prevent anyone from summoning a boat until all have drunk from the fountain and are ready.  - Elwynn)

Once back to the Fountain Room, kill the Fire Guardian if he has respawned, and have everyone run in and jump on the fountain. You will see a local broadcast (white text) in your chat window saying "So and so has drank from the fountain and cured 
their disease!" (something like that).  Each person will recieve credit for 5.9 and it will say TOKEN quest completed. 

     Move everyone back to the dock, killing any eternal lost you dragged. Make sure, everyone unsticks, bots included from everyone. Have only the raid leader talk to the boat summoner. Double-click the boat to enter it. Make sure you are not stuck to someone who enters the boat or you'll get a nasty bath and die. If the team is on the boat, and someone falls in the river, they are lost. Nothing can help them at this point. The boat can seat 3 Full Groups. If you have more, have a secondary person, summon the next boat when the first team is dropped off, and the NPC reappears. Now that everyone is on the boat, ride it to your final encounter.   Dec 24

Do I understand correctly that once a person has become a mummy and drank from the fountain they receive 5.9 credit -- then, later on, to get to 5.10 they only need to ride in a boat with a mummy? 
Once you cure the disease after being a mummy, you get credit at the boat.

How many spots on the boat? 
The boat seats 24 people, 3 rows of 8.    Nov 24


On our raid everybody spoke to Mahaf to get diseased and then immediately got on the boat due to bad communication by the raid leader.  As we travelled up the river we got a message saying that we were not worthy and this caused us to effectively fail the 5.9 quest.  When we returned to be re-mummified the quest had reset and we could not become mummies again without re-farming the wrap, resin and mask.  Do NOT get on the boat until you have drunk from the fountain, I recommend raid leaders prevent anyone from summoning a boat until all have drunk from the fountain and are ready.   Apr 20 2004

ML5 step where you drink from the river - Purging wave and group purge get rid of the perma disease, but not the end-usage-reduction-buff [which is a good thing]  Dec 23

Everyone needs their own 3 items to be mummified.  Dec 1
Alcara Argenta

Ma'ati's Preservation, Ma'ati's Mask, Ma'ati's Wrap 
- These three encounters will now give each group member the associated drop. (Resin, Mask, Wrap) 
(from Dec 1 patch notes)

5.10 - Ammut's Appetite

5.10 You must face Ammut in the depths of the Halls of Ma'ati and be judged! 
This is a battlegroup encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
2 full groups are recommended

Getting to Ammut on the Boat

Once youve been turned into a mummy, you can ride the boat any time you want, with or without mummy form and you dont need a disease, disease is only for people who might want to help fight the boss but havn't completed all the other steps. 

However, you do need to be a mummy to summon the boat, so youll have to have at least 1 person in mummy form. Ive managed to stealth past the snakes in that stairway before, get mummified, and stealth back up, but Ive died more times than Ive succeded doing that, so just plan on having to kill all those snakes each time.    Jan 27

To be a mummy again, you do not need to refarm the items after you are done the quest, all you need to do is talk to the mummy guy to get turned back into one again. 


We decided to try an alternate approach to beating this ML and it proved successful. 

We basically broke the raid into three teams: Team 1 was the main raid, Team 2 was composed of two melees and one healer, and Team 3 had two more melees and two healers.  Team 2 and 3 were equipped with legendary weapons.

Team 1 and 2 rushed into the room with Ammut and went to the top of the left ramp.  We managed to do this without getting aggro from Ammut.  Team 3 ran to the top of the ramp on the right side of the room.  Team 1 set up heal fields, then pulled Ammut.  Team 2 moved into position at the left portal and proceeded to kill the anubis as they ported in.  Team 3 moved to the portal that appeared on the right side and killed the crocodiles as they ported.  Team 3’s job was definitely the easier since the legendary weapons do 2x damage on the crocs.  From here, basically Team 1 beat down Ammut and Teams 2 and 3 were able to keep the spawns well under control.  We had no casters with us at the time (just tanks and healers), though they would have definitely been helpful for managing the mobs as they came thru the portal.  At about 5% health, we had Team 3 come to ramp where we were fighting Ammut just to make sure there was not a problem with getting credit.  We did not use any jars.  Overall this technique worked well for us. 
Mar 23 2004

We tried to straight up melee Ammut and deal with the adds at first. You can still pull Ammut down to about half way on the ramp. Ammut will go no further than that though. The adds simply got to be too much once Ammut was down to about 50%. We pulled off and recouped. Then we made sure everybody that was not a mummy was at the other end of the hallway. Only those that were mummy's were allowed to be on the ramp or at the bottom where the support/casters were. Once we did that the adds dropped off big time and no more judgements. Ammut dropped fairly quickly after this change. 

You will still get some adds this way but the number is very easy to handle. In fact, this is almost exactly what happened the first time. Took a little while to figure it out but if you keep the non-mummy's away from the actual fight it is a pretty simple way to do it.   Jan 30
Glamdril Soulflame

Canopic Jars

Canopic jars you use during the encounter w/ Ammut. During the fight, he perma-summons yellow con anubis and yellow con crocs. You use a specific jar and it blows up any surroudning crocs, and another to blow up any surrounding anubis. you use the Liver for a 100% hp full heal, and the last jar to stop Ammut's Judgement. 

Liver - 100% heal 
Lung - Judgement correction (stops AE root/DD) 
Stomach - Either blows up some nearby crocodile summoning OR anubis 
Intestines - Either blows up some nearby crocodile summoning OR anubis 

Ammut himself is like, a nasty lookin' croc. He's pretty easy in melee, and doens't do anything significant. You have to worry about his judgement though. He'll call out "so and so has been judgement, prepare for punishment etc etc" and he'll AE root everyone. After the AE root, he'll do a massive AE on the one person he shouted in broad. 

Trick is to use up the judgement jar a few times and make sure it cancels the huge AE, otherwise just melee down Ammut.


"Last night we wiped due to what felt like 3 times as many anubites already in place as we walked in the temple. [The clue should have been when my comp choked repeatedly with lag after entering. Felt as if I was in emain with a zerg of 200 inc.] " 
You can pull the adds left over(happens when someone wipes on Ammut) before starting the fight.  Feb 1
If everyone is a mummy, no judgement.

I do it with 1-2 groups all the time... We killed her in about a minute last night with 19 people.
Never used a mirror in any of the 10+ times I've killed her.  I always fight her down on the ramp still. If you fight in the room, just have people with elemental damage weapons killing the adds as they come, as I said, last night we killed her so fast almost no adds at all attacked us with 19.

Have your grp wait down in the room with the ramp where the boss mob can't go any further and have a sneaker go up and pull him down to the ramp, we had 2fg, and had max 5 add incs, most of the time the adds would wander around doing nothing, when they did come down tho, you mages and our animist took em out (or we used jars). Takes a bit with two grps but there's no problem to it.
The grape Anubites on the way up from the dock to the room before Ammut seem to be there at random, on one encounter (we tried with one grp) we didn't even get to see any, on another (4grps then) there were just six of them, today we were two fg and had to kill at least 18 of em.   
Mar 6 2004

Normal weapons do 1 damage to the adds. 
Legendary weapons do 2x damage to crocs and normal damage to the anuat thingies.   Jan 28
- Gwaeni

The adds are only vulnerable to magic, so if you can't outfit everyone with legendary weapons just have casters be responisble for the adds since they can't do anything on ammunt anyway.  Jan 13

We went and killed Ammut last night with only one group with the following makeup (Gaheris Server)
Warden, 2 paladins, chanter (me), animist, dark rune master, shaman, and a bard.
All we did was camp the light to kill the adds fast and easy. After a while it started to flicker and no more adds came. (maybe bugged). But Ammut was a fairly easy kill. Just wanted to note that spells CAN do damage as long as you debuff. I was debuffing heat and was able to to roughly 100 damage with just my baseline direct damage spells.   Feb 21
Galadrial Evenstar

5.11 - Helping for XP

5.11 Perhaps now would be a good time to help any friends that may need help completing the previous trials.

Master Level Six

This outline provided by Alacra Argenta, and filled in with comments from myself and others
Running the Raid
1 - Hunt for the Haje-Uraei
2 - Sacrifice
3 - Lateef
4 - Infestation
5 - Flames
6 - Siraadi
7 - Ankhkare
8 - Efreet
9 - Fortress
10 - Chimera's Fortification
11 - Dragonslayer

Running the Raid

Map of Typhon's Reach and Ashen Isle  Dec 23  - Svendig Rockbottom

What You Need Done Before Coming on an ML Raid/Recommended Raid Order

ML6 is located east of Volcanus Haven, in Typhon's Reach and Ashen Isle.

You need these steps done beforehand:
6.5 Flames (solo) -- takes a bit of time
6.1 Hunt for the Haje-Uraei -- can solo if you can kill a red

Then a raid can go:
6.4 Pallida-uraei
6.2 Sacrifice
6.6 Siraadi
6.3 Lateef (wise raid leaders have someone start this encounter while doing 6.6 so Lateef can walk onto the bridge when the raid gets there)
6.7 Ankhkare
6.8 Efreet
6.9 Vazul
6.10 Chimera    Jan 24
Alcara Argenta

6.1 -Hunt for the Haje-Uraei

6.1 Look for a rare uraeus from where they appear. This is a group encounter. (does not give ML XP)

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
Can do solo if you can kill a red.


You need to kill a haje-uraei, a red con snake mob.

In Typhon's Reach, just take your group around and hug the lava. You'll eventually find the rare snake.  Locations it has been spotted at:

  • 16222, 19996 Typhons Reach
  • 35k, 14k Typhons Reach

We did not manage to find a snake.  So we had a group member disband from the group and continuously commit suicide until a haje-uraei spawned from his corpse.  Sometimes nothing spawned, sometimes a uraeus spawned, and finally, on his 6th or 7th death, a haje-uraei spawned.
The guy that was suiciding did not need credit for that trial.  Which is good since there would be no way to get him back in the group before we had to kill the haje-uraei.   
Mar 20 2004

The haje-uraei will not leave the lava unless engaged in melee.


Due to extremely terrible pathing the only one i managed to find was stuck in the middle of the lava. This was done with a Hero and a Bard. Took me 522 arrows and 50 min., but I got credit. ( I never enchanted my bow because it was never intended for damage, I missed a lot. Its 35% now.   Jan 9

This was an easy caster kill as your standing on a cliff out of range of Haje-Uraei's casts. Went through 2 MCL 1's and bolted it until dead. Total time 8 minutes to kill.  
Mar 7 2004

These seem to be random spawn from player deaths. Our group wiped out and a few people got the message, “an ureas springs to life from ****’s lifeless body!” and sure enough, a yellow snake popped, one got, “there is a strange hissing noise but nothing can be seen”, and the final person got “a haje-ureai springs to life from ***’s lifeless body”. And sure enough, it was a red con haje-ureai that turned and began heading for the lava.
We directed another group to the last known location of that snake and they got credit for 6.1 when they killed it.   Jan 9 


6.2 - Sacrifice

6.2 The sacrifice has yet to take place, the salamander has yet to be born! This is a battlegroup encounter. 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done with 1 full group.


You need to kill the Anathemic Salamander.  Locations he has been spotted at:

  • 4k, 36k Typhons Reach
  • 22k, 47k Typhons Reach
  • 12.7,43.5 Typhons Reach

The Anathemic Salamander pops up to the southeast of the entrance to Typhon's reach (4k, 36k Typhons). He spawns frequenty and likes to root people-the best thing to do is to pull him back to within melee range of the crew and beat him down. He doesn't hit very hard but has a ton of HPs, so while he's doable w/ one group it takes some time.   Jan 20


More than one Anathemic Salamander may spawn at a time now.
(from 1.67b Dec 18 patch)

I completed 6.2 tonight in my first real trek into Typhoons to look for ML6 stuff. To the Southeast of entrance, between the temple, village, and bridge on the map, I found a named Salamander. I apologize but can't remember the full name. It was Something Salamander. When we killed it we got credit for 6.2. I have no idea what triggered the spawn, it was already there when I got there. And I'm not sure if that's where it always shows up because I only saw it once. The loc we ran into it at was about 22/47 Typhoons.
This wasn't the Livid Salamander, I know that is part 6.5. Man, I wish I could remember the name.   Dec 9

- A broadcast will occur when the Anathemic Salamander is spawned after a non-Siam-he is sacrificed by Siam-he: "The earth trembles violently in response to the heinous act that has been committed! A curse has been unleashed upon Volcanus!" 
- It was possible for the Anathemic Salamander to spawn in an inaccessible location. It will now spawn in a smaller accessible area.   (from Mythic patch notes Dec 12)

The creature was the 'Anathemic Salamandar'. We found it in Typhon at 12.7,43.5. It looks similar to the Livid Salamandar, perhaps a little bigger. We killed it, completed the quest Sacrifice and now 6.2 is marked as [Done].   Dec 9
Milric Anadar

I still don't know what the spawn trigger for 6.2 (Anephetic (sp) Salamander) is, I tried kill Am-he Salamanders, tried rescueing the Sobekite Prison from the sacricial escorts, and even went and through myself into the lava where they push the prison in. None of these things seemed to trigger the spawn. I'm just lucky that the first day I went in to look for ML6 stuff he was up.   Dec 12

6.3 - Lateef

6.3 Lateef laments his fate as follower of Am-he and wishes to return to the desert! This is a battlegroup encounter. 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This will take at least 2 full groups.


Lateef dies no matter what. Killing the mobs that kill him gives credit, however.    Dec 6
Alcara Argenta

Lateef is located around 57, 50 Typhon's Reach. For us, Lateef was kind of buggged and would not follow the first time I said 'home' to him, so I had to tell him 'wait' and then clicked on the 'psst' option in the next chunk of dialogue to get him to stick. The fastest route to take lateef home is to the south hugging the lava, avoiding the deep purple village mobs and the plebians that spawn near the bridge for the Snatcher's Tale encounter. The bridge you are looking for is a large arch bridge with no Tuars on it, it is pretty obvious which one you need to take him to from the directions he gives. 

Once Lateef gets near the bridge, he hits speed 5 or so and runs up the bridge. He will die, there is nothing you can do to prevent it, and that's OK. Three purple-con mobs will attack you-one uses an AE DoT and will heal, one is a mezzer with 1:12s/400 radius mez, and one is a really, really tough melee mob. The shaman-type mob and the sorcerer mob are much weaker than the melee mob and should be taken down first. We did the sorcerer mob first since even if we got mezzed, the other mob would break the mez. We then killed the shaman mob and piled on Sutekh and took him down. It was a hard fight and must be done quickly because the encounter DOES indeed depop about 15 minutes after it starts or so.   Jan 20

When the three mobs pop on top of the bridge, kill Fadil and Udaji first.  
Mar 21 2004


In the far SE corner of Typhon's Reach, there is a named mob (yellow con) named Lateef. He asks you to help him escape from Ash Isle/Typhon's by taking him to a bridge to the west of his location.
He walks extremely slow, it took me 25 minutes or more to lead him safely to the bridge, Once there, he said 'Meet me on the other side fo your reward'. As he approached the middle of the bridge 3 deep purple con mobs spawned instantly killing him, and then taking me down afterwards.
I'm not sure exactly how this is supposed to be worked out, but I think you need to tell him to [wait] just before he gets to the bridge, otherwise he takes off at about speed 9 across and dies. Then probably kill the 3 named mobs that pop, In a guess would take at least 2-3g+ One mob is a mezzer, one is a shaman, and the other a tasnk (I believe). Looked to be pretty tough, and they all hit fairly hard (upwards of 400-500 on a level 50 zerk with capped gear on).

The 3rd guy despawned on us last night at 20%. Quite annoying. I guess until they fix this, you need to bring a zerg to insure that he goes down in time.   Dec 11

Need more than the ~1 fg we had to do this... Three high purples (read: lifetaps don't land on them ... i.e. they are epic level) pop and instakill him. He walks superslow too   Nov 30
- Alcara Argenta

Lucky for me, I was not right on top of the bridge when the 3 purple mobs spawned and killed Lateef. A broadcast message is displayed that says one of the mobs takes the dagger he was going to give you, kills him, and then "sheathes the dagger." This tells me that you have to kill the named mob who took the dagger to get it. His name was Sutekh I think. They are all high purples though, including one who can mez and stun. I would say it would require at least 2 strong FG.    Nov 11

6.4 -Infestation

6.4 Pallida-uraei has yet to appear! Seek out the homes of the Uraeus! This is a battlegroup encounter. 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done with 2 people.


Location:  Typhon's Reach 9k, 24k

Pallida-Uraei is another easy BG encounter, even easier than 6.2. Just assist and you'll be fine, even if you just have a full group. There is a broadcast to the entire zone "A hissing noise is heard throughout Volcanus" when the mob respawns, I believe.   Jan 20

Do not kill him before he splits!  Even though Mythic tried to fix this on 
Dec 18, 2003, it doesn't always work, so you are better off letting him split before you kill him.  So don't kill him too fast in the beginning.

Duo’d this with my minstrel and my cleric, charmed and buffed a salamander and sent it in, no problem at all…
I try’d first solo but after the snake splits into 3 then u need someone to throw in heals…  
Mar 25 2004


I think kill Uraeus triggers this spawn. When he did spawn there was a zone wide message about hearing a hissing sound. He spawned at at 10.5/22.5 typhon's. When we got him down under 1/4, he split into 4. Killed them, they dropped a Uraeus Tail.   Dec 12

killed it this morning Me (Sorcerer), Level 50 Pet (fully Buffed), BOT Cleric, and a Merc took down the red con snake that splits into 3. The quest gave credit to me when we killed one of the splits don't have to kill all 3 to get credit. Also when you kill one split the other one that popped with it also dies!   Dec 12

Pallida-Uraei is a named cobra just before the bridge in Typhon's Reach, off to the right.  He cons red to a 50, and when killed splits into 3 of the same, all three conning red to a 50.  He wiped the three of us so we don't know what he drops.  Here is a pic of him split into three after they killed me.   Nov 27
 - Cerina

You will now receive trial encounter credit for killing the Pallida-Uraei if you kill it before it splits.
(from 1.67b Dec 18 patch)

6.5 - Flames

6.5 The flame spouts in easternmost Volcanus guard the objects, the flames must be cooled! This is a solo encounter. 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This is a SOLO encounter. It doesn't matter if you're in a group, or in a BG, each person must (1) get 20 glands and (2) give them to the NPC, and (3) get the bags, and (4) kill the salamandar.


Location:  Crazed Adventurer in Typhon's Reach, 18k, 28k, near edge of lava and Belderim.    
Ceelia and Spirithex

Spent a few hours PLing an alt, so killed tons of salamander hatchlings and turned in all the Frozen Cold Glands to the dorf guy (Crazed Adventurer).  It is to your advantage to farm the hatchlings that are right by the pedestal, on the south side.  That way there is less that agro.

Note about collecting Cold Glands:  If you gather Cold Glands and leave the area, either walking, logging out or releasing after dieing, you will lose all the Cold Glands you have collected.  On the other hand, if you happen to begin collecting the four parts and die before you get all four, those you have picked up remain with you and will not disappear.   Jan 8
Lachlan Mor

Turned in a ton (you need 20) and Crazed Adventurer said:

Crazed Adventurer says,"I hope you have your running boots on! Sixty seconds is not a very long."

You get a pop-up window saying you have 60 seconds and all the flames from the fountains disappear. You have 60 seconds from the time the pop-up box shows up to run to all the fountains.  Warning:  waiting to hit OK does not buy you more time!  You have 60 seconds from the time the pop-up box popped.    Nov 15   - Mystr Byrnz

I ran to each fountain and grabbed each of the 4 items (Cogwheel, Fastener, Handle, Lens).  You can run to each fountain and do F7 grab, that works.
After obtaining the 4th this message appears:

The four items combine to make a Salamander Incinerator. You will need a large target to incinerate. 

At this point, if you leave the zone for some reason, you will not lose the hammer.  You can leave the zone and come back later.  

Placed the hammer on my hotbar (you can't equip it), select the Livid Salamander, and "use" it like you use a water-breathing potion.  Livid immediately died and I got the "You have completed the Flames quest." message.

Received Salamander Ash. Looks like a rock in the inventory. 
- Thurdon


Got it myself yesterday and helped a few friends as well.  Our best bet was to camp the middle (where crazed adventurer is) and pull to there, we never once got a random aggro and you can just hand the glands to him there. Make sure you clear all 4 of the outposts before you hand all 20 to him, or else you will get aggro while running around and pobably not get them all. Easiest way is to click on the item while your running to it and spam your "pick up" button.

One time our skald gave him the 20 glands then started running, but 2 of the pillers didnt have the items on them, so we had to do it all over again. May be a common bug, but be warned.  Mar 30 2004

- Zetla

You can leave the zone with the items, just not the glands.
If the Livid Salamander is labelled as being neutral to you, be careful, because he still agro'ed a couple of people while they were killing the salamander hatchlings.  So be careful he is testy.  If you run away he will quit chasing eventually.   Jan 25

If you die while collecting thge 20 Cold Glands, you do not lose them if you are rezzed while still "in the zone"  The key is that you have to collect and use the 20 glands in one game session without ever departing the zone, whether by walking out, releasing or logging.  Being rezzed in the zone is not counted as "leaving" the zone.   Jan 9
Lachlan Mor

6.6 - Siraadi

6.6 Seek out the sacrificer Siraadi amongst the pillars of vengenance in Typhon's Reach! This is a battlegroup encounter.


This encounter happens at 25k, 40k Typhon's Reach.

First of all, the mobs on the platform are not linked, it is just that they are extremely social and have a large call for help radius. You do NOT want the whole platform coming on your first pull, so stand back away from the platform and have a grouped puller (is easier if they are grouped, since the mobs do have a BAF code) and start depopulating the platform by dragging the aggroed mobs far enough back that they are out of the call for help radius. We set up just a bit between the rocky formation near the temple area and the temple itself, near the lava. 

Two things to note. First is that at regular intervals a sacrifical escort of six low purples w/ a yellow con mob (that will be sacrificied, spawning an Anathemic Salander, btw-you'll see the broadcast about a terrible act committed), and if you are beating down pulls from the temple area, they will call for help 
and the escort will aggro. This is only somewhat avoidable and is best mititgated by trying to hold off on pulls or fighthing while the escort brings the yellow-con mob to be sacrificed up the ramp. The other thing is that the mobs on the platform do NOT repop on the platofrm, instead they run in from the rest of Volcanus. I recommend having a character with a taunt shout or fast, ranged cast (low-level nearsight, etc) pull any mob running to the platform in order to keep the platform from becoming repopulated. With a little more than 2 groups we were slowly depopulating the platform, with more it would go a lot faster. 

Note also that the mobs can fall through the bridge and into the lava. They are stuck there and without archers or what not there is no real way to get to them, and you will likely be forced to restart the encounter by the time you kill the fall-through mob. 

Eventaully the named mob Siraadi will pop, just pull him off the platform to the same pulling area and kill, credit is rewarded regardless of where he dies and as long as he is out of the call for help radius you won't have to deal with all the mobs on the platform.  Jan 20


Respawn timer when we did this was 5 minutes.  Mar 21 2004

6.7 - Ankhkare

6.7 Three of Ankhkare guardians guard him well. This is a battlegroup encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done with a little less than 3 groups.


This encounter happens in Ashen Isle, loc 12k, 50k.    - Silbermond

We needed the salamander ash (from 6.5), the siam-he head (from 6.6) and the uraeus tail (from 6.4) for the three guardians. 

The firefield, if you hit it, is like a huge radius, insanely high damage Volcanic Pillar-be sure to keep your raid away from the person talking to the guardian in case the person accidentally gets firefielded.  Have your /effects all  on in order to see the firefield so you don't run into it!.

Note that each swarm of mobs will aggro the person talking to the guardian when the firefields drop, so make sure your healers are ready to heal that person or they'll die. Kill all the mobs, then move on to the next guardian.   Jan 20


For the final mob in this encounter, Ankhkare , there are three low-purple/high red adds an the main mob himself. We pulled just behind the spot of one of the adds, setting up wards 
there and what not. Here, it is important than your melees stick together in the same spot, because the AE root-nuke will prevent them from getting in melee range if they are not all bunched up. 
Other than that, it is not a terrible tough encounter and can be done with two decent groups, IMO. 

Gave the first guardian the Uraeus Tail and all the Uraeus near him attacked us. We killed them then moved on. The second guardian wanted the Siam-he head that drops from Siraadi (6.6). Gave him the head and were attacked by the Siam-he near him plus several salamanders. Killed them and moved on. The 3rd barrier had 2 different guardians near it. One asked for a Siam-he head, the other for a Uraeus tail. Didn't have either on us, so we went and killed Siraadi quickly and came back. We approached Anakare and when I got into interact range he attacked along with three guardians. He has a AE 100% Snare/DD spell that's a bit annoying, but overall he wasn't all that difficult. We had a little less than 3fg in our bg.   Dec 12

6.8 -Efreet

6.8 In the center of the island braziers still call efreet! This is a battlegroup encounter.


This encounter happens in Ashen Isles at loc 26k, 52k.   - Jhova
It can be done with a heavy mellee group, some people with the top level spread heal, some raging power, pots, mcl2, more pots, some more pots. 

Basically, bring a necro if 
ur in alb. Most likely, though, you'll be able to get more than one group. 

First, clear out all the mobs around the area. No I don't know the loc of the area, you can find it out. Then you go to the center, talk to the guy, take the challenge, and you have a certain time to kill this orb that pbaes. Orb is easy. Just has 12093814209876149k health. But on top of every pillar spawns a purple mob that chain bolts you. You can cast through most of the bolts, but they hurt. Spread alot. If you have a bard have them try and twist end and power. Oh, btw, make sure your tanks have end pots in case the end user dies or cannot cast it in some form. 

So, kill the thing (in 10 minutes I think) while you are spontaneously combusting from every angle. 

If you don't kill it fast enough at the end of it everything depops, and the effreti thing comes again.   Dec 1


This encounter works best if the casters and healers are spread out in about 30 degree intervals around the circumference of the circle. The orb PBAE's, so the further away you 
are from the center the better their ability to either not get hit or take little damage. Everyone else has to pile on the orb, as stated earlier.  Jan 20

6.8 is the Orb of Apollo.
Font of Power makes the Orb of Apollo quest very easy. Healers won't run out of power, and you just whittle away at the thing till it dies.  Dec 1

The bolts only hit me for ~150 each. There are 8 casting them at a time, and they seem to hit every 2 seconds or so. So 1200 damage every 2 seconds... I'm thinking 5 or 6 heal spheres plus regular healing can easily counter that.   Dec 1

6.9 -Fortress

6.9 Vazul's Fortress in the Azhen Isles has yet to be breached! This is a battlegroup encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done with 2 groups, even after the heal ward nerf.


This encounter happens in Ashen Isle at loc 26.5k, 11k.  

Afaik, this encounter is still treb pullable. 
I've done with 2fg -- pull with a treb NW of the keep.  Jan 19
Alcara Argenta

We did pretty well with 2g of mids but eventually we would get overwhelmed. We came back with about 4g and did it fairly easily. I'd hazard a guess that we could have done it with 3 well balanced groups with pbae. 
One thing that is really important is spotting the caster mobs and keeping them surpressed. If they start casting on you, your healers won't be interupted for the entire fight. 
I really enjoyed this encounter. It was challenging and kept you involved the whole time. It forces people to work together and be on top of their game. Much better than whacking at a mob that is easy to beat but takes a really long time.

Whenever you have a window and you have a power field and a heal field up, move forward. 
We did it in 3 steps. 

Setup 1: Power and Heal fields at the bottom of the ramp outside gate 1. One person working the ram. Drag and stack agro in the power/heal fields for pbae. The bottom of the ramp should be far enough away to avoid the 3000pt pbae if it triggers when the door drops. 

After you get the door down, continue pulling some of the agro out of the keep until you feel it is safe to go in and setup again. 

Setup 2: Power and heal fields at the bottom of the ramp inside gate 1. Pull mobs until you feel you have the aggro under control. Again, drag mobs into the fields for pbae. 

Setup 3: Power and Heal fields below the upper steps to door 2 on the platform. One person working the ram on the door. Pull agro into the pbae again. IMPORTANT: Just before the 2nd door goes down you want to have everyone get off that platform quickly in case the 3000pt pbae triggers. You have to time it so you can get back in your heal/power fonts at the door as quick as possible. 

From here we started pulling agro out. During one pull the named Taur came out. 

Tanks should put priority on taunting the purple con lancers since they're pretty badass. The orange cons fall to pbae pretty fast. Those with ranged abilities should keep the caster Taurs ( forget the name but it starts with a P ) under control. Their AE nukes can supress your healers if you let them cast.   Jan 19

Currently most have only seen 3 effects when you enter the first door to ML 6.9
1. PBAE for 3k
2. Army Attacks
3. Battler Spawns
Well tonight we found a forth..
Upon opening the door the group who made the final hit was turned into pigs.. Yes, pigs, and here is the screenshot.
- Dragonbreath
Another pigs picture   - Sadoh

Have groups back away from the door when it is about to fall, it may trigger a trap that does over 3000 damage. Sets of 3 purple con mobs were still zoning in and warping on us even after door was open, kill Taur Portalmasters to avoid this.   Jan 1
- Tandu Artretius


Mandatory to bring RAMS. The spawn rate is extreme when each door reaches 30% left. Without a RAM you cant knock the door down fast enough as it become melee Resistant at that point unless the majority of the spawns are killed. Its recommened to bring a 4 Group BG unless your extremely Tank heavy, but who runs tanks only.  Jan 20

I've wiped on this step with 5 grps. 
But i've also beat it with 2.5 grps. 
How did we beat it? Ice wizards ... 4 of em to be exact! 
Outside the first door, setup a power fountain, have the range pull all the aggro to center of circle. Then the 4 pbaoe just destroy it. 
When you get inside courtyard, setup in the middle, and make sure you have ATLEAST one shield tank guarding each wiz, that means guard and constantly updated intercept. 
Also, each wiz should have a cleric or 2 assigned to them, have friars designated to heal/peal too. 
The taurs pop regardless of wether you've killed the last wave, so killing them fast is the only way to do it, and nothing compares to pbaoe.  Jan 18

Today, however, when the doors came down, everyone got hit for 3k fire damage and the entire 40 person raid was wiped.  - Thredh "Smaug" Giantphang
Hmm, this happened the very first time for us Tryne. Ever since we use theurg pets when the door gets low to kill it. We just stand back and kill the adds that non stop spawn.   Jan 2

We used scout crit shot on the gates, was easier to deal with the spawns that way and got to fight from a safe distance. Jan 3 

6.10 - Chimera's Fortification

6.10 The Chimera still holds strong in her fortress in East Ashen Isles! This is a battlegroup encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done with about 2.5 groups. 


This encounter happens in Ashen Isle.

We do Chimera with 2-3 groups, no problemo! We get the occasional PBAE mezzes. It's a bit close, but we haven't wiped ever. Just pull the room first, then set up behind Chimera. Put up one determination node, with the rest power nodes. If you can sneak a Heal node in there, all is well. 
Should be no problem? 
edit: For heavens sake, don't break the bridge. Just keep a bit spread out so everyone doesn't get their ass mezzed. You should have zero problems if you follow teh instructions.  Jan 5
Asakura Yoh

We did this with 27 tonight, never touched a bridge.
We cleared as much as we could, went to the back of his lair, fought him there. Got maybe 3-4 adds every 5 minutes.  Jan 14

We did this last weekend. Had about 2fg+ with us. Pulled all the adds before even trying him. Took about 20 - 30 mins to clear them all out. Didn't destroy and bridges. Killed the named in about 20 minutes. He wasn't hard, just took along time to beat him down.  Jan 12
Silenser ThePeaceMaker

Battling Chimera    - Kaaine
Chimera   - Speedos
Chimera and the taur arieos    - Ducks
Chimera and the elite taur defender   - Ducks
Chimera and a few defenders   - Ducks


took him down on alb/bors with 2fg. took us ~30 minutes. 

i think if you guys brought some animalist, would take hibs maybe 20 minutes

I was one of those on alb/bors that helped take him down with 2 groups. There's no real 'strategy' needed, just have one group take adds, and one group tank the chimera. When the second group isn't killing adds, they go fight the chimera again. Not exactly rocket science. He dropped a nice cleric bp, and a nice friar robe. 6 keys, as has been said, also dropped, but we were not allowed to use them for some reason (thanks julie for checking into that).

6.11 - Dragonslayer

6.11 Only the slayer of dragons can truly become a legendary figure.

Regarding 6.11, just got 4% off a normal Artifact mob... (Malamis), so it isn't only dragons   Nov 30
- Alcara Argenta

Master Level Seven

This outline provided by Shandu, and filled in with comments from myself and others.
All of these trials, except the first one, happen inside Deep Volcanus, in Ashen Isle at 40k, 30k
Entry requirement to Volcanus is ML 3.
Running the Raid
1 - The Lava Bridge
2 - Know your Opponents
3 - Apophian's Challenge
4 - Volurgon's Challenge
5 - Shaitan's Challenge
6 - Hephaestian's Challenge
7 - Crossing the Chamber
8 - Pillars
9 - Facing Typhon
10 - Typhon's Rage
11 - Help Realmmates

Running the Raid

Map of Heart of Volcanus  Dec 27  - MastaMappa

What You Need Done Before Coming on an ML Raid/Recommended Raid Order

ML7 is located in Deep Volcanus, a dungeon at the far eastern side of Ashen Isle.

Minimum ML requirement: ML3 to zone in

7.1-7.6 are group trials/faction farming.

Of the ML7.2-6 Best bet is to do apophians (Trial 3) last as it is the most likely the one you will die to.   Feb 4  

Bring a group and do them beforehand.

See how to get a glove and get 7.1.

Then an ML7 raid can quickly do:
7.7 Chamber of Flame
7.8 Katorii
7.9 Mysterious Force
7.10 Typhon    Jan 24
Alcara Argenta

7.1 -The Lava Bridge

7.1 You must acquire the gauntlet of fire! This is a group encounter.


Get a Salamandar Wool, Barracuda Needle, and Pristine Volurgorgon Hand, they auto-combine into a glove which you can wear to shut off the lava falls. Move through fast cause it turns back on pretty quickly. You don't need a glove for each person, once the whole group reaches the other side they should get credit.  Dec 12

For this one only one person actually needs the gloves which you get by combining the Barricuda Needle, Salamander Wool, and Voulgarian (sp) Hand. Everyone else can get credit just by crossing the bridge when the person with the glove shuts of the lava stream.   Dec 19

How to make a Volugorgan Glove:
Salamander Wool + Barracuda Spine Needle + Pristine Volugorgan Hand = Volugorgan Glove   Nov 22

Salamander Wool comes from Salamander Hatchlings in Typhon's Reach, 13k, 32k. 

Barracuda Spine Needle -

  • I've gotten 2 of them so far. Barracudas drop them. No special barracudas, just "Barracuda". I found 1 camp of mixed barracudas east of the large harpy island and a camp of barracudas around the shipwreck in Anatole, approx loc 25K, 30K.  - Schintok
  • The Barraacuda Spine Needle dropped off an immature barracuda in ToT during ML 3 raid at 41.9k, 25.3k
  • Seen the needle drop from the barricudas at the 3.6 encounter and the hand drops in deep volcanus itself from misc volgurons.   Jan 4  - Youmiss TheShieldCollector

Pristine Volugorgan Hand -
You will get one killing Volurgorgon's in Deep Volcanus ( ML7 Dungeon ). You have to fight your way through them to get to the lava bridge and you will most likely get a couple of them along the way. If one doesn't drop, keep farming.   Jan 26


The Vougorgon Hand is permanent item, so it is not a one-time use thing.  Mar 2 2004

7.2 -Know your Opponents

7.2 You can learn all there is to know of your opponent through combat, but time multiplies when there are four. It is not for you to end the feud, but you can't move on until they have all seen you as a threat. This is a group encounter.


This just involves going around to each of the 4 "fueding" mobs and kill enough to mess up yer faction.  Once you do to all four mob types you will get the step.  When done with So-and-so mob you will get a /s text saying that you have learned all you can from So-and-so faction.   Feb 4  

You don't have to get the faction for all 4 feuding mobs to move onto 7.3-7.6. Each feuding faction is tied to other ml steps. For instance, once you get the faction for Apophian's you can move onto ml 7.3. On the map of Heart of Volcanus, there are four red dots in rooms after the lava bridge. In these rooms are 4 sphinx creatures. They are labeled by the factions. Clicking on them will tell you if you have completed the faction test. If you have, it will teleport you to the corresponding ML step, i.e.- talking to the Apophian sphinx will take you to 7.3. A note on teleporting: it appears that it will only teleport your group only. If you are in bg, it doesn't appear to teleport the whole bg to the same room. I am not sure if this is true. This is what happened to us. We were in a bg with another group. One group was teleported while our group was still getting faction and when we went to try and help them we were teleported but to a room of our own.   Feb 8

Trial 7.2, "Know Your Opponent", has had some changes made to how the faction gaining system works. Now each member in the group will share in an equal amount of faction gain. This should help ensure that support classes will not be left behind in a group.
(1.68 patch, 
Feb 19, 2004)


Basically you farm the 4 feuding species. Eventually it will say something to the nature of "You have learned all you can about [Named] of the [Race] and the feud." At that point you can do 3-6.   Dec 12

Its about 30 mins per faction for a non optimal group. Its slow, but you make some decent gold and several good scrolls can drop. 2 hours for 4 steps isn't all that out of line from other steps, its just a lil boring.  Feb 7

I haven't completed this one yet, as I've only farmed to factions. Once you've killed enough of a faction though you get a message in your chat window (where /say /gu /g, etc.) would show up. That says something to the effect that you've learned all you can about the faction. Each player needs to get the message. Healers and other players not involved in the combat seem to get the message last.   Dec 19

7.3 - Apophian's Challenge

7.3 The Apophians wish to test your endurance. This is a group encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:  This was done by 6 people.

Players who find themselves dead at the end of any of the four Mediator Challenge encounters will have their corpses ported back to the Mediator that they spoke with to begin the encounter. This will allow players a chance to be resurrected rather than having to /release to bindpoint.
(1.68 patch, 
Feb 19, 2004)


Basic strategy:  There's one mob in the room and he levels up over time.  You are not to kill the mob, just keep him engaged for 10 minutes.  If healers get agro, kite around the outside.  Start off by having a tank get the mob to about 10%, then just keep your distance and wait out the 10 minutes.   Mar 8 2004

Well I didnt see that we needed to engage him so i nuked him 2 times when he was at about 30% health and he died.  He didnt respawn so we just sat there for 9 minutes till the encounter was over and we get credit.  was done with 2 cleric 3 pallies a merc and a necro.   Feb 10

Have a Tank engage this mob, no one else attack him, fore if you do he will spawn into two mobs and so on, about every 30 seconds he lvls up.  Best strat we had was have the tank engage and then mez the apop, continue this until the mob cons grape(about lvl 60-65) then he will spawn into two Oj con mobs again, repeat the engage and mezzing, and then again when they get to be grape con kill and repeat.  The only problem we came across was that at the end we had about 6 diff apop's lvling and had turned grape and they killed 2 of our group members and then the encounter ended, porting all but the dead back, which really sucks cause you cannot rez them and they have to release and come back.  And CSR's wont help even though next patch will port dead bodies back.   Feb 4  

Engage the mob in the center, he will grow bigger and bigger. DO NOT KILL HIM! If you do he will spilt and the get bigger. Just get 2 shield tanks and guard one, and have him engage the mob. You can beat on it to regain argo if needed.   Jan 8


Trials 3-6 - Talk to each Mediator, he will teleport your group to the encounter. You will only get credit for 3-6 if you have credit for the part of 2 for that race (I think, you may need full credit for 2). Note: MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AN EMPTY SPOT IN YOUR INVENTORY. The mediator gives everyone a token, and if it auto-drops due to a full inventory you are teleported back near the dungeon enterance. This happened to 7 of our group so I don't know what happens for the trial exactly.   Dec 12

7.4 - Volurgon's Challenge

7.4 The Volurgons wish to test your endurance. This is a group encounter.


Basic strategy, mobs are going to pop one after the other, with pauses in between.  Here each mob that spawns comes with a little fileball that will move around the room.  When you kill the volugon, the fireball dies.  If the fireball gets all the way around the room, boom! huge pbae.   Mar 8 2004

This one is not all that hard, all you need to do is kill Mandra and do it fast, each Mandra that pops also brings a grape flame looking thing like Tine from Galla and will circle around the area till it get to here and does a wicked 759 AoE damage, the mob will despawn when you kill Mandra, so just kill her fast and repeat, eventually however you get about 2 breaths of Mandra and the first time we ended up being Pbaoe'd to death.   Feb 4  


Kill the the Volurgon Mandra as fast as you can, the rage of Volurgons will circle you and PBAE you if you dont kill Mandra fast enough, you have her over and over and over for 10 mins. Drop power wards and PBAE her.   Jan 8

Trials 3-6 - Talk to each Mediator, he will teleport your group to the encounter. You will only get credit for 3-6 if you have credit for the part of 2 for that race (I think, you may need full credit for 2). Note: MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AN EMPTY SPOT IN YOUR INVENTORY. The mediator gives everyone a token, and if it auto-drops due to a full inventory you are teleported back near the dungeon enterance. This happened to 7 of our group so I don't know what happens for the trial exactly.   Dec 12

7.5 - Shaitan's Challenge

7.5 The Shaitan wish to test your endurance. This is a group encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:  This was done by 6 people.


This one is cake if you have 2-3 tanks and one cold caster, dont think we healed more then twice.  What happends is a large Jinni pops at some place in the room and you just go kill her before a second one pops, and walla, you win not hard at all.   Feb 4  


Big jinni pops in the room, can pop other places other then the center. Get heat resists up she likes to PBAE for a lot. Just keep killing her, shes not hard. Kill her fast though, if you don't you get more than 1.   Jan 8

Trials 3-6 - Talk to each Mediator, he will teleport your group to the encounter. You will only get credit for 3-6 if you have credit for the part of 2 for that race (I think, you may need full credit for 2). Note: MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AN EMPTY SPOT IN YOUR INVENTORY. The mediator gives everyone a token, and if it auto-drops due to a full inventory you are teleported back near the dungeon enterance. This happened to 7 of our group so I don't know what happens for the trial exactly.   Dec 12

7.6 - Hephaestian's Challenge

7.6 The Hephaestians wish to test your endurance. This is a group encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:  This was done by 6 people.


This one similair to 5 cept youll get a new Fire guy every 20 seconds or so, not bad with pbaoe and they hit for less then 100(me being a hero) and only other damage is a wussy DS that hit me for maybe 15 damage.   If it comes down to it, you can always use crowd control.   Feb 4  


This trial is same as 5, but its a fire statue instead. Bring lots of cold dmg weps or casters.  Jan 8

This encounter was fairly easy. A grape con Hephaestian spawn about every 15-20 seconds or so. A group with any decent offense can kill the grape con by the time the next one gets to them.  Dec 19

Trials 3-6 - Talk to each Mediator, he will teleport your group to the encounter. You will only get credit for 3-6 if you have credit for the part of 2 for that race (I think, you may need full credit for 2). Note: MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AN EMPTY SPOT IN YOUR INVENTORY. The mediator gives everyone a token, and if it auto-drops due to a full inventory you are teleported back near the dungeon enterance. This happened to 7 of our group so I don't know what happens for the trial exactly.   Dec 12

7.7 - Crossing the Chamber

7.7 You must face a challeng in the Chamber of flame! This is a battlegroup encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:  This was done by 4 people.


Kill the Flame of Volcanus. Not a very hard fight, we beat with 5 using power spheres, but it took 30 minutes or so. Just concentrate on the Flame of Volcanus, the little fire balls aggro is messed up and if they start nuking you they give up after a minute or so. Plus for reds they don't hurt much at all.   Dec 12


Just killed Flame of Volcanus with 4 people,took about 15mins but was easy with power/heal field. 1 healer/savage/shaman/war(me). Had the savage tank and me guard him.  Mar 30 2004
 Kolkor Kegogut

7.8 -Pillars

7.8 Katorii's gaze destroys all life it falls upon, yes she must be destroyed! This is a battlegroup encounter.


Picture of Katorii  

Once you go north from the Flame of Volcanus (ML7.7) the path will bend right and open up into a maze (really just sort of a grid). Leave your groups at that spot, pressed up against the western wall. 

Send a spotter to find where Katorii is wandering. A speed class is good for this. You don't want Katorii aggro, because if you get it, she will instakill. Your only aim right now is to get your raid from the western wall to the eastern wall. ** She can and will wipe your raid if you aggro her. She does not give up and aggros anything nearby while chasing. She is not killable until she is traveling with her 4-5 small yellow/orange pets. You need to kill her big snake pets (Touch, Breath, Blood) to get her into a killable state. 

Once the spotter says Katorii (or any of her pet snakes Breath Touch Blood etc) is not near the south hallway then move your raid to the eastern wall (all the way down the south hallway). Then go a bit north and down the stairs. Go all the way down the stairs, then east and set up spheres -- err your sphere (alas for the nerf) there. That is where your puller will bring Katorii's pet snakes. Make sure your puller is someone who can hit Katorii's pets from good range. A nearsighter or scout is ideal. 

Find Katorii's Breath, Touch or Blood (which one is up is a bit buggy right now -- order should be Breath Touch Blood but I've seen all three up at once <shrug>). Pull it and then run back down the stairs and east to the raid. 

Kill it. It will drop a metal plate. Set bg lootlevel to 0 to get it in your inventory, as it is not level 50. Run south from where the raid is (leave the raid there, have your puller go to the top of the stairs) and go down to Typhon's gate.   WARNING:  Plate poofs when you log [katorii aggroed so we had ressers logged].  Logged back in and it was gone.  Jan 17  - Mevi

At the gate, right click the little box in front of the gate -- this will drop the plate in, make Katorii scream and spawn another pet. 

Pull the next pet, kill, get plate, drop in door. 

Keep doing this until no more pets spawn. Then kill Katorii. If the doors still haven't opened, kill whatever other pets are up and keep dropping in plates. Eventually the doors will open. We've had to do Breath Touch Blood Katorii Touch Blood Blood Touch Blood before getting the gates open once, so don't worry if it doesn't seem to be working at first. The encounter is slightly buggy. 

Note, you get 7.8 credit when Katorii dies.   Jan 8
Alcara Argenta


Oohh, she's nasty. Do it wrong, she insta-kills you (your HP +1 insta-nuke, generally). Gotta kill her breath, touch, and blood. When you kill her breath, it drops a Runed Metal Plate. Run the plate past her area down to typhon's gate and plunk it in. Repeat these steps , killing breath/touch, then kill Katorii herself. She'll be killable when she's roaming w/ 4-5 orange/yellow con snakes.  Dec 19

 We have tried her twice so far with about 3 groups. We pull the breath to the side room and then Katorii ends up popping on us and killing the whole raid... 
Just bad luck or are we doing something wrong?"
Sounds like bad luck. 
Try having your group(s) set up in the room just beyond the bottom of the steps. 
Pull the breath and the other two snakes afterwards to that room - no way you can get Katorii aggro there. 
However, if you set up at the foot of the steps, Katorii *will* aggro thru the floor if it passes by. 
Once the breath and the other two snakes are dead, head up and fight Katori in the maze.  Dec 23

7.9 -Facing Typhon

7.9 A mysterious force blocks your path! This is a battlegroup encounter.


You'll see two alcoves to the north and south. Kill both mobs (which instarespawn) and you get 7.9 credit. These mobs control the twirling blue things and shut them off for like 5 seconds before they are back off. 

Theoretically you could set up groups to chain kill these mobs to keep the twirly blue things down (which port you back, btw) but since you can just jump over the twirly blue things, it is over kill.   Jan 8
- Alcara Argenta


Use the Plate you were given by Katorii on the pedestal, it'll unlock Typhon's Gate.  Dec 26
Asakura Yoh

Enter Typhon's lair, and head into one of the two caves on the left or right side. Kill one gorgon or snake dude to get credit.   Dec 19
- Bert

We had a bug today before we attempted Typhon with Katorii. We killed Katorii and the plate spawned a Katorii's Touch... 
Killed Touch and its plate spawned Blood, then that plate spawned Touch, which spawned Blood. The plate from that Blood spawned another Blood which led to another Blood which finally dropped the plate that opened the gate x.x 
And no I'm not joking.  Dec 26

We had to kill like 4 snakes after Katorii... <gate> finally opened   Dec 30
Alcara Argenta

7.10 - Typhon's Rage

7.10 Typhon lies in the lava pool in the center of Volcanus deep! This is a battlegroup encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
Some say you will need 5-6 full groups.  This has been done with 21 people (read tips section).


Plant a scout at 3 of the locations, plant the zerg at one. Wait for Typhon to pop at your location, then hit him with pet spam, casters casting and melee. Make sure the essence is continually engaged or else you won't be able to hit (it is charmable atm, so charm+duel or just get one caster on essence duty). 

He will then port and not come back to that spot after you hurt him enough, so move to him and kill him. 

Did it in about ~15 minutes of actual fighting, had about 80 theurg pets up.
A smite cleric got the kill. 
We were using level 7 theurg pets, which didn't hit him but added to attacker count.    

1 person attacking essence. 

Rest on Typhon. 

When we had 3 fg albs we couldn't get him below 99%. Add 2-3 more fg and 80 pets and we could, quite quickly too.

we had an MW3 smite cleric and he was hitting in the 100s :-/ Petspam is what's needed here really -- he has a lot of hps.   Dec 31
Alcara Argenta

Note: now with stacking spheres gone, you'll either need a zerg or a bunch of MW cold-damage casters. In either case, the strategy above applies.  Jan 8
Alcara Argenta

We got the raid past the 1st blue porter thing.  The porters go down for about 5 seconds when one of the entrance mobs is killed.  At this point we sent 1 sorc and 1 wizard up to the top of the center hill with a Font of Power going.  The sorc and wizzy kept the essence in constant combat as it floated around.  The raid then attacked Typhon, leaving several clerics right past the 1st porter thing.  If people got teleported back to the entrance, they simply suicided in the lava and the clerics rezzed them up past the 1st porter.  The 2nd porter thingy can be avoided by hugging the left side of the path around it.  You can even jump in the lava briefly to get around it.  Typhon teleported around, but the raid was able to reach 3 of the 4 locations that he spawns.  When he spawns at the far South location we had theurgists pet spam him and wizzys bolt him to keep him in combat until he teleports again to a place that the rest of the raid could reach him.  Once Typhon was at about 20% life, he stopped teleporting.  He happened to be at the far South spot at this point, so we took most of the raid over there to finish him off.  The porter thingy blocking the far South spot can be avoided by briefly jumping into the lava on the right side of the path.  It took nearly an hour to kill him.   Jan 11
- Mythius

You can get around the barriers by getting a running jump and going partially through the lava.  You don’t take much damage and in this part of the ML7 dungeon we have been able to successfully resurrect everyone who has died in the lava (and this only happens rarely).  This helps to move the zerg if Typhon ports.  
Mar 13 2004


Crush weapons will now do more damage to Typhon.
Typhon's defense has been lowered.
(1.68 patch, 
Feb 19, 2004)

What surpised me the most was the Typhon fight : he NEVER ported ! 
I dont know if it was related to your very low number or a bug but he just never ported elsewhere than where you find him at first. 
We charged a first time but after a min of fight we found that we were not engaging the sphere properly, backed off, set our caster on the hill to nuke and charged again. 
Switched caster on the hill as their MW repop to come nuke Typhon and back on sphere when MW used. 
The fight lasted 35 min ( 3 MW caster ) with 21 people bot included. 
He just never teleported.  Perhaps if you not a lot he not port ? Your tanks were so few ( around 8 including me ) that we berely prevented him not regenerating hp while MW repop. Might be the cause ?

Typhon repop is fast ! We lotoed keys, ran chest to open em and he repoped. When he repop it seems the exit portal close. So had to finish loto in room and sucide out.  Jan 26

We had so few melee that I didn't hit him ONCE. Just to add to the info above, we got him down to 50% in our first burst of MW. He regenerated back up to 55% in the half our that we kept him engaged. One of our 3 MW were wasted in the first round due to the essence not being engaged at the time.   Jan 26

The runemaster stated after the battle that he is about 90% non-resistant to cold damage...she just regularly nuked and took him down in about 30-45 seconds...first time she was unbuffed (lack of healers/shamans)  Jan 4
Youmiss TheShieldCollector

Typhon is completely heat resistant   Jan 4

I was hitting Typhon last night for around 35-50 damage on average when the essence was engaged. I also used a Benthic Falchion (ice sword). I was getting good + damage.   Dec 31

I was getting 50% to 100% bonus damage using my cold sword. Not sure if the 100% was from someone's debuff landing, but if you have a cold weapon, USE IT.  Dec 31

He's fun. Doesn't hit too hard (400~ w/ 790 plate AF, armsman), but has a lot of thick skin (you hit for 1 damage!).  Dec 19

Well we tried again.. this time with trebs..   Just can't seem to do any signifact dmg to him.  Dec 24

7. 11 - Help Realmmates

7.11 Your lesser experienced realm mates need help finishing trials!

Master Level Eight

This outline provided by PiaoSB, and filled in with comments from myself and others.
If you go to 35K 32K in Arbor Glen, you will find "Agne's Battleground".  The NPC there tells you that he needs Agne's torso, arms, legs, sword, ring, etc - several items in all - in order to trigger the trial.  If you find any "Agne's" items while adventuring in Aerus, I'd suggest vaulting them - they will no doubt come in handy for a later ML trial. 
Running the Raid
1 - Agne's Crystal
2 - Agne's Shield
3 - Agne's Sword
4 - Centaur's Hunt
5 - Treasure of the Cyclops
6 - Agne's Will
7 - Agne's Might
8 - Gorgon's Secret
9 - Agne's Spare Arm
10 - Agne's Great Might
11 - Legendary Dungeons

Running the Raid

Map of Green Glades and Arbor Glen  Dec 17  - Svendig Rockbottom

What You Need Done Before Coming on an ML Raid/Recommended Raid Order


ML8 is scattered throughout Green Glades and Arbor Glen.

There are 3 group trials (as of 1.68 when Kratos is patched back to battlegroup) so it is advisable to do them beforehand.

Since there's no minimum ML requirement, you can gather a group and do these anytime, perhaps while doing the Aerus quests as well.

Save all the pieces you get.

Do these as a group:
8.4 Centaur's Hunt (also a great place to farm for Cloudsong 2/3)
8.7 Torso, Agne's Might
8.9 Agne's Spare Arm

Then a raid leader can collect all the pieces of Kratos before a raid (saves so much time):

About Preparing for Kratos, 8.5:
You have to run the kratos subquest ahead of time, just make sure you have 1 full set of items for each group in your zerg. Then on the day of the actual raid, find Kratos, have everyone activate quest, then have that 1 person from each group hand in items. Everyone immediately gets ML credit. The only time consuming part is finding Kratos on zerg day.  - Hidus

When it comes to assembling the <Kratos> items, some are not tradeable. I would suggest doing the following: 
1. Have one person per group do the fillet and water barrel. These are easily soloable and can be done 
before the raid. Tell everyone to have these items before the raid. They will have to find Kratos and activate the quest ahead of time. Maybe have a couple extra people from your guild do the items in case people show up without. 
2. Farm the heads before the raid. 
3. Get the stone together on raid day. Everyone in the bg will get it in their inventory upon killing the mob. Its actually bugged right now. You'll get 1 stone for everyone in the bg in everyone's inventory. Destroy the extras - no harm done.   - Armagnan 

Then the raid gets together and runs:
8.6 Head, Agne's Will
8.1 Agne's Crystal
8.3 Agne's Sword
8.2 Agne's Shield
8.5 Treasure of the Cyclops (have a Minstrel track down Kratos and spam talk to him to make him stop, then have everyone get the quest and then have the raid leader hand in all the parts -- Kratos wanders across all of Arbor Glen :-/).
8.8 Left Arm, Gorgon's Secret
8.10 Talos's 
Temple, Agne's Great Might     Jan 24
Alcara Argenta

8.1 - Agne's Crystal

8.1 Bisul the jinni still has the control crystal! This is a battlegroup encounter.


8.1 starts at 17, 24 GG but flees SW to 6, 39 GG or so   Dec 29
Alcara Argenta

-This one is a cake with two groups, but can be a bit tricky with one groups. Directly east of Haven (I'm quite sure it's east) and by the river, are 9 statues. Three on each pedestals. To the north (?) is a lone centaur village with 3 more statues and a Jinni named Bisul. Kill the statues, and Bisul will run to the area with the statues. Kill rinse and repeat - kill the statues, then once all statues are dead, you kill him. He drops the Agne's Control Crystal. 
Quest completion: Control 
Crystal   Dec 29
Asakura Yoh

We killed Bisul twice last night with two experienced groups. The first time we encountered him about a week ago, we also thought he was bugged. We found him in the town below his normal area with 1 set of statues and we didnt know there were 3 more sets of statues to kill nearby, so he was invulnerable after we killed the 3 with him. 
He and his first set of statues in his normal area should aggro on you, kill the three statues, then he will run to another set of statues, and those should aggro on you, kill all 4 sets of statues and then he is a fairly easy kill.   Dec 4
- Clancy Wiggum

6k 38 k green glades nearby is a mob named bisul with stone statues (3) guarding it.. kill all statues she gets more 
repeat 3 times for 12 statues total, then kill bisul is part of a later ml i believe on person will get Agnes' control crystal and all will complete quest, agnes' control crystal 
also get 3 100% rog drops. 
Felirin and Astryr Elskevighe


8.2 - Agne's Shield

8.2 Agnes shield was destroyed long ago, but it has a twin in his brother Tholoss prossession! This is a battlegroup encounter

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done with one group by Hibs with many animists.  If you are a mid, it'll take around 3-5 groups. Albs might be able to do it with 2-3 groups with BoF and SoS. Don't attempt this with one group unless you're a hib.  Dec 15  - Asakura Yoh


8.2 loc -  15 60 AG or so  Dec 29
Alcara Argenta

Heh, such a fun encounter this is. We did this with 94 people earlier because I was leading a ML 3 raid. Read each of the abled statues (right click them, and read the inscriptions). Each statue will come to life eventually. Spam heal/power nodes and this should be no problem. The only time we ever had trouble was on General Tholos, where the entire room comes to life. Lord Tholos is a cinch if you can muster up enough folks. If you have 3-4 groups, spam heal/power nodes and keep one tank infront, rest in the rear. 

Drops Tarnished Bronze Shield, Quest completion: Agne's Shield    Dec 29
Asakura Yoh

We did easily with about 4 fg of albs (and only suffered a few deaths in a 5 minute fight with Tholos). Lord Tholos hits VERY hard. Archers sould bring a pile of blunt arrows.  Jan 23

We took lord tholos down yesterday with the following people:
1: 50 animist
2: 50 animist
3: 50 animist
4: 50 animist
5: 50 Mana Eldrich
6: 50 Bard Bot
7: 45 Bard Bot
8: 50 Druid Buff Bot
Took him down with just the first 6 in grp, other 2 out of grp to rez afterwards.
that was it. Very nice loot on him and he drops keys for the chests in his 
temple  Dec 11

Tholo's Tournament is a tricky tournament indeed...mainly because Lord Tholo is a very difficult tank to take down. 

1) When you enter the temple, you'll need to be as organized as can be. The few fights ahead of you will be harsh with not many people. Directly to right of you as you enter, will be a statue that is right-clickable. It will ask you to read its inscription or not. Choose yes so you can read it (future use, I think...it might be the key to defeating Lord Tholo...so write it down!) 
Two to Three trainees will spawn, including other statues. Not a difficult trial, but it'll show you of what's to come. 

2) To the left side of where you entered should be another right-clickable statue. (If it's not, the statue is on the far right corner.) Read it's inscription, and Commander Tholo will attack you with several other statues. Take down the lower con statues while you have a tank engage or tank the Commander for now. When all the lower cons are dead, work on the Commander. 

3) In the middle of the room, lies two statues. One is Lord Tholos, and the other is General Tholos. Right click the General, and read his inscription. The entire room will come to life and you will be attacked by several statues who are archers and tanks who use styles. Take out the lower con statues first, while someone kites the General around because he hits for 800 and has a lot of HPs. Once all statues are down, take the General out. 
-note: We took the General out with one group, but we had to kite him around the room for about 10 minutes. 

4) In the center room, lies another statue as I've said before. Lord Tholos. 
-This battle requires more than three groups...recommend over four. 

Read his inscription, and it will say: "Truth shall always succeed"...and some other stuff that I couldn't catch before getting killed. 

Same method as before with the General, kite the Lord around the room with one person while all the tanks are behind him. He evades and parries like mad, and when he's pissed off (which is pretty much always), he hits for 1300+. If he's not pissed off, he'll double 800 from what I've seen, and styles for 1100. 

Nothing too fancy if you like zerging, I would think. But be sure to stay behind him, he can wipe out even the biggest of zergs I think.   

Once you kill him, he drops key(s) for his chests and other assorted MP items.    Dec 3
Asakura Yoh


8.3 - Agne's Sword

8.3 The sword the great Agne is now in the hands of a mischievous Jinn! This is a battlegroup encounter


Agnes' Sword:   - screenshot Clancy Wiggum

Ibn at 43.2k, 47.8k Green Glades.

-Everyone knows where this is by mistake. In Green Glades, directly south of Aerus Haven, lies a Jinni named "Ibn". Ibn is a trickster you see, he gives you a key...and if you choose wisely, Agnes' Sword will spawn. It's not the sword you need to worry about...it's Ibn himself. He'll attack your teammates with haste, and when you attack him, he'll go into an invincible duststorm. Three or four of them to be exact. He tends to summons his animated swords if he's in trouble. When you defeat him, you will be rewarded with Agnes' Sword.   Dec 3
- Asakura Yoh

After everyone is set up on the hill, send a few people down to open up the chests until they find the correct sword.  Just ignore Ibn until you find the correct chest with Agne's Sword in it.  Designate a puller to pull Ibn once the correct sword is found.  Also designate a group to deal with swords that spawn during the fight.  Those need killed right away.

Then start attacking Ibn.  Do not use normal melee weapons.  Only use legendary weapons or other magic weapons (like Belt of the Sun weapons) when hitting Ibn.  Do not put any fields up except for power regen.  When he splits into duststorms, stop fighting, because you can't damage him in this form. 

When he splits into duststorms and runs, wait about 5 seconds, then send your puller down the hill to agro Ibn.  If they see whirlwinds, stop and wait till he re-forms, if he's reformed and just sitting there, get near him, he'll aggro from like 1500 range, you can just sprint back to the hill and he'll follow.

You'll be able to hit him a few times and then he'll turn into duststorms again.  If anyone gets duststorm agro on them, that person needs to run back to the treasure chests (away from the rest of the raid on the hill) and die there.  After the storms are gone and Ibn reforms, someone can quickly rez the dead guys before the puller goes and gets Ibn again.  Rinse, repeat.  You should see that Ibn has lower healther each time the puller goes to get him.

When the mob hits 50% use MW and nuke him.   Jan 24
this strategy used on raid run by Adaran

The Albion tactic to kill Ibn is to get 1 Theurgist to spam level 7 Earth pets everytime Ibn is attackable. This Theurgist is to stay as far back as possible to make sure Ibn comes fully up the hill. The lowlevel earth pets auto repull Ibn as well as lower tohit without risk of them killing Ibn and stealing credit. Keep a puller instealth near the bottom of the hill just incase Ibn attacks the lowlevel pets and needs repulling (happens rarely)
Also dont use Cold or Heat legendary weapons as these spawn spawns which need to be killed before Ibn reforms.  
Apr 8 2004


Ibn will no longer get stuck in Whirlwind form. Additionally, we have fixed an issue where Ibn would become unkillable and aggressive before Agne's Sword was found.
(1.68 patch, 
Feb 19, 2004)

Our group had 1 cab with MW1, she was nuking it extremely hard while no one else could land a spell. I would assume you'd want MW2 tho to be safe and to hit harder. But you will need two MW casters, one cant kill IBN fast enough and may get aggro.  Dec 30
- Shadarlogoth

Pretty sure its random when he splits, as our Animists generally were the ones listed in his spam message. 
If he's healing up to 100%, you aren't pulling him soon enough, probably. Get on the hill and setup there, and when he splits and runs, wait about 5 seconds, then send someone down the hill to check on him. If they see whirlwinds, stop and wait till he re-forms, if he's reformed and just sitting there, get near him, he'll aggro from like 1500 range, you can just sprint back to the hill and he'll follow.  Dec 30
- Meeligrum 

Upon choosing the box with the correct chest, you'll see Agnes' Sword floating in the air, red con and very aggressive. But that's not the thing you need to be worrying about.
By doing this event a lot, we have figured out that you must kill Ibn in order to get the sword, because he states: "Hah, you think I'll hand over the sword if you choose correctly? It's mine, and you'll have to fight 
me." or something of the sort. So it's basically like the Cloudsong quest, only more troublesome.
If you get the correct chest, get everyone on Ibn and kill him quickly. Eventually, he'll turn into a couple of dust storms, and you have to wait for him to get out of it, because he won't be able to be casted upon. If you want to try (We weren't able ;p), you can try meleeing the neutral duststorms. The aggressive one will be coming after you quickly, so you need to dispose of them very quickly. :P~
Straight up melee, keep up the heals, it's probably could be the same as Laedairama or whatever her name is from Master Level 3 in Temple of Twilight. Just need lots o persistence! Btw, when you beat him, your reward is Agnes' Sword.     Nov 25
- Asakura Yoh

When you choose a chest after talking to Idn...make sure your bg doesn't attack first. 
bugged the whole encounter for us  Dec 29

From what I've seen. Agnes' Sword is usually on the right.  Dec 28
Asakura Yoh

2nd from the right i believe  Dec 28

8.4 - Centaur's Hunt

8.4 Once noble and proud Agnes, now bits strewn about a Centaur's home. This is a group encounter. 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:  This has been done with 3 people.


around 10 55k Green Glades  just south of the last set of Bisul statues.   Dec 29
Alcara Argenta

It's the two centaur chiefs (not creon). They drop the Left Arm, both of them. Easily done with one group if you know what you're doing. Each chief comes with 4-7 centaurs. -Tarnished Left Leg    Dec 29
Asakura Yoh

I solo this with 2 bots.  SM, Shaman ( buff bot ), Healer . Had shaman ungrouped , shaman bolt Cheif and  sprint away , adds will follow ,cheif  is last to follow , when cheif starts to run after then I stunned cheif with healer .Then I just stun casted cheif , pbae with sm .also did same  with  RM and same 2 bots .Not sure what lvl he was,  he was purple to 50  , i noticed  a few cheif in area  but i did same named one  both times, ( ill  check again to give the name of cheif ) must of been under
lvl  67 for me to hit him .Didnt use any RA's.  
Mar 17 2004


the Centaur Lord (unrelated apparently) drops a LOT of keys ... we were unable to find chests to Old Rusty or Pristine keys

8.5 - Treasure of the Cyclops

8.5 Kratos has not handed over the leg of Agne! This is a group encounter. 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
Despite what the /master says, this is now a battlegroup (
Mar 6 2004)  step.  Just make certain that everyone in the battlegroup talks to Kratos and gets the quest (have everyone check their quest journal for the ‘Bartering with Kratos’ quest).  Everyone in the battlegroup should get /master credit, but only the person who hands in the bag to Kratos will complete the quest.  Mar 13 2004  - Zoka


- Talk to Kratos the Cyclops first, at or near Arbor Glen 21k 39k

(Picture of text from the conversation.)  Kratos wanders throughout Arbor Glen and is difficult to find when you need him most. When you talk to him, he will give you a very difficult quest that requires much luck in doing. 

Kratos has had his roaming area drastically reduced. He will now only roam the general area where he spawns.
Upon turning in the items to Kratos, all players associated with the battlegroup will receive credit.
(1.68 patch, 
Feb 19, 2004)

For the quest, you need: 
1) Giant Ketos Fillet (automatic drop from a regular Ketos) 

Go to Meso 10k, 23k to find ketos.    Jan 21

2) The first named is named Ghita, and she is in northern AG at 2k, 24k in ruins with lots of oj statues outside her, who aid her in owning anyone who pulls her. She's simple enough, just pull statues then her and everyone in the group gets Ghita's stone.  

3) Oasis Spring Waters 

The oasis water is in Stygian Delta, 57k, 28k. Just go to it until you get a message about soothing water and do /forage. It weighs 10 so be sure to dump it in the vault if you're weak. 

4) Kratos' chest is given to you if you choose correctly in Gaspara's game. If you choose incorrectly, you'll have to fight monsters. - Be warned, if a fire elemental spawns, use magic. It's weak against it. 
Anyone in the battlegroup can go up to the chest to pick.

Gaspara is in Green Glades.   She's NE of Ibn.  Look by the big fallen islands NE of Ibn.  
loc is 52k 44k Green Glades.   Jan 13
Kimbyr Heartfire and Alcara Argenta

The chest is a bit trickier, there is a named Neutral jinni who is red and spawns 4-5 chests. If you choose incorrectly a very high level fire elemental, or some other elemental, spawns (level 75-80). If you choose right, someone in the party gets Kratos's Chest.

If Gaspara gets killed (which would be bad, but just in case) her respawn time is under 45 minutes, real time (not game time).

5) The six heads of Creon's sons. These are near the boarder of Arbor Glen and Green Glades. They are in the village directly next to Tholo's Tournament in the flying temple, at loc AG 15k, 38k.  They drop their heads, they have names like Head of Adras and Head of Maur, etc.

Pull one and you get like 25 ojs-grapes who stun, mez, dot, and all that fun stuff.

-Note, he will not take these items individually...you have to have all of them.    Dec 3
- Asakura Yoh and Clancy Wiggum

Agnes Right Leg off of Kratos   - Clancy Wiggum


8.6 - Agne's Will

8.6 Dawars servant bears the head of Agne! This is a battlegroup encounter.


Dawars is at 52, 17 GG  Dec 29
Alcara Argenta

Fun encounter! But such a nuisance too! Bring two groups, but bring more if you're cautious. Directly south of Aerus Haven is a Jinni with a Controlled Statue named Dawar. Kill his statue first, then take out Dawar. Dawar tends to cast ranged (OMG) PBAE and can be annoying since he enjoys running away just to cast it again. 

He drops Tarnished Bronze Head.    Dec 29
Asakura Yoh


8.7 - Agne's Might

8.7 Find the torso of Agne amongst the statues of Aerus! This is a group encounter.


8.7 loc -  All over Aerus, large camp near 35 10 GG  Dec 29
Alcara Argenta

-Dropped from Self Maintaining Statues...you'll most likely be unlucky to get it on the first kill, so you'll have to wait to obtain it. 
-quest completion: "Agnes' Might Quest"    Dec 3
Asakura Yoh

When killing the self-sustaining statues for the Stone King quest, one member of our group got a dialog box pop up saying "You have found Agne's torso!" He then had it in his inventory, which has a plate bp icon. 
We later passed up a genie-looking guy, purple con and neutral, name was Ibn or Ibe, on the way back from the final Stone King encounter (sorry don't have a loc). He said that he gave us a key, now pick a chest to open to receive Agne's sword, and 5 chests spawned behind us. We chose chest #2 which apparently was incorrect, several swords spawned and we died horribly 


8.8 - Gorgon's Secret

8.8 A group of gorgons have collaborated to thwart your effort to rebuild Agne by hiding his left arm because the trials resulted in many gorgon deaths in the past! This is a battlegroup encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done by 6 people.


8.8 loc -  58 58 AG -- easiest way in is along a zonewall  Dec 29
Alcara Argenta

We completed this trial this evening with the following group:
Scout, Theurgist(Earth), Paladin, Wizard(Ice), Cleric, Minstrel.
Trick is to kill all the other named gorgons first. Order we used: L, G, Q , M. Less summoned snakes appear each time.  No summoned snakes appeared on last named, M.
We pulled the Guide and killed it quickly with ice PBAoE.  While the Guide is alive, Kynthia nukes for 700+. No summoned snakes at all.
Kynthia is immune to all magic attacks, but is weak in melee.  Used Dazzling Array but no fields. We spammed earth pets and everyone meleed it down. Took about 20 min.   Jan 8


3-4 groups of named gorgons are in the Southeast corner of Arbor Glen. Be wary, it's troublesome getting there for people who don't know their way. Tons of cyclops guard the gorgons. @_@ Anyways, find the one gorgon named Kynthia. She drops the Tarnished Bronze Left Arm. The tend to summon quite a lot of snakes from each gorgon area...so be careful, and when I mean quite a lot - I usually mean around 20-60.    Dec 29
Asakura Yoh

-This is dropped by a very easy gorgon named Kynthia, in the Southwest corner of Arbor Glen. She is guarded by several other named gorgons, but it's not the gorgons you need to worry about...it's the snakes they summon. Three of them are equally the same difficulty, while Kynthia is quite difficult (MLXP obtainable) especially with all the snakes they summon. We killed her with one group, but we had to have our skald disband and pull her away from their little broken down shafts.   Dec 3
Asakura Yoh

8.9 - Agne's Spare Arm

8.9 The right arm lies in the once great hall of a wreaked Atlantean temple. This is a group encounter


8.9 loc -  13, 10 AG  Dec 29
Alcara Argenta

In a row of statues in Arbor Glen is a chest. Kill the statues and run up to the chest. Open it and gtfo as quickly as possible, statues respawn(?). Your reward is the tarnished bronze right arm.   Dec 29
Asakura Yoh 

Indeed, the right arm is found at the row of statues in arbor glen. We fought to the center of the statues and found a treasure chest. whoever right-clicks the chest obtains the right arm, and then a fresh pop of statues appears and aggros whoever holds the arm. when you die, the arm drops on the ground. we relayed the arm almost out of the statue row but didn't quite make it out. the arm eventually returned to its chest when it decayed.   Dec 6
- Gertaarl Darkblade


You can not stealth in.  54 stealth + Stealth Lore did not get me past the guards.  Also, you can not use SOS to get the contents of the chest.  It gives a message saying you need to clear one side of statues before you 
can open the box.   Jan 23
Balise with Vexxen and Nexxev

8.10 - Agne's Great Might

8.10 First you must defeat Agnes army on his battlefield then you must topple Talos in his temple! This is a battlegroup encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done with just under 3 full groups.


8.10 loc -  35, 37 AG   Dec 29
Alcara Argenta

You first turn the parts into the constructor and he will build Agne and then Agne will walk down the steps and summon 3 waves of armies. These are fairly easy (try to take out casters first on last wave). After you defeat the 3 waves you will fight Agne, who is a fairly easy purple con. Then, he will drop some some keys. 

Forgot the exact name of the key but he only drops 1 and then you go behind the building and go into the opened door (opened after Agne died). Warning:  After you kill Agnes, the door behind the building opens.  It will close after about 10 minutes.  This wasn't timed exactly, but it was open for at least 5 minutes.  You probably don't want to waste time doing something like lottoing keys.

Then you open one of the chests with the key and will get a crystal to bring Talos to life. (You MUST pick up the item, it does not automatically go in anyone's pack.)  Once you get the crystal the door to that room will close and lock you in. Just talk to the sphinx in that room and he will port you out.  You can do /s ask.  This gets you outside the fastest especially if a lot of people are trying to talk to the sphinx.

Get everyone with you and move to the big floating building that's visible from there. You will go up and there will be a big golden statue and then 2 statues (the ones that heal) to the sides. The person with the crystal will insert it into Talos' statue and then the metal ring around him will rise and some of the supports will sink into the ground (just a kewl effect). Then Talos will come to life and you begin the fight.    Jan 20
Youmiss TheShieldCollector

We defeated Talos with ~45 Mids.  We kept the casters/healers just outside the entryway with power spheres.  We defeated him easily in about 1 hour.  With Talos pulled to near as the entrance as possible, we were able to limit the effectiveness of the healers.  Also, it was reported by the tanks that if they were fighting too close to the entrance all attacks were dodged.  With power spheres and constant spread heals, we had only a few deaths during the encounter.  
Mar 13 2004


Be sure to PICK up Talos's crystal from near the chest.   Jan 20

After putting the crystal into Talos statute we hibs (50+) took him down within 30 secs after he first attacked the BG he didnt have enough time for his statues to heal him . Prolly had 4 to 5 animist spaming pets too.  Feb 9 
- Litxx Reaper

You opened the chest, it gave the message, and the crystal was dropped *on the ground*. 
A very very stupid way to do it, but that was where we went wrong, no one hit f7 to target it and then pick it up from the ground the first time. Second time around, I saw it on F7 just as Vektar picked it up. 
It was our own mistake for thinking it'd work just like any other chest in TOA and automatically place the crystal in your pack.   Jan 21

8.11 - Legendary Dungeons

Master Level Nine

Outline from Syphy Soulblaze, and then I have filled in a lot from other people.
Aerus City is located at 38k, 11k Arbor Glen.  
The level requirement to enter 
Aerus City is ML 8.   - Haldon
Running the Raid
1 - Wings of Aerus
2 - Lachlen's Explorers
3 - Atlantis Warlords
4 - Kings of Aerus
5 - Scholars of Aerus
6 - Patrolling the City
7 - Uncontrolled Host
8 - Guardians of the Phoenix
9 - Centaur's Patrol
10 - Rise of the Phoenix
11 - Final Battles
Master Level 10?

Running the Raid

Map of Aerus city   (ML encounters are labeled)    Feb 9   - Cadre

There are holes in Aerus City, Have seen people fall off before...  - Toria

Be careful of holes on the rocky edges where the bridges connect to the islands.  Also, be very careful close to the 9.5 encounter.  If you setup on the rim of the island you can get dangerously close to falling off and then you need to work your way up by the bridge hole.  Stay on the walkway when possible on your way to the generators in 9.10.  I hit a hole half way down to a generator and ended up one island away from the zone in area.  /em shakes fist at the quality control team.   Feb 2

Players who are level 40 and higher, and have completed Master Level 8, will now be able to get credit for successfully completing any Master Level 9 encounter in the City of 
Aerus. Previously, players had to be level 50 to receive credit for these encounters.  (from Mar 11 2004 hot fix)

Recommended Raid Order

ML9 is housed inside beautiful Aerus City.  There's only one group trial... and it's just best to do it with the zerg since it is unlikely your ML9 raid will be full of first-timers as it is ML8 minimum requirement to zone in.  The mob also sometimes goes into uber mode and chain heals for a while too... /cheer Mythic

Minimum requirement: ML8

Group trial:
9.2 Lachlen

Recommended ML order:
9.1 Kyros
9.5 Nelos
9.6 Katri
9.2 Lachlen
9.3 Evzen
9.7 Iaculi
9.8 Phoenix's Guardians
9.4 Kings' Likenesses
9.9 Neola will spawn after you kill a bunch of avriel, she'll broadcast when she does so be ready for her when you see that broadcast
9.10 Phoenix    Jan 24
Alcara Argenta

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
Hibernia:  This entire master level has been done with 1 group, it was hibs, they had at least one animist.
Albs did this ML with 1 group + a bot, so 9 people.  (We got this tonight with 1 group of albs + 1 bot. 4 clerics total, theurg, cab, inf, arms, merc.   -Shadarlogoth)

Albion:  9.1-9.9 have been done with 1 fg, pre-power sphere nerf. Group make up generally was 2-3 clerics, a theurgist, a cabalist, a paladin, an inf, a merc, an arms... though it varied a bit. One cleric had smite and MW3 and I (spirit cabalist) had MW3.   Jan 9   - Alcara Argenta

Midgard:  On Mid-Bors we completed ML 9.1-9.9 with just one group. We had no special class make-up, just used those that could enter 
Aerus City (i.e. no casters, but we did have a SB and a Hunter which by many are considered non-PvE friendly classes). By the time the raid ended we had about 50 drops to divide up.

9.1 - Wings of Aerus

Long ago Kyros demonstrated himself to be the ultimate warrior serving many different roles in combat, would you dare challenge him? This is a battlegroup encounter.

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done with 2 people.


Done with 2
Druid bot [out of group, was just there for res incase and buffs]
MW2 enchanter - stun, nuke down...if you dont keel him in 8s, run away a tad, stun, and continue.  stun doesnt last as long, but it works.   Jan 24
When he morphs into an enchanter or spiritmaster, be careful.  The enchanter PBAE'd me for 1400 with 22% energy resist :)
He doesnt seem to PBAE when he becomes a wizard, and I havent seen him in eldritch.  Jan 28

Kyros is right north of the entrance. He will morph to various classes across the realms and take on their abilities. Once we saw him display messages about "growing in power" and he became very difficult to kill. Usually though the theurg tosses some pets at him and becomes easy to hit and goes down in less than a minute.   Jan 9
Alcara Argenta


9.2 - Lachlen's Explorers

Lachlen was a great explorer who was always prepared to face the unique dangers lurking in each new land! 

Trial 9.2, "Defeating Lachlen" will now award battlegroup credit as well as single group credit.
(1.68 patch, 
Feb 19, 2004)


Done with 8
2 MW enchanters - PBAE of course....we just didnt want to wait for our 3 tanks to melee him down.  Jan 24

Fairly straight forward. From Kyros, head west, past Nelos, then North. Take east at first intersection, head left and follow that path. Then head east more. Kill all the red Weary Explorers, then talk to Lachlen and kill him. Straight-forward. This is the group encounter.  Jan 9
Alcara Argenta


Like a 45 minute repop.  Jan 31

ML9.2 Boss requires all clerics to stay at range, if your killing him on his spawn stand directly infront of him at around 1000 range with a powerfont below you. Dont use healfields, paladin healchants or spreadheals as these tend to heal it.  Apr 8 2004

It seams more like he will insta heal based on any close range heals, dont use paladin heal chants, dont use heal fields - keep your casters and especialy healers  WELL back, and he generaly drops pretty quickly.  
Mar 29 2004
 Tears and TLW

he heals about 50 times and then quits healing. 
When we did him, we just got on him and knew it was gonna be about a 1 hour fight.. nothin fancy.. 
Sure enough he healed and healed and healed.. then all of the sudden stopped healing.. and was killed. Somehow I think he has a set number of times he will heal and then he will stop.   Jan 21

there is no way to stop his chain healing, hes suppos to do that, you have to kill him within like 1min, if you dont then he chain heals and is in god mode. the only way to do this is to have 2 MW3 casters, or 2 theurgs/aniamists spaming pets.   Jan 21
- Dzza ReallyHatesEnchanters

9.3 -Atlantis Warlords

Long ago Evzen unified three warring territories after each territorys warlord was slain then ruled the combined landsd with an iron fist! This is a battlegroup encounter.


Due south of Lachlen. Aggro the SW statue by runnin g near it, then kill it. Then put a rezzer somewhere safe and kill the main mob inside (Lethos I think). Sometimes the other three statues will pop a 2400 AE DD on you, so spread out and have rezzes ready. They will activate and kill them to finish trial. Again, power sphere and theurgist petspam was used to take make the mobs easier to hit. Note: This encounter drops a TON of loot.  Jan 9
Alcara Argenta

Just before the main statue dies (the one inside the ruins) send 3 people to each of the statues around the ruins to interupt them before they cast there ae nukes which can hit for 3000+ damage. Pull the 3 statues back to the centre ruins and kill them there, they dont hit for much when there.  
Apr 8 2004


Repopped like 6 times in under 5 minutes each time.  Jan 31

I was running a ML9 raid last night and when we got to 9.3, it spawned two of Lethos.  None of the other statues were active until after we killed off one of the Lethos, then the encounter seemed to go normally.  
Mar 24 2004
 Phaleux Ilenohsumo

9.4 - Kings of Aerus

Four kings likenesses are dormant and must be awakened! This is a battlegroup encounter.


Take the south path from entrance, past the snakes, then head left (south). Eventually you'll come to a path blocked by Chan. That's trial 9.8. Kill Chan to get past him then from chan head right, down to the Four Kings. 

The Tactic. 
Summons 4 purple statues to help him. They hit hard but go down fairly easily, so bring them down attack him. He'll activate two more reinforcements, kill them first, then kill him. We tried killing him ignoring the statues but with 1 fg they hurt too much to do that. I think he's also magic immune. 

The Brave 
Nothing special, just k ill him. He procs a lifetap for like the first 10 seconds of the fight, but it is nothing scary and goes away. 

The Terrible 
Ok, once we killed this guy without anything more than an aoe disease. Then second time he started spawning statues, these statues started spawning MORE statues and we had 20-30 statues on our hands and wiped. The third time we killed him I popped MW and we took him down asap. The statues themselves will fade away in 30-60 seconds, with messages that they have too many pieces break off. 

The Coward 
The most fun.  He runs away from you and hides in a nearby house, so you get to chase him. He also summons little statue healers that aren't too much trouble. We've killed him ignoring his healers.  Jan 9
Alcara Argenta


The Tactician is immune to all Magic
We MW'd The Terrible and he posed no threat
Coward stopped responding halfway through so we had to give him another control crystal to activate him.  Jan 24

9.5 - Scholars of Aerus

Nelos would like to teach you a lesson that you might not survive! This a battlegroup encounter.


When you attack him, he summons his statue students from the two houses around him. This is like a zerg of 8-16 purples that HURT. Kill him quickly. We've done this two ways: petspam + MW or petspam + BoF + kiting. Either work. Pbaoe doesn't really do much except get the pbaoer killed.   Jan 9
Alcara Argenta

We had 22 and had 2 people MW and dropped him in under 30s, statues barely made it to us.  Jan 31

9.6 - Patrolling the City

Centaur patrols led by Katri hinder you from reaching your goal! This is a battlegroup encounter.


Katri was a bitch when we tried it without MW..just kept chain healing.
1 MW'er [MW2, no RP, MCL even...] took them down.  We ran into her again and the other MW3'er [with RP, MCL :p] took them down.  Nonissue with +casting speed.  Jan 24

The most bugged trial in ML9. We've only once seen her with 4 red adds that she supposedly is supposed to 'call for help.' Otherwise she is in chain healing godmode with her Personal Guard. You can't take Katri below 87% unless the guard dies first, but the guard and Katri chain heal each other. The only way we've successfully done this when the encounter is bugged (i.e. no 4 red adds) is to pop MW on the cleric and cabalist and stun and nuke and smite the guard down then Katri. Note: don't pop MW until the guard is ~30% because otherwise you might get outhealed. This happened to us once and we had to wait 30 more minutes to get MW up to kill her. CSRs claim this is work ing as intended, but also have 'escalated it for special review.' 

The time she wasn't bugged (so I'm told, I wasn't there that time), the guard left and came back with with the 4 red adds and she lost godmode.  Jan 9
Alcara Argenta


We have fixed a bug that could cause Katri to become unkillable if her personal guard was killed before reinforcements came.
(1.68 patch, 
Feb 19, 2004)

9.7 - Uncontrolled Host

Only the strongest Iaculi survive as they cannibalize each other. This is a battlegroup encounter.


South path, follow it. You'll see a Pussiant Iaculus. If you don't see one along with the other snakes, come back again later and it'll have spawned hopefully. Kill it, and you get credit. Make sure another snake doesn't get the kill or else you don't get credit. The easiest of all the encounters.  Jan 9
- Alcara Argenta

The mob is immune to bow attacks.   Jan 26


Immune to all ranged attacks, as well as immune to all magic  Easy melee kill.   Jan 28

9.8 - Guardians of the Phoenix

You have not yet proven yourself worthy to the Phoenix's Guardians! This is a battlegroup encounter.


This is Chan. He is a slow nasty melee fight because it is hard to land anything on him. Petspam + melee or Petspam + MW have been used on him. Expect to fight 10 minutes with a fg of raw melee. 

DO NOT RUN PAST CHAN IF YOU DO NOT HAVE CREDIT. It'll spawn nasty guardians that aggro if you log and kill all your friends. They also don't seem to despawn. We had to get a CSR to get them to despawn because they killed us on the road to Phoenix because one person without credit tried to ran past and ... bleh, in short, two hours wasted :P So don't run past!  Jan 9
- Alcara Argenta


It appears the pheonix guardians are only able to be damaged by non ranged spells.  Jan 28

9.9 - Centaur's Patrol

Neola still guards her sisters well. This is a battlegroup encounter.


Kill avriels. They'll spam about their sisters getting vengence. Eventually after enough of them, you'll get Neola shouting that this is enough. Set up spheres and wait for here in an aggro-free place. She comes with 2 red Avriel Guardians. Kill those first then kill her. Note: we've seen her go into chain heal god mode once and can't figure out why, so watch out for this. Usually though she's an easy fight. Just don't let her catch you while you're fighting something else.  Jan 9
Alcara Argenta


Neola is the most annoying trial becuase those stupid avreils are everywhere, and when you kill  enough moving anywhere, she comes [bah!]  I try to just outrun the damn things but my group likes to stopand kill them.  HINT THEY run really slow!  Jan 24
If pets get the kill, you dont start the count on the Neola spawn.   Jan 28

9.10 - Rise of the Phoenix

The phoenix is not yet weakend, and still reigns above! This is a battlegroup encounter. 

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This has been done with 1 group, it was hibs, they had at least one animist.  This has been done by 49 mids.  Also done by 21 albs, and by 21 hibs without an animist.


The Phoenix
This is why I wear a hat 
Phoenix AE DD/Knockback attack
Some poor souls getting torched
- screen shots by Gilean, Konig_Nimue, Syphy Soulblaze, Eadoin

To make the operators stop moving have a stealther setup distract gt and distract him, he will just hang out at the gt and wont ever move. 
Just take 3 infs/sb's/ns's and 
ur set.    Feb 3

You'd need 3 <stealthers>, the generators/operators are VERY far apart.   Feb 4

You have to time it right, if you time it right it -usually- works without a problem. Every once in a while, I ran into the problem where distract didn't work whatsoever. Basically, I spent an hour or so locking down an Operator while my group (Consisting of a Reaver, Warden, and Shaman) chain killed them, keeping one of the 3 generators down the entire time it took to kill the phoenix, and drop another generator from 100. During that time, the operator made it half way towards the generator only once, and most of the time never made it past the 1/4 mark.   Feb 9

On one of our early attempts to take out the 
Phoenix, the bard who was with me by the generator accidentily fired off a Zephyr into the birds circling the generator... Instantly despawning them all. We told the bards stationed at the other two generators, and they also seemed to be able to do this with moderate success. I am not sure if it is just coincidence or what, but after seeing it several times with my own eyes, it is something that could be fun to play with.   Feb 4
Khail Wayland

I ran a ML9 raid today and took out 
Phoenix with about 48 people.  We use 12 people per generator operator and had 12 people consisting of healers, runemasters, and shamans on the Phoenix.  GTAE was the primary method of damage, along with Seer melee.  I don't think any Majestic Will was used, and we had no shadowblades for distraction.  Mar 8 2004

3 groups
21 people
Whew...we did it. [tear forms in eye]

Generators: Leave one Ozo alive and the rest dont repop it seems.
Ladders seem to cause targetting problems on the generator. [Educated Guess by Macerdainus of Guinevere]
SNARE HAS No effect on Generator operators
basically we had a light enchanter mw an operator after their gen went down, stun and nuke it dead as we engaged phoenix to 84%, then we had the other gens go down, then we just mw'dx it down with 3 pbae mw.   Jan 31
- Mevi


Generator Operators should be slightly easier to take down before they reach their destination.
(1.68 patch, 
Feb 19, 2004)

I experimented with a dozen bows vs uber-chicken (huge +  vs magic, heavy long, etc) and it looks like the legendary weapon does the most damage (because of the little bit you get off a cold proc).  So, bring your legendary weapons if you have them in the vault.  I don't think it matters much because MW is the way to kill the bird.  Feb 2

"Spearo's rear snare didnt work" 
I can verify this, the ranger's snare style didn't work either. 
"next time we didnt screw around and just opened with stuns" 
Same, we parked a shield tank at each gen and just started slamming. 
"Just out of curiosity has anyone tryed using rams/siege weps on phoenix/gens." 
Rams don't work, you get the same msg you get on the Chimera bridges with the gen being out of range. We didn't try balistas though.   Feb 2

Phoenix is neutral to energy damage. No resists at all.   Feb 3

Found out the hard way after respecing to mw3 that phoenix is 100% resistant to Heat damage...looking back it should have been obvious based on the mythology surrounding phoenix, but at the time i was less then pleased to use mw and see 0(-xxx).  Jan 21

Tip on generators we found was if they are untargetable you can relog and theyll be targetable  Jan 18

Kill the Phoenix Ozos around the generators, then melee down the generators. Drop the generators then drop the phoenix. 

Once you drop the generator, the statue Generator Operator will start moving towards it. Don't let him get to it or else it will deplete its energy and restart the generator! 

Unfortunately, he instarespawns so you need someone killing him while you take out the other 2 generators and the pheonix. We were 8 without anyone capable of soloing or duoing him (as might a perfecter+shroom farm duo be capable) so we abandoned efforts for the night. 

We theorize that when all three generators are off, the pheonix loses its insta rebirth capability and is killable. We will try again with more people. 4fg should do it handily, or even 3fg. 

Note: To target the generator, click below the rim. It is a bit hard to target. 

Final Edit: Info submitted by Ulfhednar1 from the strategy guide, I quote: 
"The 3 generators act as follows: 
When all 3 are up, he can't drop below 75%, he casts aoe fireballs when damaged, and has a pbaoe reactive proc. 

When 2 are up, he can't drop below 50%, casts weaker aoe fireballs, and has a weaker pbaoe reactive proc. 
When 1 is up, he can' drop below 25%, and the fireballs and proc are weaker still. 

When all 3 are d own, he can be killed, there are no fireballs or proc. 

When a generator is destroyed, a Generator Operator NPC will try to repair it. If killed, he will respawn and move to repair again."   Jan 9
Alcara Argenta

Melee all the generators down to 0-1%, then set a battlemasters in position each out. Have the remaining people go to the 
Phoenix. Attack the generators at once, and bring them all down and attack the Phoenix

We did this and had about 20 second window will all generators down. In this time 1) the lights by the Phoenix did not go out 2) his aoe dd did not stop 3) we saw no broadcasts 4) his damage shield did not subside 5) he would not go below 84%. 
Any thoughts, comments or suggestions? 
I've appealed this and am waiting to speak with a CSR. It's possible things were ninja-nerfed since Nimue did it to prevent small groups from doing it, or it is possible we are missing something. Our timing was quite good, all 3 generators fell within 5 seconds of each other and we had about a 20 second window in which to attack 
Phoenix -- it got stuck at 84%, however. 
Group composition: 
Paladin, Battlemaster 
Paladin, Battlemaster 
Armsman, Battlemaster 
Armsman, Warlord 
Mercenary, Banelord 
Infiltrator, Spymaster 
Cleric, Perfecter MW3 Smite 
Cleric, Perfecter 
Cleric, Perfecter 
Cabalist, Convoker MW3 Spirit 
Ice Wizard, Stormlord 
Theurgist, Stormlord    Jan 11
Alcara Argenta

When a generator is broken the light coming out of the crystal should go out...if not you can't get the Phoenix down past its tiers of health.   Jan 11
If you have 1 generator up the 
Phoenix will insta heal to 28%, 2 generators and it goes up to 56%, 3 generators and it goes up to 84%.   Jan 12

9.11 - Final Battles

The final battles will separate true legends from the false defenders. 

Standard ML XP. Can do while doing the trials if you rotate the group. First person gets 0, second gets ~3%, third 6% etc.  Jan 9
Alcara Argenta 

Celestius - ML 10

This information provided by Mevi of Guinevere, and filled in with comments from others.
Celestius - the heavenly body of sky and gateway to the stars. Beyond the greatest of the achivements of the Atlanteans, the sky, it stretches into the heavens themselves. The cyclops guarded this place, and only the gods may have entered.

Getting inside Celestius
These are monsters you need to kill before killing Draco.  They are not trials. 
1 - Sagittarius
2 - Scorpius
3 - Centaurus
4 - Leo 
5 - Draco

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:

Reccomended Raid Size: 50+ non petspam; 40+ one petspammer; 30+ two petspammers for optimal efficiency.  Mar 24 2004

We completed Master Level  10 Last night  feb 13th -  28 People total - A Few Bots (Hibernia)
screen shot of what /master window looks like when you complete killing Draco
Members of Cairdeas, Nature's Fury, Reunion, and Serenity

36 Mids have completed ml10 doing Draco post nerf.  Feb 16

We took 55 [2 animists] and EVERYTHING dropped in under 3 minutes each. 
Sadly, this place is just zerg for the win.   Feb 28
- Mevi

There are 5 main mobs.
You kill the mobs that are summoned and upon killing the killing final creature you receive a message that you have now qualified for another ML.   Returning to the arbiter he tells you that you've completed the hidden last trial and will give you your ml10 ability.   Feb 11

Here is my own drawn map of celestius - the celestial stones port you to the given locations.   - Mevi
Celestius portal map

Star picturePlanet picture

Getting inside Celestius

Very Important, It Is Believed That:
Apparently, the portal will stay in one location for 24 Real Life hours, disappearing by game-day and reappearing by game-night.
Essentially, in the ocean zones, there is a chance for it to spawn on any of the islands in said zones.
This has been tested, but not thoroughly.  Mar 24 2004

Picture of a Portal     - QwayMelqnu
Its been seen at the following locations: 

Oceanus Anatole:  26237 8590 
Oceanus Anatole:  22k 11k
Oceanus Anatole:   54922, 41426

Oceanus Hesperos:  11483 18521 
Oceanus Hesperos:    10000 28000 
Oceanus Hesperos:   59k, 22k
Oceanus Hesperos:   60k, 50k

Mesothalassa:   20k, 55k
Mesothalassa:   51k 51k

Oceanus Notos:   14877 30236 

Typhon's Reach:  21000 55000
Typhon's Reach:  7600, 43200
Typhon's Reach:  35k 50k

Stygia:  20k, 10k
Stygia:  22k 17k

Arbor Glen:  20k, 9k

Also note, you must be ML9 to port in. An ML8 just tried and did not port.  Feb 9
Tryne_Dragonfly, Mevi, Balise, xmenrougue, Khentarii, Kallah Dreamsong, Monolyth MacRath

btw, careful with the portals if you get them to pop. Since we accidentally killed it the place hasn't respawned for us.  Feb 9
Do you have to be ML 9 to even be able to see the portal?
No, you just can't enter

And once the portal appears is it like any other portal that you walk in to? Or do you have to snap your fingers and click your heels together three times?
You walk in and it casts a spell on you if you're ml9

Am I correct when I gather that there are more than 1 place that these portals can appear? Have they appeared in any place consistantly and are there more locations verified aside from the Hesperos loc?
There is more than one place where the portal spawns.

Walk close to it and it will suck you in if you are ML 9.  It stayed in the same spot for at least 2 game nights but you can only see it during the night.  You can hear it during the day.  (From a message in broadcast I believe)
Enter it and it takes you to the inaccessible island in the ML 9 zone.  Walk up the steps and you port to the spinning space station from the pix.  You get lightly nuked if you stay by the portal so just head away from it.  Sagittarious was waiting for us.   Feb 10

Tehthu and Nature's Fury on Bedevere has offered the following insight into the Celestius encounters


Killed Sagittarius
Not entirely difficult, used 9 people

We had about 50 people for the raid.  He went down pretty quickly.  With him, there was a yellow con “Sagittarius’ Bow.”  We had casters drop the Bow as soon as the fight started, so I don’t know what exactly it does.   
Mar 13 2004

Also, as far as spells are concerned, DoTs landed on Sagittarius occasionally and for pretty heavy damage as reported by both Gazz and Ailionora. Think he might have a couple seconds of vulnerability every minute or something, or maybe just pure luck, but I definitely saw the ment mana DoT land at least once during the fight. 
Also, storms don't seem to affect Sagittarius.  Feb 10

Summons orange-purple con "bows" that have a tendancy to blast heat DD's for a large amount of damage on anyone that aggros them, but rarely over 1000, and only one or two times.    
Mar 24 2004


Picture of Scorpiusanother picture

After killing Sagittarius, a white portal appeared in the middle of the zone.  After about three to five minutes, the portal disappeared and Scorpiusappeared.  Scorpius himself was not much of a problem. Scorpius’ Plague was a nightmare.  It’s a disease, dot, and fairly serious str/con debuff that dropped my 300+ str and con down to 90.  People infected withthe plague spread it to nearby people.  After Scorpius died and dropped coins, we spent another half hour trying to deal with the plague.  We tried zoning out, but the plague returned when we zoned back in.

The spam given by the plague is “So-and-so coughs and sputters, spreading the plague to <name>“ Even after most people were cured and the few infected people were isolated, the plague still gives the spreading spam, except with no name listed as the spreader.  This does not cause the infection.  Eventually, we were able to isolate one person with the plague. The poor shaman spent the rest of the raid summoning power fonts and keeping himself healed.    
Mar 13 2004

Your biggest problem here is the plague - concentrate on taking him down hard and fast. Pets all spread the plague. (includes petspam, from either theurg or animist) After being cured, the little flag that declares you as a valid "spreader" of the disease doesn't set for a few seconds. So after you cure the disease, there's still a risk of spreading it for a few seconds before you're completely okay. Ordering one healer in every group to spam ML1 perfector for a few minutes after Scorp is down should cover you, though.    
Mar 24 2004


While we were dealing with the plague, Centaurus spawned in.  Roughly every five to six minutes, he turns into his mortal form, which has different names. He’ll be in mortal form for about 10 seconds.  During the fight, he’ll drop Cracked Vials of Poison randomly, and sometimes when he kills a player.  These Vials can be used when he is in mortal form to take away 10% of his HP.   When we started in on him, he had him down to about 30% before he went mortal.  Three people used Vials, but apparently it takes real damage to finish him off.  Like Scorpius, he dropped a bag of coins.    Mar 13 2004

Here is a screenie of Centaurus in his mortal form, named Cheiron. Durring fighting him he will drop a vial on the ground. We have seen him drop more than one on random occasions. The Vile is used when he is in Mortal form ONLY and it will do Consiterable dmg to him, However the drawback is that he is only in this for for a few seconds. 

He hits rather hard, to Fast to Kite - Has a heavfty PBAE that Nuked me  anywhere between 200-400.   Feb 14
Kya Darkwhisper

If you have enough people (40+) you can flat-out kill him and not have to worry about any fancy stuff. Think Cetus: after a certain amount of time, wierd things start happening. We didn't encounter any wierd stuff with our 47-person raid, just mowed him down. Most of our worries were from the (hah hah hah) 250-350 pbae DD he casted on occasion. (think once every 15-20 seconds at worst)    
Mar 24 2004

10 vials at once=dead horsey   Feb 14 


We didn’t see a portal open for Leo; he just appeared on the opposite side of the area from where we were.  He uses an AE stun spell, along with “Leo’s Roar” which causes fumbles.  He runs faster than sprint speed across the encounter area.  Fairly often, he will go to one side and split into four Leo’s Pride mobs. These are immune to damage, and deal a thousand damage a hit.  We seemed to get stuck around 15% hp, but eventually we killed him and got a bag of coins.    Mar 13 2004

Leo's Ability #1: The Roar: pbae debuff lasting 30 seconds that causes a 50% chance to fumble.
Leo's Ability #2: The Stun: chance to 15-sec stun on whoever has aggro
Leo's Ability #3: The Swipe: chance to hit someone for 50% health, fling pretty far up in the air, tends to hurt when you land.
Leo's Ability #4: The Pride: not 100% sure on this, but the general feel is that what happens is for about 15-30 seconds is that he'll run off to one side of Celetius, split into 4-6 purples that all hit for 800-1500 damage (but watch out when they crit) and apparently poof back into the one you can actually damage after a certain amount of time.  
Mar 24 2004

Hes not al together to Hard, Nothign lots of Stuns and Snares cant fix. He likes to 
Split, Personally a Fun fight IMO.
Leo's special attack.. he flings you to the sky and you take 50% fall dmg sometimes a little more when landing.    Feb 14
Kya Darkwhisper

he split sooooo much. i think the leo fight alone took us a good 45 mins. during the period where he wasnt chain roaring and splitting we were doing massive dmg.   Feb 16


Pictures of Draco, the final mob
Battle with Draco

After another portal appeared, Draco spawned.  He PBAEs, and summons Black Holes. These Black Holes pull nearby people to them and AEs them.  He also summons five to ten Ladon’s Minions at different points. These con orange and are slightly vulnerable to energy damage.  They appear to be smaller versions of Sagittarius, Leo, Centaurus, and Scorpius.  When I had the highest-level heat, cold, and matter buffs up, the damage from the Minions was halved.  After about 45 minutes, we managed to kill Draco and received leather BP and legs and chain BP and legs. He also dropped five Stars of Destiny.   
Mar 13 2004

Not a whole lot to this one, just take him down. He'll occasionally pbae for a small amount of damage (200-400 at worst) then every about 2-8 minutes spawn 3-6 orange adds. These adds (Ladon's Minions) do elemental-based damage, not physical, so resists help out a lot with them. They don't hit for very hard, and have relatively few hit points. (ie don't worry too much about them, just send a few tanks to smack 'em around, and you're fine.)
Doing anything and everything you can to lower Draco's AF will do a lot for you.
Will melee hit for 500-900 and critical hits often. Swings fairly fast.  
Mar 24 2004

Before my realms successful ML10 run on Friday. I had fought Draco 3 to 4 times. And each time it was like attacking an elephant with plastic spoons. On one attempt we had spent well over an hour and got him down to around 40%. 
On Friday, right from the get go we knew something was different...no on wanted to say anything, but Draco's health was actually noticeably dropping, people were hitting for more than 1 + 1 (DA). With virtually the same tactics Draco behaved and died. I don't know what it is.. whether there is a small varience in his spawn level... and based on that you either are getting a 2 hour fight or a 10 minute fight, but I had no explanation when it happened. Just relief it was over.  Feb 15
Khail Wayland

Hits VERY hard - Double hit me for over 700 a few times. He does have a AE wich I havent noticed is triggered off anything in particular just quite random. He Srops a Tooth  Wich also cant see any real trigger for it, Seems random, The tooth Spawns  Helpers, Wich used to be Yellow but Now are a Little harder 
Orange con. Gathering them up and PBAE works well. 

Upon completion we got the Message we have completed the  Draco Quest and to visit the arbitor tor aise.   Feb 14
Kya Darkwhisper

After a failed attempt at the final encounter, Ladon's minions will properly reset.
We have made a change to Draco that will prevent him from despawning during combat.
(1.68 patch, 
Feb 19, 2004)