We are using RxJava in android and combine result. I have explained each and every step
Let’s first define our Retrofit object to access Github’s API, then setup two observables for the two network requests above:
Retrofit repo = new Retrofit.Builder()
Observable<JsonObject> userObservable = repo
Observable<JsonArray> eventsObservable = repo
The Retrofit interfaces are simple enough:
public interface GitHubUser {
Observable<JsonObject> getUser(@Path("user") String user);
public interface GitHubEvents {
Observable<JsonArray> listEvents(@Path("user") String user);
Lately we use RxJava’s zip method to combine our two Observables and wait for them to complete before creating a new Observable.
Observable<UserAndEvents> combined = Observable.zip(userObservable, eventsObservable, new Func2<JsonObject, JsonArray, UserAndEvents>() {
public UserAndEvents call(JsonObject jsonObject, JsonArray jsonElements) {
return new UserAndEvents(jsonObject, jsonElements);
What’s the UserAndEvents? It’s just a simple POJO to combine the two objects:
public class UserAndEvents {
public UserAndEvents(JsonObject user, JsonArray events) {
this.events = events;
this.user = user;
public JsonArray events;
public JsonObject user;
Finally let’s call the subscribe method on our new combined Observable:
combined.subscribe(new Subscriber<UserAndEvents>() {
public void onNext(UserAndEvents o) {
// You can access the results of the
// two observabes via the POJO now